Methods of teaching plays an important vole in the educational process
because is the link between the teacher and the learner. The process of
teaching doesut fulfill the desirable results unless the methods of guiding and
teaching are provided and through a qualified educationalist capable of
communicating the syllabus to the students in an easy and clear way. In spite
of the diversity of the methods of teaching ,there is no one way suitable for all
the educational purposes , all the sciences ,all the subjects ,all the levels of
growth ,levels of teaching, maturity and intelligences ,all teachers and
educationalists and all the circum stances surrounding the teaching processes
.The teacher is the one who chooses the method that suits the educational
purpose to achieve, the subjects he teacher ,the kind of lesson ,the level of
growth and learning ,level of maturity ,intelligence and achievement
of his students, the available requirements .when we talk about the methods
of teaching Islamic Education we have to talk about the first educationalist
our prophet Muhammad who did handle the process of education and
teaching as he was ordered by Almighty God who says (( My God ordered me
to teach you what you are ignorant of from what he has taught me)).
The researcher in this study sheds light on one style of education which
has already been mentioned many times in the Holy Quran and the Sunnite of
our prophet which is through the method of temptation and intimidation.
The aim of the present study is to indemnify out he two styles
temptation and intimidation in the Holy Quran and the Sunni and their
pedagogical – learning perspectives. To achieve this aim, the researcher used
the analytical descriptive method to account for the number of uses in the
Holy Quran and the sunna by calculating the repeated words that carry in
meaning and pronunciation the meaning of temptation and intimidation.
The researcher has reached into the following conclusions: 1-
The most repetitive verses in the Holy Quran for the temptation in which
"paradise "is used are about (113).
2- The most repetitive verses for the intimidation in which "fear " in used are
about (121).
3- As for the Sunna, the temptation saying for the "prayer" comes on the top
of the list, about (374).
4- While the intimidation in literature include about (230).
The researcher suggested dictating the two styles in the college
teaching. Also the researcher suggested the following recommendations :
1- Holding training courses for the teacher of Islamic education to know such
styles and how to teach them .
2- Making use of the prophets teaching styles in educating his followers and
putting them on the right track including the implantation of the right principles
for the students.
3- Shedding light on the influence of the tow styles in teaching the college
4- Identifying the influence of other styles of the prophet on other stages.
This research deals with a unique and innovative topic, that is the study of complaint in the Quranic text. Despite its importance, it has never been studied before, because most of the complaint 's meanings in the Quranic text is: the in explicit complaint. The mentioned complaint's expressions in different contexts overlap with other purposes, in particular call method and its peripherals like mourn , ask for help , exclamation and others.
Moreover, expressions that reveal complaint are related to the complainant's emotional and psychological status, and the complaint's context.
This research deals with the topic into two sections: The first deals with the important expression of complaint such as: iff, ouah, mooing, crying. The
Praise be to God, Lord of the worlds, and the outcome is for the righteous, and prayers and peace be upon the author of the clear communication, to whom was revealed the saying of the Lord of the worlds (And We have sent down to you the message that you may make clear to the people what has been sent down to them, and that they may reflect.)
His family, companions and followers, as for what follows:
Among the Qur’anic studies related to Islamic matters, ancient and modern, (the clear and similar in the Holy Qur’an), and due to the importance of the topic, we found the attention of scholars to it.
With many studies and research on it, and their efforts in overcoming its major obstacles, you will not find a scho
... Show MoreSummary This research, entitled (Distinguishing Voice Features of Qalqales Voices and their Expressive Values in the Holy Quran), aims to shed light on five of the voices that are characterized by strength and intensity, whose pronunciation requires loud vocal tone, great effort and semantic dimensions.The research consists of two topics .in the first topic. We talked about the voices of Alqalqal , their definition, their degrees, their ranks, and the opinions of scholars about them.
In the second topic, titled Expressive Values for Weak Voices in the Holy Qur’an, we talked about the relationship between sound and meaning, and we clarified in it the expressive values of Qalqa
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The first step towards the goal of coexistence with diversity, we must all recognize each one of us the rights of others regardless of his religion, color, gender, and point of view, and that each one agrees with his partnership with others, and a person’s belonging to a religion or doctrine must be based on conviction and self-motivation, and that the true Sharia prohibits a Muslim To impose on others what they do not believe and believe in, for God Almighty did not give His Prophet this right, so how about others, and it is not surprising for everyone that disharmony and rivalry impede the attempt to advance in society, and it is natural that our enemies take advantage of our division among us,
This research is based on the study of a group of Quranic verses that share a certain part, and these verses are verses of righteousness, and the word righteousness has been mentioned in the Holy Qur’an eight times, and the number of verses in this word was six verses, in four walls, all of which are from the civil fence which is the cow and was There are five words of righteousness contained in them, and the family of Imran is one word, and the table is one word, and the argument is one word. This study adopts the method of analytical interpretation of the Quranic text is a term that means statement and clarification in a way that the researcher produces to divide a Quranic text into its elements that are involved in its formation and
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This research Find semantic relations between the Holy Quran and readings anomalous in particular, does not mention the readings anomalies are all but signed the examples of them where he found a marked contrast between them and what is known in the Holy Quran, and the intervention of research in the words of the commentators and between their views and stated what is unacceptable and what before, nor Luck meaning significantly different in some readings, leading to different Islamic ruling as well, also found that of the readings made clear what is meant by the blessed verse in the Holy Quran and signed to be even if it was abnormal.
The aim of this message to monitor this phenomenon throught the Quran , which is the constitution of the Islamic nation and Hariatha as well as to express kasalah integrity , justice honesty , patience , abd pacr .
We feel this vocabulary to hight athical values advocated by the Quran and the need to build commitment to the orthodox society free of corruption that leads ta a disorder of the human society .
The outcome of the study the researcher found that faith to a number of results was most notably the advent of righteusness in the Holy Quran meaning of comprehensive RPR spacious field and breadth Maadenh .
The research aims to explain the References of receiving the explicit and implicit knowledge mentioned in the Noble Qur'an. The two researchers adopted the documentary and inductive approach to study the topic. Among the conclusions of the research: The Noble Qur'an dealt with many terms and concepts that refer to the References of making explicit knowledge available, including books, which were represented by the divine books (the Qur'an, the Torah, the Zabur and the Gospel) and their concepts (the book, the Qur'an, the guidance, the remembrance, the revelation, the light, the newspapers, the plates). He dealt with many concepts that refer to the References of providing tacit knowledge, which was represented by the communication between tw
... Show MoreThe study focuses on the problem that Iraq is approaching an increasing rate of literacy;the available data refers to a rate of (18% -19%). In addition to the fact that the generalcurrent role of the programs directed to literacy is not actually effective enough to limit the expansion of this rate.
The importance of this study highlights the fact that the Iraqi universities are an important tributary among the tributaries of human development, especially in spreading the education of the voluntary work in literacy field and confirming the connection between the students and their society and their role in solving one of the prominent challenges that face the development, i.e., literacy.
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