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الاستراتیجیة السوریة تجاه العراق بعد عام ٢٠٠٣
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The subject of this thesis acquired it's importance from many sides most
important of it , it's the nature of the relationship between Iraq-Syria relation
itself . which is basic on many close and fare relationship between them upon
the history , and also the changes that happened in global and regional area
after the 11th September 2001 and the changes of the American strategy upon
Syria , and the trying of the united states to qualify the Syrian role inside its
regional in the meddle east upon the changes that imposing by the united
states which is the most important event was the occupation of Iraq .
The importance of this subject is also due to the occupation of the united
states upon the Iraq on April 2003 which was made the dramatic changes in
Syrian strategy specially with Iraq and with using the interference in Iraqi
affairs as a type force the united states and its project inside Iraq .
At last, this thesis acquired further importance as it involves study which is
very few in dealing with the Syrian strategy upon Iraq after 2003, and its
further, and the importance of the study came also because of the
difficulties in the Syrian situations which is complicated, difficult and changed
even at the same time and same situation.
The Problem of thesis :
The problem of this thesis start from the idea contains that the Syrian
strategy upon Iraq had dramatic changes after the United States occupied
Iraq on 2003 which imaged by the Syrian interference in Iraqi affairs as a tool
to face the strategy of the united states in the middle east, and this behaviors of Syria came as the main corals between Syria and Iraq from side
and between the Syria and United States from the other.
Hypothesis of the research:
This thesis proceeds from a hypothesis to the effect that the changes of
the American plays which emerged in this thesis by its occupied in Iraq after
2003 which had its negative effect in Syrian changes its treatment with Iraq
after 2003, and Syria found that its interference in Iraq is the best paper and
choice to force the United States project inside Iraq and the area. and to
prove the troth and the correct of this hypothesis, the matter entails raising
the following questions :
1- what is the influence of American occupied on Iraq upon the Syrian
2- What is the American vision of the Syrian role in Iraq?
3- What is the nature of the relationship between the Iraq-Syria after
4- What is the influence of the relationship between the united states –
Iraq on the Syrian strategy?
5- What is the future of the Syrian strategy upon Iraq?
Structure of the thesis :
The subject of this thesis necessitated divided it into an introduction, five
sections and a conclusion.
The first section is entitled: The Syrian Strategy and its treatment with the
occupation of Iraq.
The second section entitled: The American vision for the Syrian role in Iraq.
The third section is entitled: The relationship between the Iraq-United states
and its influence upon the Syrian strategy on Iraq.
The fourth section is entitled: The dramatic changes in Iraq-Syrian
relationship (the input of changes).
The fifth section is entitled: The future of Syrian strategy upon Iraq.

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Publication Date
Fri Dec 31 2021
Journal Name
Political Sciences Journal
The Role of the Iraqi parliament in the adoption of the federal budget after 2005
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Receipt date: 2/2/2021 accepted date: 4/6/2021 Publication date: 12/31/2021

Creative Commons License This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.

The approval of the federal general budget in Iraq is one of the most important competencies of the legislative authority , Being one of the important financial and monetary policy instruments on which the state depends for its economic growth , Hence, the obstruction of the approval of the federal b

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Publication Date
Sat Dec 01 2018
Journal Name
Political Sciences Journal
Handicaps of reconstructing Iraqi strategic capabilities after 2003 (Analytical vision )
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Abstract: The issue of rebuilding the strategiccapacity of Iraq after the occupation and the US invasion in 2003 has been oneof the most contentious issues of debate and debate. It raises a number ofpolitical, social, economic, military and security problems. We say politicalprimarily because the climate and political conditions play a large and activerole along with other factors complementary to them. The important questionthat arises here is: How can the ruling political blocs move to the stage ofreconstruction without reservations? In order to answer this question, wedivided the study into three main axes. The first deals with the concept ofpower and its types. The second axis deals with the relationship betweenstrategic capa

