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The Impact of Dialect Difference in Multifaceted Grammatical Rules
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Among the issues that preoccupied ancient and modern grammarians is the phenomenon of grammatical disagreement among grammarians and their differences in many grammatical issues that many of them go back to the phenomenon of dialectical difference, so this filled our thinking with a lot of things that led us to look at the side of the reasons for this grammatical difference, and here lies the significance of research to know that it is a linguistic phenomenon dealing with the living language used among the Arabs and linguistic phenomena that reflect linguistic reality as well. Thus our chagrin determination in research and investigation in this issue is the scarcity of dialectical studies at the compositional grammar side, and the lack of a competent study on grammatical disagreement which are taken dialects as the main instrument and main reason in the field of study. In addition, lack of a research to talk about multifaceted grammatical rules; the multiplicity of cases of syntax, or to the different syntactic positions, hence the significance of our research is to indicate the reason for multifaceted grammatical rules, which is the dialectical difference. Therefore, the research is to study this problem explaining the main reasons behind the grammatical disagreement and its impact on the multiplicity of grammatical rules, namely the dialectical differences. Thus, the research is divided into three sections: the first section is devoted to the research terms, the second one is devoted to the definition of dialectical difference and to know the its causes and consequences, the third and the last one is about dialectical difference issues that have had an impact on the multiplicity of grammatical rules that reached twenty-one issues.
Key words: Multiple, object, provisions, disagreement, discord, grammatical

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Publication Date
Sun Mar 01 2009
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Determination of Similarity and Variance in Energy and Depositional Environment, the Difference in Diagenesis and the Variance in the Petrophysical Properties of Reservoir Rocks in Zubair Formation , South Iraq
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Records of two regionalized variables were processed for each of porosity and permeability of reservoir rocks in Zubair Formation (Zb-109) south Iraq as an indication of the most important reservoir property which is the homogeneity , considering their important results in criterion most needed for primary and enhanced oil reservoir .Z and F tests that were calculated for the two above mentioned properties of pair units of Zubair Formation have shown the difference in depositional energy and different diagenesis between units IL and AB , DJ and AB , and the similarity in grains size , sorting degree , depositional environment and pressure gradients between IL and AB units , LS and IL units ; also the difference in the properties above betw

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Publication Date
Sun Dec 01 2013
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
The impact of re-engineering to achieve effective performance level of Ministry of electricity operations/an applied study of process reengineering clean solar cells
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 The study is dealing with an application reengineering process clean solar cells in the Ministry of electricity,  as aimed at the possibility of the applicability and impact of re-engineering to achieve the level of performance of the Ministry's operations, with the application of the cleaning process  solar cells, developed, improved and found a correlation, statistically significant effect between variable re-engineering and performance as well as the application of process reengineering clean solar cells:1- Before the re-engineering process the total time for cleaning up and solar cell 20 minutes and number of columns performed per day 24 columns and total  columns750 which were completed per month that re

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Publication Date
Fri Apr 01 2016
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
The impact of cultural dimensions in nursing performance
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          The  cultural contrast is considered of the essential subjects in the field of administration of international businesses which have great and effective role for representation in one social system for the individuals have various belongings, and the nursing performance is considered  an essential basic for health care, thus  a discussion for two variables have  done to formulate the intellectual frame for this research which are( the cultural contrast and the nursing performance). depended a questionnaire as a research tool by(90) he/ she nurses of the Iraqis and the arrivals( the

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Publication Date
Tue Dec 16 2008
Journal Name
Journal Of Planner And Development
The Role of Islam in Developing Some Basic Concepts in Town Planning
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The arise of Islam as a multidimensional changing phenomenon with its own revolutionary and comprehensive character was inherent with a lot of alterations in social aspects , and this is explicit particularly in the scope of urban life and town planning . Essentially, Islamic style of life has its own urban identity. The urbanization process in Islam has been developed across two integrated sides, the first one concerned on ideational and theoretical aspects , while the other associated with practice .Many urban centers emerged during the Islamic era since the erection of Basrah , the first Islamic town in the middle of the 7th. centaury. Some contemporary urban concepts , both environmental and social could be noticed in Islamic

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Publication Date
Fri Dec 31 2021
Journal Name
Political Sciences Journal
The Effect of the change of Energy Factor on the American-Russian Competition in Europe
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Receipt date:3/13/2021 accepted date:5/26/2021 Publication date:12/31/2021

Creative Commons License This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.

energy is one of the strategic resources within international politics, and this is through the existing competition between the international powers on it, and the global powers have begun to rely on interest in new areas, such as import, depending on new projects an

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Publication Date
Sun Apr 07 2013
Journal Name
Journal Of Educational And Psychological Researches
The Effect of Clare's Plan on Female Students' Achievement in the History Subject in the Institute of Teachers' Preparation
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Teaching through the system of personal learning, known as (Clare's plan) is amongst the most prominent plans which depend on self-education, as it received worldwide recognition. The plan lets the learner achieve learning by depending on himself after being familiar with the educational goals given to him, then he starts to solve the exercises and the drills accompanying the unit. After that, he checks his achievement by answering the self-evaluation tests. This method offers more opportunities for personal interaction than do the traditional systems, and individual leaning is a methodical expression aims at taking care of the learner and making him the locus of the processes of teaching and learning.

Aims of the study

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Publication Date
Mon Dec 03 2018
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
Similarity and Difference between Sustainable and Green Architecture (a Comparative Study)
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The research is concerned with studying the characteristics of Sustainable Architecture and Green Architecture, as a general research methodology related to the specific field of architecture, based on the differentiation between two generic concepts, Sustainability and Greening, to form the framework of the research specific methodology, where both concepts seem to be extremely overlapping for research centers, individuals, and relevant organizations. In this regard, the research tend towards searching their characteristics and to clearly differentiates between the two terms, particularly in architecture, where the research seeks understanding sustainable and green architectures, how they are so close or so far, and the

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Publication Date
Fri Apr 30 2021
Journal Name
International Journal Of Intelligent Engineering And Systems
SMS Spam Detection Based on Fuzzy Rules and Binary Particle Swarm Optimization
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Scopus (7)
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Scopus Crossref
Publication Date
Sat Aug 12 2017
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
Prepare rules spatial data for soils and the Calculation of an Area in Iraq for Industrial Purposes using Geographic Information Systems (GIS)
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      The process of soil classification in Iraq for industrial purposes is important topics that need to be extensive and specialized studies. In order for the advancement of reality service and industrial in our dear country, that a lot of scientific research touched upon the soil classification in the agricultural, commercial and other fields. No source and research can be found that touched upon the classification of land for industrial purposes directly. In this research specialized programs have been used such as geographic information system software The geographical information system permits the study of local distribution of phenomena, activities and the aims that can be determined in the loca

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Publication Date
Sat Feb 02 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
The Effect of Arab Environment on the Artist's Works August Renoir: The Effect of Arab Environment on the Artist's Works August Renoir
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This study is considerated one of many Studies above the standing of
the Islamic Arab nation which was chosen by God from other nations all over
the world . Some of these nations used to come to the Arab nation to take
whatever useful for them from the beginning of history till now . The
researcher deals in this study with a French artist who is well-know as
August Renoir . He traveled to Algeria and lived there . He was
influenced by the Islamic culture.
The study include. from chapter . chapter one deals with the framework of
programming (out line ) . Chapter two deals with the theoretical framework .
It includes five sections. Deals with the Islamic drawings(Arabesque) . section
three deals w

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