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The Authoritarian Character and Its Relation to Setting Location For High School Students
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The current search aims to identify First: To measure the level of authoritarian personality among the students of the sample as a whole. Second: Measurement of differences in the level of authoritarian personality among students in the middle school according to the following variables 0.Science (literary, scientific) 8. Sex (male - female) Third: the level of control site level among the students of the sample as a whole. Ra'aa: Measurement of differences in the level of the control site among junior students according to the following variables 0.Science (literary, scientific) 8. Sex (male - female) Fifth: Explain the relationship between the authoritarian personality and the locus of control among the students of the research sample. In order to achieve the objectives of the current research, the sample was randomized by the random method of 061 students from the middle school of the third directorate in accordance with the gender variables (male and female) and the academic and academic specialization (8105-8106) In order to measure the level of authoritarian personality in the students, the researcher built the measure of authoritarian personality, the number of paragraphs (51), after being presented to a committee of arbitrators and experts in this field, which is the apparent truth, extracted the strength of the standard of the scale paragraphs using the method of the two extremes and using the test of two independent samples, (1.15) except two paragraphs (2,82) were excluded from the scale because it is less than the level of significance required so that the number of paragraphs of the scale (42) (3) areas. After the calculation of the construction accuracy of the scale and the stability of the scale was calculated in the Vaccronbach method with a consistency coefficient (1.26). As for the measurement of the site of control, the researcher adopted the measure of sweetness 0121 (52), after it was modified. The necessary cytometric properties of the apparent honesty and the validity indicators of the structure of the two extremes were obtained and using Pearson correlation coefficient (2) were excluded because they were less than the required level of significance. If the scale became final (51), it was divided into (1) fields. The consistency of the scale was obtained by the Vaccronbach method with a consistency coefficient of 1.28. The researcher reached the following results: 0. The middle school students overcome them with a tolerant personality in their behavior. 8. There are no statistically significant differences in the authoritarian personality by gender. 3. There are no statistically significant differences for the authoritarian personality by variable (specialization). 4 - that the junior high school students in the direction of internal control and external in general. 5. There are statistically significant differences in the location of the locality according to the sex variable. The males tend to control their position internally. 6. There are no statistically significant differences in the location of the control by variable (specialization). 2. There is no statistically significant correlation between the authoritarian personality and the locus of control. In the light of the findings of the researcher, I made a number of conclusions, recommendations and suggestions mentioned in chapter .

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Publication Date
Sat Dec 01 2012
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Public sector in Iraq Transition and partnership with the private sector
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  The role of the public sector- Investment customizations-  economic embargo -  The role of the private sector - Coexistence between the public and private sectors -   Ratio of growth

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Publication Date
Wed Mar 12 2025
Journal Name
Al-anbar Journal Of Veterinary Sciences
The relation between sex and Ectoparasites intestation of Albushlumbo Pseudapocrypte dentatus in Iraq
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Publication Date
Thu Sep 26 2013
Journal Name
Astronomy & Astrophysics
High-resolution observations of SDSS J080800.99+483807.7 in the optical and radio domains
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Publication Date
Thu Feb 07 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
The impact of a practical treatment program in enabling victims of bullying in a sample of 6th graders
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This study was aimed to explore the impact of a practical program on supporting and reducing
symptoms of school bulling victims in a sample of student in the sixth grade. The study sample consisted of (18)
students that have been chosen from two schools (Al-Abass and Alataa’) it was an intended sample, because
there were enough student with high scores in bulling victims diagnostics test, the sample was divided into two
groups: the control group of (9) student from (Alataa’) school, and the experimental group consisted of (9)
student from Alabass) school keeping in mind to keep the two groups equivalent in maintaining equal controls.
The researcher applied the practical program which is based on cognitive behavioral

