١٩٨٢ ) وھي كاتبة روایات بولیسیة من مدینة كرایستتش رتش ف ي - ولدت السیدة نكایو أدیث مارش ( ١٨٩٩
اً وف ي روای ات a د میت a ل یرق a نیوزیلندة وأشتھرت ببطلھا المفتش الأقدم رودری ك أل ین ال ذي یظھ ر ف ي روایتھ ا رج
بضمنھا الموت والخادم الراقص ١٩٤٢ وقد الفت عشرین روایة.
توماس ھو الخادم الراقص الذي تھزه أغنیة مرح ة منبعث ة م ن م ذیاع ف ي غرف ة الت دخین حی ث یرق د ویلی ام
میتاً بعد أن قتلھ أخوه نیكولاس، وھو الذي یقدم ال دلیل الض روري لتبرئ ة الرج ل الأكث ر ش كاً فی ھ بإثب ات أن ھ ل م
یكن في مسرح الجریمة. وكان نیكولاس قد خطط لجریمة تكاد تكون كاملة لولا رقصة ھذا الخادم الت ي أفش لتھا،
وعندما یقدم ألین ورجال شرطتھ عرضاً تعاد فیھ كیفیة كیفیة إرتكاب الجریمة، ینھ ار نیك ولاس ویح اول الھ رب
ضارباً بیلي (وھو خبیر البصمات الذي یعمل مع ألین) غیر أنھم یتغلبون علیھ ویقتادون ھ معھ م برفق ة جثت ي ك لٍ
من أمھ التي تنتحر لأجلھ وأخیھ الذي إغتالھ.
With the advent of the globalization, the rapid development in technology and the intensity of competition companies attemptto maintain competition advantages and retain customers. The traditional methods in managerial accounting become irrelevance to achieve the objectives of these companies especially with the rapid changes in modern manufacturing environment .Thus there is a need to new tools in accounting such as lean accounting, which is considered as a costing method that support creating value for the customer by costing the entire value stream, eliminating waste in the accounting process, reduced lead time, improved quality, lowered time delivery and increased available capacity. Using value stream focuses not only on the waste&n
... Show MoreIn the current study, a direct method was used to create a new series of charge-transfer complexes of chemicals. In a good yield, new charge-transfer complexes were produced when different quinones reacted with acetonitrile as solvent in a 1:1 mole ratio with N-phenyl-3,4-selenadiazo benzophenone imine. By using analysis techniques like UV, IR, and 1H, 13C-NMR, every substance was recognized. The analysis's results matched the chemical structures proposed for the synthesized substances. Functional theory of density (DFT)
has been used to analyze the molecular structure of the produced Charge-Transfer Complexes, and the energy gap, HOMO surfaces, and LUMO surfaces have all been created throughout the geometry optimization process ut
ٳن العلاقة بين التخطيط والتنمية، تكتسب᾽ شكلها وطبيعتها من خلال دور التخطيط في ٳخضاع عملية التغيير والتحوّل للأوضاع الاقتصادية من وضع الى وضع آخر أكثر تقدما̋ عن طريق ٳعتماد منهج التخطيط لتحديد معالم خطوط السير المجدول زمنيا̋ لعملية التغيير والتحوّل وفقا̋ لرؤية الحكومة وفلسفتها باتجاه الانتقال من وضع ٳقتصادي وٳجتماعي متخلف الى وضع ٳقتصادي وٳجتماعي آخر يسمح بجعل عملية النمو مستمرة، ويمكن تبيّن تلك
... Show MoreRadiation treatment has long been the conventional approach for treating nasopharyngeal cancer (NPC) tumors due to its anatomic features, biological characteristics, and radiosensitivity. The most common treatment for nasopharyngeal carcinoma is radiotherapy. This study aimed to assess the better quality of radiotherapy treatment techniques using intensity-modulated radiotherapy (IMRT) and volumetric-modulated arc therapy (VMAT). The VMAT and IMRT are comparative techniques. Forty patients with nasopharyngeal carcinoma and forwarded for radiotherapy were treated with both advanced techniques, IMRT and VMAT, using eclipse software from Varian. The x-ray energy was set at 6 MV. The total prescribed dose was 70 Gy. The results show that the