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Publication Date
Wed Feb 20 2019
Journal Name
Political Sciences Journal
Iraqi Woman Political situation in Quota Framework after 2003
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Abstract Since 2003. Iraq has begun a new phase in its modern history, which was after a long period of tyranny, repression of freedom of expression, and women were no better off than men; they suffered marginalization and exclusion, but after the fall of the former regime and the adoption of a parliamentary system of government, The level of participation in the government; where it approved the share of women in the legislative authority called "quota" which reflects the legislative level of a certain proportion of the seats in Parliament, amounting to 25%, and this is approved by the Iraqi constitution for 2005. But it is noticeable that women in parliament did not work within the quota; in other words they belonged to the pol

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Publication Date
Fri Feb 08 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
التدخل السوري في لبنان وإشكالیة العلاقة السوریة – اللبنانیة
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The relation ship between Syria and Lebanon is a distinguished one
because of the cultural social geographic and historical common factors. So
that, Syria considers that Lebanon has a stratieyical depth for it, especially its
conflict with (Israel) does end and parts of its lands still under the occupation
of the Zionist thus, any conflict in Lebanon between parties and ethnics
groups could be considered an important influence on the bases of the Syrian
policy. Moreover the issue of Palestine which is considered the central issue
for Syria and Arab as whole. In addition to some of the political movements
that happened in the region itself. It could be said that Syrian interference in
Lebanon has a positive infl

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Publication Date
Thu Jul 01 2010
Journal Name
Political Sciences Journal
العراق وسياسة حسن الجوار تجاه تركيا وايران
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العراق وسياسة حسن الجوار تجاه تركيا

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Publication Date
Sun Dec 02 2007
Journal Name
Political Sciences Journal
السياسة الخارجية الاسرائيلية تجاه افريقيا بعد انتهاء الحرب الباردة (دراسة حالة اثيوبيا)
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السياسة الخارجية الاسرائيلية تجاه افريقيا بعد انتهاء الحرب الباردة (دراسة حالة اثيوبيا)

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Publication Date
Sun Aug 18 2019
Journal Name
Political Sciences Journal
Constitutional amendments in the era of Justice and Development Party after 2002 (reality and ambition)
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Abstrct The Turkish political system has undergone exceptional and unprecedented circumstances, represented by a series of security and political unrest that has cast its shadow over the Turkish state and regional and international challenges. It has never been a pretext or pretext for continuing the comprehensive reform process. The constitutional amendments of the 1982 Constitution, Justice and development, whether political, economic or social, is not a reaction to a difficult reality; it is a system of governance and a national option stemming from within. It promotes national unity and enshrines democracy and the concept of public rights and freedoms.

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Publication Date
Fri Apr 12 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
الهبة الديموغرافية وإستثمارها في التنمية الإقتصادية رؤية واقعية للعراق بعد عام 2003
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   The relationship between population and development is one of the most interrelated relations in contemporary societies. Therefore it is important focus on the demographic aspects of the population and its integration with developmental aspects, because the population is the makers of development and responsible for its success. The population composition and their qualitative composition are important factors in development. This change in age rate is because of demographic operations which lasted for long time. The change we are talking about is happing currently in Arab cou

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Publication Date
Thu Jul 01 2010
Journal Name
Political Sciences Journal
اضاءات على الانتخابات الشريعية في العراق عام 2010
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اضاءات على الانتخابات الشريعية في العراق عام 2010

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Publication Date
Wed May 02 2012
Journal Name
Journal Of Planner And Development
the population in Iraq up to 2035 an analytical study
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The population studies are one of the difficult tasks facing the world in all periods. most of the researchers and who have relationship to population policies and development plans, may have succumbed to the idea that the population problem is based and confined mainly in the rate of increase in population, or the so – called population explosion, and not the content because of its pressure on resources and there is no problem of population if the resources are available and therefore no need for the development and implementation of population policies in any way . While the population policies here should take a range of general and comprehensive in every respect to population and demographic phenomena distribution, not only

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