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Bumpiness in the atmosphere is the vertical movement of air, whether
upward or downward movement and the bumpiness is accompanied by areas
of unrest in the air and wind. And contribute to each of the coups thermal
fronts, wind, wind and thunderstorms. Moreover, bumpiness is net of the
reasons that lead to circumstances is appropriate to cut the wind, and this
contributes to the formation of bumpiness in the atmosphere. The study found
that the noon of the times, which is expected to occur where clear-air
bumpiness during flights because of the warmth of the earth's surface. The
study found increased incidence of air hole during the summer, especially
July, due to increased incidence of coup surface, while the spring occupies a
special March, the lowest frequency of the coup-off, due to increased stability,
the absence of air.
The study had shown that the air hole near the earth's surface is more
dangerous than those which occur at high altitudes.

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Publication Date
Tue Apr 30 2024
Journal Name
International Review Of Electrical Engineering (iree)
Enhancing Efficiency in Distribution Power Networks by Power Factor Controlling of Renewable Energy Generators: a Case Study of Iraqi Wasit Network
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Integrating Renewable Energy (RE) into Distribution Power Networks (DPNs) is a choice for efficient and sustainable electricity. Controlling the power factor of these sources is one of the techniques employed to manage the power loss of the grid. Capacitor banks have been employed to control phantom power, improving voltage and reducing power losses for several decades. The voltage sag and the significant power losses in the Iraqi DPN make it good evidence to be a case study proving the efficiency enhancement by adjusting the RE power factor. Therefore, this paper studies a part of the Iraqi network in a windy and sunny region, the Badra-Zurbatya-11 kV feeder, in the Wasit governorate. A substation of hybrid RE sources is connected to this

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Publication Date
Mon Mar 01 2021
Journal Name
Journal Of Physics: Conference Series
Synthesis of Ag/Au (core/shell) nanoparticles by laser ablation in liquid and study of their toxicity on blood human components
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Abstract<p>Q-switch Nd: YAG laser of wavelengths 235nm and 1,460nm with energy in the range 0.2 J to 1J and 1Hz repetition rate was employed to synthesis Ag/Au (core/shell) nanoparticles (NPs) using pulse laser ablation in water. In this synthesis, initially the silver nano-colloid prepared via ablation target, this ablation related to Au target at various energies to creat Ag/Au NPs. Surface Plasmon Resonance (SPR), surface morphology and average particle size identified employing: UV-visible spectrophotometer, scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and transmission electron microscopy (TEM). The absorbance spectra of Ag NPs and Ag/Au NPs showed sharp and single peaks around 400nm and 410nm, respec</p> ... Show More
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Publication Date
Tue Mar 15 2022
Journal Name
Textual thresholds and its Aesthetic in history: "Mamo Zain" by its author, the famous Kurdish poet Sheikh Ahmad Al-Khani, deceased (1118 AH / 707 AD), translated by Sheikh Dr. Muhammad Saeed Ramadan al-Bouti. Research on the connotation and manifestations of interconnection
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Literary works include, for the most part, text thresholds, which are the first entry into reading them and understanding their connotations, and (literary works) vary according to text thresholds, some of which are limited to the title and on the cover page only, and others, in addition to these two thresholds, are based on the dedication threshold too, and others ...

This study takes the story of "Mamo Zain" of the poet Ahmed Al-Khani and his translator Sheikh Muhammad Ramadan Al-Bouti as the field of study, as it is a unique literary work, which included a number of textual thresholds which supported each other and cooperated with the content of the work.

The threshold of dedication in the story of "Mamo Zain" was a spee

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Publication Date
Sun Jan 01 2023
Journal Name
Technologies And Materials For Renewable Energy, Environment And Sustainability: Tmrees22fr
Study the contrast of thermal expansion behavior for PMMA denture base, single and hybrid reinforced using the thermomechanical analysis technique (TMA)
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Publication Date
Fri Apr 21 2023
Journal Name
Aip Conference Proceedings
Study the contrast of thermal expansion behavior for PMMA denture base, single and hybrid reinforced using the thermomechanical analysis technique (TMA)
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This research investigated the effect of adding two groups of reinforcement materials, including bioactive materials Hydroxyapatite (HA) and halloysite nanoclay and bioinert materials Alumina (AL2O3) and Zirconia (ZrO2), each of them with various weight ratios (1,2,3,4 &5)% to the polymer matrix PMMA. The best ratios were selected, and then a hybrid was preparing Composite red from the best ratios from each group. Thermal properties, including thermal conductivity and Thermomechanical Analysis (TMA) technology, have been studied. The results showed that adding 3% Hydroxyapatite (HA) and 5% halloysite nanoclay to the polymethacrylate (PMMA) mer leads to an increase in thermal conductivity. It was also found from the Thermomechanical Analysis