... Show MoreAbstract
There are many uncertainty sources that may affect the statistical reasoning. However, traditional methods can not deal with all kinds of uncertainty sources, which has led many researchers to develop traditional methods. Studies still exist to this day, making hypotheses to create a common understanding for the purpose of reaching new solutions through the use of new methods that combine traditional and modern theories of sources of uncertainty
The aim of current study was to develop the adaptive fuzzy linear regression model in the case of using inaccurate data as the source of uncertainty. Specifically, the
... Show Moreيناقش هذا البحث مشكلة التعدد الخطي شبه التام في انموذج الانحدار اللاخطي ( انموذج الانحدار اللوجستي المتعدد) ، عندما يكون المتغير المعتمد متغير نوعيا يمثل ثنائي الاستجابة اما ان يساوي واحد لحدوث استجابة او صفر لعدم حدوث استجابة ، من خلال استعمال مقدرات المركبات الرئيسية التكرارية(IPCE) التي تعتمد على الاوزان الاعتيادية والاوزان البيزية الشرطية .
اذ تم تطبيق مقدرات هذا ا
... Show MoreOur work included a synthesis of three new imine derivatives—1,3-thiazinan-4-one, 1,3-oxazinan-6-one and 1,3-oxazepin-4,7-dione—which contained an adamantyl fragment. These were produced via the condensation of the Schiff`s base (E)-N-(adamantan-1-yl)-1-(3-aryl)methanimine with 3-mercaptopropanoic acid; 3-chloropropanoic acid; and maleic, citraconic anhydride, respectively. These new imines were prepared via the condensation of adamantan-1-ylamine and 3-nitro-, 3-bromobenzaldehyde in n-BuOH. We obtained a good yield of products. FTIR, 1H NMR spectroscopy and C.H.N.S analysis were used to diagnostic the products. The molecular structure of (E)-N-(adamantan-1-yl
... Show Moreرضًٍ ْزا انجذث رذضٛش ٔرشخٛض انهٛكبَذ انجذٚذ [KL [: - رفبػم ٍي ذضشًان K [4-{N-(5-methylisoxazol-3-yl) sulfamyl} phenyl carbamodithioate] عهفبيٛثٕكغبصٔل يغ ثُبئٙ كجشٚزٛذ انكبسثٌٕ ثٕجٕد ْٛذسٔكغٛذ انجٕربعٕٛو رذذ انزظؼٛذ االسجبػٙ ) نًذح اسثغ عبػبد ( ٔثئعزؼًبل انًٛثبَٕل كًزٚت نُٛزج انهٛكبَذ انًزكٕس اَفب رى رشخٛض انهٛكبَذ انًذضش ثبعزؼًبل طٛف االشؼخ رذذ انذًشاء ، ً طٛف االشؼخ فٕق انجُفغجٛخ - انًشئٛخ ، طٛف انشٍَٛ انُٕ٘ٔ انًغُبطٛغٙ نهجشٔرٌٕ أنهكبس
... Show MoreThe latest open commercial markets among countries, shift of capitals, and rise of mass economic, large international organizations, and international contracts leaded to a great increase of competition among countries for attracting capital for investments, specially among under developing countries which had bad economic situation, and which thinks that investment is the best solution to solve their old economic problems.
Developing small, and medium establishments in all economic sectors became the main economic force and natural resources for the development and growth of under developing countries. Small and medium establishments became the majority of any country establishments, and the past international experience shows t
... Show MoreIn this paper, some necessary and sufficient conditions are obtained to ensure the oscillatory of all solutions of the first order impulsive neutral differential equations. Also, some results in the references have been improved and generalized. New lemmas are established to demonstrate the oscillation property. Special impulsive conditions associated with neutral differential equation are submitted. Some examples are given to illustrate the obtained results.