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Biography of the Last The formation of the ancient Pharaonic Warrior
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Cash studies on Biography few self, compared to what feet of analysis and criticism in the other arts as (novel, short story, poetry, theater, painting), however, is a biographical articles in the relatively few Arabic literature as presented in the other Arts, has taken this Art greater opportunity in our literature with his Taha Hussein (days), or (my life) to Ahmed Amin, or Fadwa Toukan (a nice trip, and difficult journey), or Jabra Ibrahim Jabra in the (first well) or (Princess Street), which forms taken from the self point of departure the desire to write a CV to try to familiarize readers with the information possible to the same creator, the remainder (ego) is the axis basis in a CV, gradually, starting from childhood through youth and the end of Eholh, has methods beyond, and be endings open, according to the desire of the creator in the narrative Events way and how they aspire to.

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Publication Date
Thu Dec 15 2022
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The art of adornment and make-up in the ancient civilizations of Mesopotamia and the old country of Yemen as a model
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This research sheds light on those discrepancies in the use of ornaments, adornment and perfumes, as well as the art of cosmetics, in two important civilizations, namely, the Mesopotamian civilization as the earlier civilization, and the civilization of Yemen, which represents the first Arab civilization. Through the foregoing, our research includes two topics, the first topic included the history of the use of decorations, ornaments and perfumes in the civilization of Mesopotamia, while the second topic included the study of ornaments, adornment and cosmetic art in the ancient civilization of Yemen. And then the research came out with a number of conclusions that the researcher considers very important to highlight the differences and f

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Publication Date
Tue Feb 05 2019
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Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
Actor problematic term between ancient and modern
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Speech is associated with all early term grammar - somewhat - talking about the beginnings of the emergence of grammar, its foundation, and the truth is that this period has remained obscure, what came of them was a novels dealt with a facilitator beginnings as, and this means that what was of grammatical terms in the period of the first generation of grammarians do not constitute in itself, but the initial harbingers of serious way as in the science, and the real beginning of the term grammar mature as orally were at Hebron and Sibawayh evident in the book, then the efforts of the grammarians available until after the term of grammar arrived to what it is .
In this area is (actor) a grammatical terminology, which won at the ancient s

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Publication Date
Tue Sep 15 2020
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The Impact of Elements of the Ancient Iraqi Heritage in the Gallery of the Iraqi Natural History Museum: محمود حسين عبد الرحمن
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  The research addresses the most important elements of the ancient Iraqi heritage represented by architecture and plastic arts being the direct means that preserved the heritage due to the ease of preserving them and the speed of circulating them and diversity of their topics. Through the features of these elements, the research problem has been defined in the form of questions including: what are the most important elements of the ancient Iraqi heritage? What are the plastic arts? What are the most important topics adopted? What is the concept of palm in the ancient Iraqi heritage? What is the evidence for that?
Has it been employed in the Iraqi contemporary art? What is the evidence for that? How to employ it in the arts and t

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Publication Date
Thu Jan 20 2011
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Journal Of Planner And Development
Architectural void is a revolution in the formation of the facades of digital architecture
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Architecture has evolved through the ages as forms, relationships, materials and mechanisms according to the data of each era and up to the era of digital technology, where the change in proportions and aesthetic dimensions of contemporary architectural formation due to the capabilities of digitization has created innovative plastic properties using the void formation in the facades and the introduction of void as a formative and aesthetic element, which led to The emergence of new creative concepts and ideas that contradict traditional ideas and are consistent with the spirit of the times, led to a revolution in the world of architectural form at the level of (architectural ideas and the generation of shapes, materials and construction

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Publication Date
Tue Feb 10 2009
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مجلة كلية اللغات
relative pronoun in Hebrew language between ancient and modern
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Abstract The relative pronoun in Hebrew language is an important pronoun use anciently and recently, it developed and it's usage and meanings differed so, it was not confined to the particle "אֲשֶׁר" as a relative pronoun, but beside it appeared other pronouns giving the relative meaning. Hence, the topic of this research was on this basis through studying the relative pronouns in old and modern Hebrew, the way of using them and their connection with preposition particles, as well as studying the relative clause.

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Publication Date
Sun Jun 11 2017
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Intellectual Dimensions of Architectural Murals Art in Ancient Iraq (Pottery and Glazes)
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. Mesopotamian art is thase mployed all around him into forms for artistic purposes and different con not at ions help him to understand the world around him and customized for their interests

The mural architectural art has distinguished traits that made it promote to the rank of the prominent arts that have been employed  by the Mesopotamian human to relate to the world  the heroic deeds and exploits  of that civilization ,that formed greatest and most splendid wonderful works that still illustrious and outstanding  till nowadays .The mural  architectural  art of pottery and glazed considered one of the most ancient wonders  of Mesopotamian creation in Old Iraq .The best quintessence of mural

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Publication Date
Sun May 10 2015
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Artistic trends to the formation of postmodern: إيهاب احمد عبد الرضا
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This research includes interested in studying art contemporary, by studying the experiences of sculpture for the formation of post-modernism, assuming the existence of trends in public art can be classified, in spite of the multiplicity of styles and methods of work since the second half of the twentieth century to the present day, and this shenanigans knowledge on how to the Technical that is the art is not restricted, It is art refuses laws and fixed values and traditional styles, and always aspires to diversity and innovation.Search contains three chapters and an introduction containing information about the research problem and the importance of research and the goal of the research, the goal of research is: Detection of artistic tre

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Publication Date
Wed May 18 2016
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Aesthetic dimension to the formation of postmodern: إيهاب احمد عبد الرضا
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Find taught dimension aesthetic in the formation of post-modernism, which is one of the themes of aesthetics in the stream of postmodernism, is problematic because of the lack of provisions and fixed values reinforce the concept of beauty, and put done technical plastic in the circle of evaluation and judgment aesthetic, this research as an attempt to reveal the aesthetic concepts that can be drawn from artistic experiments in the formation of post-modernism, through the development of those concepts viable mainstream.
Search contains four chapters: the first chapter includes a general approach to the research, has been showcasing the research problem and the importance of research and goal of Search: detection dimension aesthetic in

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Publication Date
Tue Sep 15 2020
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Employing Digital Technology in the Formation of the Theatrical Show Space: ثامر طه عبد علي
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  The current research tries to identify the employment of the digital technology in the formation of the theatrical show space. The researcher started with the significant importance of the digital technology and its workings in the formation of the contemporary theatrical show being a modern, artistic, aesthetic, intellectual and technological means to convey the topic in an integrated manner, as well as its close connection with the creative directive vision and the creative designing vision. It provides a variety of models of numerous implications in terms of transmission and advancement of the relationships represented by clarifying the scenography and dramatic conflict forms according to the numerous motivations of the directo

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Publication Date
Tue Jun 14 2016
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Technical openness in the formation of postmodernism Pop Art Example (An analytical study)
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Addressed the problem of the research is marked (technical openness in the formation of post-modernism - Pop Art an Example) the nature of the technical expansion of the output artifacts postmodern, and the nature of the raw materials taken as components of its sensual. The search came in four sections: general framework for research and identified the research problem and the need for him. With an indication of the importance of his presence. From then select the search goal (revealed openness to hire technical material in the art of Pop Art), followed by the establishment of the three search limits (objectivity, the temporal and spatial) were then determine the terms related to the title. Then provide the theoretical framework and indi

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