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Disadvantages of Abortion and its Impact on Society
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As we have said that the reasons for abortion are many and varied them to be for
the purpose of treatment or the protection of the mother of the loss or that the abortion
of an act intended purpose of birth control or other reasons is the statistics that are
spread in the world that about 50-60 million abortions annually in the world If this
abortion criminal who is loss of the lives of fetuses and a disgrace to the preachers to
the progressive and liberal, secular, and because they were not able to maintain
human life after leaving the obligation to approach Islam and because life support is
the highest things, which is one of the necessities of the five obligatory street
maintenance came verses warn those who underestimate the death of the verse: (And
whoever kills a believer intentionally, his recompense is Hell to abide therein and the
wrath of God upon him, and prepared for him a great punishment) Women: 93.
Therefore, it has been reached to the most important objectives of the research
are:First: the whole jurists on the sanctity of abortion after the soul is breathed into the
fetus Wang is killed for the same as abortion after the soul is breathed into the loss of
spirit and the destruction of the body is killed for the same as the loss of the spirit of
killing is achieved up taking the soul, and spirit have been resolved the body after the
fourth month The attack by the loss of those Spirit embryo after entering the stage of
the soul is breathed is permissible to describe humans and worthy of respect, which
bestowed on the son of Adam on the right of life, and an estimated four months after
pregnancy on the basis of the Hadith from Ibn Masood may Allah be pleased with
him narrated that the Messenger of Allah peace be upon him, a sincere and
trustworthy: ( that combines one of you created in the womb for forty days, then the
sperm will be such a leech and then the embryo such as that and then breathed into
Second: we say that the origin of abortion is a risk, but some scholars say it is
permissible to abort a pregnancy before the soul has been breathed before four months
of pregnancy for a reason acceptable to drop Kalmarbp chronic illness or Kalmrdap if
hit by the rope and cut off the milk and not to Abu small pregnancy what rent by Zir
any nursing and afraid of loss of the child and clear from this that abortion before the
lapse of four months of pregnancy to the imperatives of miscarriage treatment is a
legitimate reason.
Third: If the breed of the human community which is urged by the Holy Prophet
peace be upon him said: (I am married loving and fertile Propagated you prophets, the
Day of Resurrection). Abortion is to minimize the illiterate and weakening of the very
least, the incidence of abortion up to about 50-60 million abortions a year and more
than half of these cases occur in developing countries is it possible to say that it is
permissible abortion of millions of embryos and pieces of life for them to desire a
casual or lust hidden.
Fourth: the legal rules established to ward off evil takes precedence over
bringing benefits has proven good that abortion was a major women's health and has
influences serious organ towns where Dr. Frederick Tasc: that the pregnancy when it comes out before completion, there are three damage against birth control human for
him: A. Destroy an unknown number of human will to get out before the light of life.
B. Go number fraction of maternal death during a victim of the abortion process.
C. Occur in women effects satisfactory significant number.
Fifth: that a pregnant woman if the limit does not deserved to be held only after
take pregnancy The suspension is the extent that the rule of God in order to rule on
the inadmissibility of evidence to abort the pregnancy if it was permissible to
permissible here a fortiori.
And weighting that which seems to me is that it is not permissible to abortion
and the sanctity of abort a pregnancy at any stage of Otourah because all of the
embryo in which a decent life is the life of growth and numbers in contrast to those
who they endorse before the soul is breathed into doing so, they open the door
difficult to close and put in the hands of enemies of Islam and its enemies a weapon
stab tags Islam and justify it as being in non-Muslim country of scandals and
antipathic shook the church and the clergy, so that we have already mentioned we
believe that the prevailing view is the view that the sanctity of the projection at all
stages and that which went to most of the Maalikis and some Shafi'i and Hanafi and
forward and shared their belief in God, I know.

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Publication Date
Sat Jun 18 2022
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Pharmaceutical Sciences ( P-issn 1683 - 3597 E-issn 2521 - 3512)
Isolation of beta-sitosterol and evaluation of antioxidant Activity of Iraqi Campsis grandiflora flowers.
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Campsis grandiflora (Bignoniaceae) is a fast growing deciduous climber, the dried flowers have been used as a carminative, blood tonic, and febrifuge in Chinese traditional medicine. This plant has an anti-inflammatory, anti-oxidant, anti-depressant, and anti-bacterial effect; with a beneficial role in stagnant blood and endometriosis conditions. In this study, the detection of beta-sitosterol in the hexane extract of Iraqi C.grandiflora flowers was performed using thin layer chromatography (TLC) and high performance liquid chromatography(HPLC); while the isolation done by preparative layer chromatography then structure elucidation of isolated compound was done by FTIR and 1HNMR. Furthermore, assessment of th

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Publication Date
Sun Mar 20 2016
Journal Name
The Floors and transparent role in the design studios satellite channels: وسام صالح حمد
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The search (floors and transparent role in the design studios satellite channels) and presented as a study-oriented, and the research aims to identify the role of flooring transparent spaces studios satellite channels and side performative and aesthetic, and formulas design to highlight the role floors transparent spaces studios satellite channels. And highlight the importance of research, particularly in its contribution to the clarification of the concept of the relationship between transparency and performing aesthetic treatments for floors by clarifying its role in the designs of the internal spaces of the studios, as well as his contribution to the founding of the theory of looking at the base of such concepts. To achieve the object

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Publication Date
Thu Aug 01 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Public Bank Debt and Foreign reserve constraint in Iraq for the Period (2017-2004)
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Public debt has posed a major challenge to both developing and developed countries, which has focused attention on the optimal limits (threshold of debt) and its determinants.

