Political economy is one of the important topics in translation. It accompanies two
types of translation: political and economic translations.
The two fields( politics and economics)are inseparable. One completes the other. One
may read an economic text and find many political terms within it. This proves the
fact that the text is not only economic, but also political, i.e. political economy text
whose vocabularies may have no equivalents in the TL (Target Language) and here a
number of strategies are used.
This conference had been convened on 29 June/2005 . It is sponsored by The Open
Society Institute and because of its large information, it is restricted to the two kinds
of translation: political and economic translations. Finally , the conclusions have been
لاصطلام في الخلاف بين الإمامين الشافعي وأبي حنيفة للشيخ الامام منصور بن محمد بن عبد الجبار المروزي السمعاني أبي المظفر(ت498هـ) من مسألة (إذا تزوج الكافر أختين أو أكثر، من أربع نسوة ، ثم أسلم وأسلمن معه
-دراسة وتحقيق-
أ0م0د0قصي سعيد احمد
جامعة بغداد/ كلية العلوم الاسلامية
قسم الشريعة/ فقه مقارن