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Actor problematic term between ancient and modern
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Speech is associated with all early term grammar - somewhat - talking about the beginnings of the emergence of grammar, its foundation, and the truth is that this period has remained obscure, what came of them was a novels dealt with a facilitator beginnings as, and this means that what was of grammatical terms in the period of the first generation of grammarians do not constitute in itself, but the initial harbingers of serious way as in the science, and the real beginning of the term grammar mature as orally were at Hebron and Sibawayh evident in the book, then the efforts of the grammarians available until after the term of grammar arrived to what it is .
In this area is (actor) a grammatical terminology, which won at the ancient scholars of the grammarians visual and Alkoviin fortunate than their care and that being the base engine for the reaction, P (actor) is already linked to a relationship predicate whether active truth or not the truth. It dealt Grammarians in active issues Fajtlfoa where (the issue of expressing elevated name after the envelope or neighbor and sewer) in the wholesale situational in such verse metrology Ng Ng ,some of them went to the (no doubt), an actor, to be adopted on the question, and some of them felt that tyro basing it on the basis of the grammarians to put the theory of the world, there is nothing to do with the sense that the speaker wants. The research then stop to discuss the perspectives that have emerged, including the views of those in this case being problematic from problems related to the term (actor) and lead to confusion and disorder for the concept, description and endoscopy. There are other issues that may be addressed research and discussion of what the offer came from the views of the scientists of the ancient and contemporary about this term and its considerations .
There are researchers - such as Dr. Ahmad Mutawakil - those who believe that the name that begins with the nominal sentence is pregnant with the functions of the synthetic and semantic and deliberative carrier already own characteristics-based, and therefore be a possibility that is also called the term (actor); because both Debutante actor - in his view - holds the post (axis), a functional component assigns to signifier component self spokesman reported in wholesale as well as it constitutes the focus of talk which means that care and attention center, and went to him-Mutawakkil in a case launched two terms component and one in which a kind of confusion, a new problem; because you do not specify a term stability and disturbs the significance there and become chaotic in the use of common terms in linguistic studies of modern, it is true that the actor and debutante both datum him, except that the term varies according to location, this change requires synthetic properties related to wholesale in the course rhetorical. It is better to adopt a single term and no more in the naming of the name that begins with the nominal sentence, which the ancient scientists known as (Debutante), as well as the launch of the term (actor) on the name in the beginning of the speech lacks the verb, and not his appearance requires appreciation, it can not be there is an active non-reaction and vice versa, but does not appear on the surface level it is an object in the deep structure. As if al-Mutawakkil was launched here in the naming of this script as expressing the view that permits the name given to the verb in the sentence (active) is what went on him Albesrion it (tyro .)
Jazz though harboring actor in the Arabic language may not be deleted; it represents the mayor to speak, has to stop searching when replies senior scientists Kelzimkhhari to delete metrology metrology metrology .And the inadmissibility delete actor among the ancients was the highlight of the motives and reasons that Dr. Ahmed al-Mutawakkil called to decide not to dispense with the function of the actor and the promise of the base component in the structure of convective consisting of (and a verb and effect) as well as the selected function as a component of Arabic sentence components performs the function of semantic (port) and one synthetic role (actor) and function of a deliberative (hub or focus), which limit the subject of any that plays an essential role in the incident, which refers to the mobile, as himself (actor) attribution to him semantic role (port) can not be assigned this semantic role to assign to the effect but only actor who leads the other semantic roles and at the forefront; because it is a source of implementation .
Based on the progress made paths are going to search as follows :
The first topic / overview of the initial term and concept inception and idiomatic .
The second topic / actor problematic term when the ancients (visual and Alkoviin)ص
The third topic / actor term problems with modern and Msmyate

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Publication Date
Wed Nov 22 2023
Journal Name
Nasaq Journal
The language of diplomats in modern Russian (stylistic and educational aspect(
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This article is devoted to the stylistic and educational characteristics of the language of Russian diplomacy. The article describes the stylistic and educational aspect of the appearance of the Russian protocol, its relation to universal diplomacy, the relationship between the diplomatic language and the business sub-style. Here the semantic features of the diplomatic vocabulary are determined and the factors influencing its formation and the emergence of new terms in the language of Russian diplomacy are considered. The article also examines the national and cultural identity of the language of Russian diplomacy, provides rules for drafting diplomatic documents and conducting negotiations, defines the concept of a document as a whole, giv

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Publication Date
Fri Jun 29 2018
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
Stream of Consciousness Technique: Psychological Perspectives and Use in Modern Novel
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Stream of Consciousness technique has a great impact on writing literary texts in the modern age. This technique was broadly used in the late of nineteen century as a result of thedecay of plot, especially in novel writing. Novelists began to use stream of consciousness technique as a new phenomenon, because it goes deeper into the human mind and soul through involving it in writing. Modern novel has changed after Victorian age from the traditional novel that considers themes of religion, culture, social matters, etc.  to be a group of irregular events and thoughts interrogate or reveal the inner feeling of  readers.

This study simplifies stream of consciousness technique through clarifying the three levels of conscious

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Publication Date
Sat Dec 15 2018
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
The relationship between the muslim authorities and prominent Christian personalities within their territories
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The prophet said that it anybody burdened any of the people or the book more than they could endure he would ben his opponent until the day of judgment.