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Publication Date
Wed Dec 01 2021
Journal Name
Gene Reports
The molecular study for evaluation the antibiotic resistance of Escherichia coli and Klebsiella pneumoniae bacteria isolated from urinary tract infection patients
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Urinary tract infection is a bacterial infection that often affects the bladder and thus the urinary system. E. coli is one of the leading uropathogenic bacteria that cause urinary tract infections. Uropathogenic E. coli is highly effective and successful in causing urinary tract infections through biofilm formation and urothelial cell invasion mechanisms. Other organisms that cause urinary tract infections include members of the Enterobacteriaceae family, streptococci and staphylococci species and perch. In addition, K.penumoniae is another important gram-negative bacterium that causes urinary tract infections. With the PCR technique, unseen bacterial species can be detected using standard clinical microbiology methods. In this study, the

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Publication Date
Wed Sep 01 2021
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Physics
Study the Effect of Graphene on the Contact Angle, Water Absorption and Thermal Stability ( TGA ,DSC) for Blend (Epoxy & Repcoat ZR)
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In this study, polymeric coating was developed by incorporating nano graphene in the polymer blend with applications to oil storage tanks. The oil storage tanks samples were brought from the oil Pipeline Company / Doura refinery in Baghdad. The coating polymer was formed with a blend (epoxy resin and repcoat ZR). The proportion of mixing the mixture was 3:1:1 epoxy resin 21.06 gm: repcoat ZR 10.53 gm: hardener 10.53 gm. The blend/graphene was prepared using in stui-polymerization method with different weight percentage 1, 3, 5, and 7 wt % added to blend. The resulting solution was put in a glass tube on a magnetic stirrer for one hour at a temperature of 40 °C. The result of contact angle and wate

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Publication Date
Tue Sep 01 2009
Journal Name
Al-khwarizmi Engineering Journal
Propagation Mechanisms for Surface Initiated Cracking in Composite Pavements
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The primary objective of this study was to identify the mechanisms for the development and propagation of longitudinal cracks that initiate at the surface of composite pavement. In this study the finite element program ANSYS version (5.4) was used and the model worked out using this program has the ability to analyze a composite pavement structure of different layer properties. Also, the aim of this study was modeling and analyzing of the composite pavement structure with the physical presence of crack induced in concrete underlying layer. The results obtained indicates that increasing the thickness of the asphalt layer tends to decrease the stress intensity factor, which may be attributed to the rapidly decrease of horizontal tensile st

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Publication Date
Mon Sep 13 2021
Journal Name
Eureka: Physics And Engineering
A numerical study to improve the position and angle of the producer gas injector inside the intake manifold to minimize emissions and efficiency enhancement of a bi engine
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To develop a petrol engine so that it works under the bi-engine pattern (producer gas-petrol) without any additional engine modifications, a single-point injection method inside the intake manifold is a simple and inexpensive method. Still, it leads to poor mixing performance between the air and producer gas. This deficiency can cause unsatisfactory engine performance and high exhaust emissions. In order to improve the mixing inside the intake manifold, nine separate cases were modelled to evaluate the impact of the position and angle orientation inside the intake manifold on the uniformity and spread of the mixture under AFR=2.07. A petrol engine (1.6 L), the maximum engine speed (8000 rpm), and bi-engine mode (petrol-producer ga

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Publication Date
Sun Feb 10 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
The Functional Satisfaction for Faculty Members To Girls College of Education at The University of Baghdad
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The aim of this research is to find out the satisfaction functional for faculty members
To Girls College of education at the University of Baghdad, and to find out the differences in this variable according to gender and qualification of education.
The sample was chosen from 60 teachers (males – females), they applied a questionnaire consisting of (30) paragraphs after the verifying of sincerity and persistence for paragraphs.
The main findings of the studies,
The results are indicated that the samples (faculty members) have a good level of satisfaction functional. In addition, results are shown; there are no significant differences of statistically between males and females for the faculty members. However, results are sho

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