The study examines the effect of the Public bank debt on the foreign reserves and the work of the foreign reserve as a limitation on the process of bank debt (part of the internal debt) for the period (2017-2004), in addition to finding the type and nature of the relationship between them according to the hypotheses of the study, Public bank debt and foreign reserves.

The study was based on data from the Iraqi banking sector, which showed that Iraq has a foreign reserve in line with internat

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Crossref (2)
Publication Date
Sun Mar 15 2020
Journal Name
Time and Design Construction for Costumes in the Iraqi Theater Show: محمــود جبــاري حــافظ
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The theatre costume with the rest of the theatre show elements constitute a system of the meaning relations that produce a visual image that helps the recipient to decipher the theatre scene, let alone the manifestation of time in its levels (past, present, future) through the design construction of the theatre elements among which is the theatre costume. In order to know the way of manifesting time through the formulation of the theatre costumes, the research question has been put as follows:  how to manifest time through the design construction for the theatre costumes unit, from which the research objective is derived as follows: Revealing the possibility of the designing unit of the costumes in manifesting the levels of time wit

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Publication Date
Fri Dec 01 2023
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Building a Statistical Model to Detect Foreground Objects and using it in Video Steganography
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Video steganography has become a popular option for protecting secret data from hacking attempts and common attacks on the internet. However, when the whole video frame(s) are used to embed secret data, this may lead to visual distortion. This work is an attempt to hide sensitive secret image inside the moving objects in a video based on separating the object from the background of the frame, selecting and arranging them according to object's size for embedding secret image. The XOR technique is used with reverse bits between the secret image bits and the detected moving object bits for embedding. The proposed method provides more security and imperceptibility as the moving objects are used for embedding, so it is difficult to notice the

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Scopus Crossref
Publication Date
Thu Aug 18 2022
Journal Name
Journal Of Accounting And Financial Studies ( Jafs )
Resource consumption accounting technique between traditional cost systems and contemporary cost management techniques in measuring the cost of products - A conceptual vision
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The contemporary business environment is witnessing increasing calls for modifications to the traditional cost system, and a trend towards adopting cost management techniques to provide appropriate financial and non-financial information for senior and executive departments, including the Resource Consumption Accounting (RCA) technique in question, which classifies costs into fixed and variable to support the decision-making process. Moreover, (RCA) combines two approaches to cost estimation, the first based on activity-based cost accounting (ABC) and the second on the German cost accounting method (GPK). The research aims to provide a conceptual vision for resource consumption accounting, after Considering it as an accounting te

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Publication Date
Wed Feb 01 2017
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Using Fuzzy Games Theory to Determine the optimal Strategy for The Mobile Phone Networks in The Baghdad And Basra governorates
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      The objective of this research is employ the special cases of  function  trapezoid in the composition of fuzzy sets to make decision within the framework of the theory of games traditional to determine the best strategy for the mobile phone networks in the province of  Baghdad and Basra, has been the adoption of different periods of the  functions belonging to see the change happening in the matrix matches and the impact  that the strategies  and decision-making  available to each player and the impact on  societ

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Publication Date
Fri Sep 15 2023
Journal Name
The recepient’s beauty in the algerian theatre and the recepient’s hypothetical bet , reading in stop theater by m’hammed ben gataf
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Meditationsuggetsthat the theatrical world and the receiptindicatethattherie a thread connection or relationshipbetweenthembecausetheateris an art thatfailsinto the abyss of the humanfield ,receivingis a practice thatisreffered to by corners of society and islocated in the context of thisfield. Thus, the relationshipbetweenalgeriantheater and the recepientissanctified by the nature of theaterwhichisbased on a social basis thatbuildsitsexistance and continuityfrom the recepient.Its impossible to imagine a real theaterthatwillbeestablishedunlessit’sassociatedwith an audience so one hand never claps to makesound. This connectionis the first phenomenonthatcanbecome accessible to all people and itremains the second phenomenonthatrequires th

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Publication Date
Wed Jun 30 2021
Journal Name
College Of Islamic Sciences
What Imam Ibn al-Subki disagreed with Imam al-Amadi in Tashnif al-Masma’, the chapter on analogy as a model
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Takbiratul Ehram "The First Takbeer to Start Prayer" means: the words that the worshiper says to start his prayers, and refrain from anything invalidates it. the findings revealed that the four school jurists agreed that the prayer is not valid without Takbiratul Ehram "The First Takbeer to Start Prayer", and they disagreed on its description, so the majority of jurists said that it is a pillar, and some of them called it an obligatory, but Hanafi made it a condition. Likewise, the four jurists agreed that the one who articulates Takbiratul Ehram "The First Takbeer to Start Prayer" with the word: “Allahu Akbar,”; his Takbeer is correct, and they disagreed about the one who adds a word, or replaced it with another, where the m

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Publication Date
Thu Apr 01 2021
Journal Name
Bayesian Regularized Neural Network Model Development for Predicting Daily Rainfall from Sea Level Pressure Data: Investigation on Solving Complex Hydrology Problem
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Prediction of daily rainfall is important for flood forecasting, reservoir operation, and many other hydrological applications. The artificial intelligence (AI) algorithm is generally used for stochastic forecasting rainfall which is not capable to simulate unseen extreme rainfall events which become common due to climate change. A new model is developed in this study for prediction of daily rainfall for different lead times based on sea level pressure (SLP) which is physically related to rainfall on land and thus able to predict unseen rainfall events. Daily rainfall of east coast of Peninsular Malaysia (PM) was predicted using SLP data over the climate domain. Five advanced AI algorithms such as extreme learning machine (ELM), Bay

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