-under the rightly guided caliphs the Christians had much freedom .this is shown by a letter attributed to ishu-yab III. The Nestorian catholics.

-The third caliph,Uthman favoured the Christians either because of the spcial skills or abilities which they possessed or through the imfluence of his Christian wife Na'ila.

-Under the early Umayyade,the christiansins the Isalamic umma had as much freedom as they had previously enjoyed under the best of their Christians governments because they restorted their churches and appointed many Christians to the

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Publication Date
Mon Jan 02 2017
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Languages (jcl)
Magic comparative study of the Old Testament mediator
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Magic is an attempt to affect people or events either by cheating and charlatanry means or by expecting devil powers in order to bring advantage or to avoid a harm or to bring harm to others or to for see the future and divition .

     Magic is either real by the devil like writing majic works to prevent the marriage of someone and to depart the husband and his wife , causing someone to be distressed the physical and nervous diseases and stopping the stories and the project; majic can be artificial by being intellect and legerdemain and different types of triks and to cancel the magic by using magic or by protecting the self by using Talismans as well as presenting or offering sacrificers to the masters and th

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Publication Date
Sat Jun 01 2024
Journal Name
دراسات في التاريخ والاثار
نصوص اقتصادية غير منشورة من العصر البابلي القديم
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تعد النصوص المسمارية من اهم الوثائق التي رفدتنا بمعلومات غزيرة عن واقع الحياة اليومية في العصر البابلي القديم المتميز بتطور النشاط الاقتصادي فيه وازدهاره. وتضمن هذا البحث دراسة وتحليل لخمسة نصوص مسمارية اقتصادية غير منشورة وهي من نصوص المتحف العراقي (المصادرة) المجهولة الموقع والمصدر وهي ذات مضامين اقتصادية , ولم نستطع اثبات عائدية النصوص وذلك لانها لاتحمل صيغ تاريخية تشير الى عائدتيها باستثناء النص الا

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Publication Date
Sun Dec 31 2023
Journal Name
College Of Islamic Sciences
The relationship between the rule of mental improvement and ugliness and the objectives of Sharia And its impact on rulings
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The research addresses a fundamental Islamic jurisprudential Purposeful issue, which is (Sharia), and to indicate the impact of this on Islamic jurisprudence, deriving rulings and extracting purposes, and to repel the illusion that this issue is only doctrinal, and clarifying the aspects of similarities and links between them by explaining the origin of deriving the purposes of Islamic Law (Sharia) through the meanings and wisdom learned from the texts and the explanation of the rulings. The rulings of Islamic Law (Sharia) have urged bringing benefits and repelling harms, and that the path to do so is reason and its production. I began the research by defining the purposes of Islamic Law (Sharia), then defining the rule of rational right

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Publication Date
Thu Mar 01 2012
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
The relationship between the gap of knowledge and the strategic performance gap
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Address the intellectual controversy nature of the gap of knowledge and the strategic performance gap. The researcher start off from this intellectual controversy to seek to test the nature of the relationship and impact between them across a sample of (61) academics in the colleges of business and economics at the universities in Baghdad ,as the more specialized in the fields of knowledge and the strategic performance, The researcher is attain to the existence of relationship and impact of knowledge gap in strategic performance gap, the research included four axes first went to the methodology and second to theoretical frame and the third to view and analyze the results and test hypotheses while the fourth was devoted to the con

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Publication Date
Sun Mar 15 2020
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
The Prophet’s Biography in Modern Spanish Writings
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The aim of this research is to study the modern Spanish writings on the biography of Prophet Mohamed (PBUH), which gave the glorious biography its due by objective study and analysis with a scholarly approach, unlike the old Spanish and European oriental writings with its biased approach. In the past, Spanish and European writings on Prophet Mohamed were influenced by religious extremism and did not do any justiceto Prophet Mohamed. But this has changed in the modern times, and modern writing on the Prophet biography is based on objective analysis and reliance on original sources instead of the sources of the churches which were full of hate and wicked intentions to eliminate Islam.The research came to the conclusion that the modern Span

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Publication Date
Sun Apr 01 2018
Journal Name
International Journal Of Civil Engineering And Technology
Features of plastics in modern construction use
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The work is devoted to the study of the plastics features in modern construction use. The plastics classification in modern construction is generalized. This classification includes: the field of building products application, the features of the materials properties and products, a backup group that includes those products that are not included in the previous groups. The classification considered is the basis for choosing the basic materials properties that affect the quality and durability of products. To improve the plastics types in the construction, the Venn diagram is used. The main materials types for manufacturing a product of the "window profile" type are analyzed; the result of the studies is a comparative diagram.

Scopus (8)
Publication Date
Wed Dec 30 2020
Journal Name
Journal Of Planner And Development
Balanced Urban Development, A Strategy To Address Tension Between Different Contexts
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In their growth stages, cities become an aggregation of different urban contexts as a result of development or investment projects with other goals, which creates urban tension at several levels. Previous studies presented different approaches and methods to address specific aspects of urban stress, and thus contemporary visions and propositions varied, which required a field for research. The research, from a review of the proposals, the research problem emerged in need to study the indicators and trends of balanced urban development that address the tensions between different social, economic and urban contexts". Accordingly, the objective of the research is determined as "Building a comprehe

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