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Publication Date
Thu Jun 01 2023
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
Fault Location of Doukan-Erbil 132kv Double Transmission Lines Using Artificial Neural Network ANN
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Transmission lines are generally subjected to faults, so it is advantageous to determine these faults as quickly as possible. This study uses an Artificial Neural Network technique to locate a fault as soon as it happens on the Doukan-Erbil of 132kv double Transmission lines network. CYME 7.1-Programming/Simulink utilized simulation to model the suggested network. A multilayer perceptron feed-forward artificial neural network with a back propagation learning algorithm is used for the intelligence locator's training, testing, assessment, and validation. Voltages and currents were applied as inputs during the neural network's training. The pre-fault and post-fault values determined the scaled values. The neural network's p

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Publication Date
Sat Nov 10 2018
Journal Name
Iraqi National Journal Of Nursing Specialties
Assessment of Clinical Learning and Training Environment for Maternal and Child Health Nursing Students
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Objective: To assess the clinical learning environment and clinical training for students' in maternal and child
health nursing.
Methodology: A descriptive study was conducted on non probability sample (purposive) of (175) students' in
Nursing College/ University of Baghdad for the period of June 19th to July 18th 2013. A questionnaire was used as a
tool of data collection to fulfill with objective of the study and consisted of three parts, including demographic,
clinical learning environment and clinical training for students' in maternal and child health nursing. Descriptive
statistical analyses were used to analyze the data.
Results: The results of the study revealed that the 65.1% of student at age which ranged b

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Publication Date
Wed Mar 30 2011
Journal Name
التربية نبض حي وفعل إنساني متجدد / المؤتمرالعلمي الثالث عشركلية التربية الأساسية / الجامعة المستنصرية
قلق الرياضيات لدى طلبة مرحلة التعليم الأساسي وعلاقته ببعض المتغيرات
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Publication Date
Mon Jan 01 2018
Journal Name
مجلة مداد الاداب الجامعة العراقية
صورة الولايات المتحدة الأمريكية لدى طلبة الجامعات العراقية دراسة مسحية
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اصبح مصطلح الصورة الذهنية من المصطلحات الشائعة التي يتزايد استخدامها في المجالات السياسية والإعلامية والعلاقات الدولية اذ اصبح يشكل اهمية كبرى لدى دراسي السلوك الانساني، فقد احتلت دراسة المصادر المتعددة التي يستقي منها الافراد انطباعاتهم عن الاخرين، وتعاظم الدور الذي تلعبه وسائل الاتصال في تدفق الصور عن الشعوب في ظل التطور التكنولوجي الهائل الذي يشهده عالم الاتصال حاليا، والذي يسمى بعصر السموات المفتوحة

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Publication Date
Sun Jul 02 2006
Journal Name
Journal Of Educational And Psychological Researches
الاتجاه نحو العولمة وعلاقته بالانفتاح نحو الخبرة لدى طلبة الجامعة
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أستأثر الاتجاه نحو مفهوم العولمة اهتمام العديد من الباحثين والدارسين رغم حداثته نسبياً ، فهي كظاهرة ما زالت في طور التكوين ، الا انها غزت كل المجالات وتناولها الجميع بمختلف اهتماماتهم فتصدى للحديث عنها المثقفون والسياسيون والاجتماعيون والاقتصاديون الا انه في الوقت نفسه الكتابات والبحوث المعمقة في هذا الجانب ما زالت قليلة ويظل بذلك هذا المفهوم من اكثر المفاهيم المتداولة جاذبية واثارة للجدل عند العام

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Publication Date
Wed Apr 01 2015
Journal Name
Journal Of Educational And Psychological Researches
التفكير المزدوج ودوره في تعزيز روح التسامح لدى طلبة الجامعة
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    Sought Current search to know the concepts of modern literature theoretical educational, psychological and social are thinking double and tolerance and the definition of them in the theoretical frameworks of religious, social and psychological to clarify their role in life in general and in university life private and to understand their respective roles in the promotion of the other, and research has included a chapter first to identify the importance and the objectives and terms Search in detail, and a chapter of a second frameworks and theoretical literature of concepts ranging from religious heritage in Islam and other religions, especially the concept of tolerance, then look at social, psy

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