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Novel of (Ya Mariam), for Sinan Antwane : A Pragmatic Study
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Pragmatics looked at literary discourse as an external subject that needed an actor and based on a communicative relationship, that is, it examines literary work by focusing on the author's intent, and attempting to monitor the pilgrim and logical dimension in the text. It focuses on the practical and communicative aspect of the language, which aims to convince the recipient and his or her emotional influence.And the novel (Yamrim) starting from the title (Sos) communication, and building dialogue and pilgrims based on two different logic completely, the logic of optimism and look at things with absolute objectivity, the logic of pessimism and closure and look at things with absolute passion. These two tendencies are embodied by the characters Joseph and Maha, who have the task of recounting most of the events of the novel.The researchers adopted the deliberative approach in the study of the novel through reading semantics and meanings, temporal and spatial indications and aids, and monitoring of interferences, dialogues and the pilgrim dimension, reference references to the writer's destination and text, as well as the use of descriptive analytic methods. It was incumbent on us to present a theoretical framework for the concept of the deliberative approach and a brief presentation of its origin and development, and its applicability to the narrative text, which is included in the first part of the research.

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Publication Date
Fri Jul 30 2021
Journal Name
Turkish Online Journal Of Qualitative Inquiry (tojqi)
A Pragmatic Study of the Student-Teacher Relationship in the Dangerous Minds
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Publication Date
Wed Jun 01 2022
Journal Name
Res Militaris
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The research aims to analyze the television advertisement to monitor the indirect and underlying meanings behind the apparent significance in Zain’s “Ya Baghdad” Advertisement through sociological analysis, in accordance with the cultural analysis of Hofstede’s ‘Model of Cultural Dimensions’. Our choice of such a model in practical application over other models that may have provided more dimensions is due to its ability and verification in explaining cultural diversity and additionally the size of data and studies on the cultural dimension. This study’s aim is to verify the validity, stability and significance of this model before being adopted by Hofstede as a measurement tool. This model was used in order to analyze the rel

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Publication Date
Mon Feb 04 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
Effectiveness of Graduality, Escalation and Argumentation in Quranic Politeness Discourse “Surat Ghafir a Model” A Pragmatic Study
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Theauthor addressed politeness discourse in “Surat Ghafir”. Quran texts include many rhetorical utterances which are considered pragmatic mechanismsconcerned with finding polite discourse. examining these texts allow to determine the effectiveness degree in the discourse, and to find the effect level that leads to interaction between the speaker and the listener. Graduation is considered an effect and a mechanism of discourse escalation.
The author reached a common definition of the graduation effectiveness term, due to its importance in finding polite discourse that is constructed by lingual manifestations some of which are escalation and graduation. Escalation is a mechanism to show the level of discourse graduation, it is a mea

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Publication Date
Sun Feb 10 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
Woman’s Identity Crisis in the Clash of Cultures: A Study of Betool Khedairi’s Novel: A Sky So close
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This paper is an attempt to clarify the impact of Postcolonialism, one of the most
challenging fields of study that has emerged in recent years, on representations of women in
once-colonised countries and in Western locations. It discusses the influence of cultural
differences on the status and identity of a woman who experience ‗multiculturalism‘. The
study is an analytical reading of a contemporary novel written by the Iraqi writer Betool Al-
Kudairi. The emphasis lies on the clash between two different cultures and traditions
represented by the British mother and the Iraqi father and its effect on the life and identity of
the protagonist. The main focus is on idea of ‗hybrid identity‘ and the absence of th

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Publication Date
Wed Dec 15 2021
Journal Name
Arab World English Journal
Aggressive Language in Literature: A Pragmatic Approach
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Aggression is a negative form of an anti-social behavior. It is produced because of a particular reason, desire, want, need, or due to the psychological state of the aggressor. It injures others physically or psychologically. Aggressive behaviors in human interactions cause discomfort and disharmony among interlocutors. The paper aims to identify how aggressive language manifests itself in the data under scrutiny in terms of the pragmatic paradigm. Two British literary works are the data; namely, Look Back in Anger by John Osborne (1956), and The Birthday Party by Harold Pinter (1957). This paper endeavors to answer the question of how aggressive language is represented in literature pragmatically? It is hoped to be significant to

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Publication Date
Mon Jul 01 2019
Journal Name
The First National Conference On New Perspectives In Interpreting And Translation Studies And Teaching English As A Foreign Language
Promoting Peace by Althusserian and Foucauldian Reading ofLiterature: Sinan Antoon’s I’jaam
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This study seeks to investigate Sinan Antoon’s I’jaam (2004) through applying different theoretical frameworks including those of Althusser (1971) and Foucault (1978). Antoon, considered as one of the most internationally recognized Iraqi writers, wrote this dystopian, war novel in Arabic and translated it to English. Antoon’s emphasis placed on literature acting as an oppositional political voice has, in turn, created its own form of censorship inside the fictional world and outside the actual state censorship during Saadm Hossein reign. Thus, particular political messages within literary texts, like I’jaam, have been received with critical attention. The writing culture in Iraq has established an atmosphere in which literary criti

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Publication Date
Tue Jan 03 2023
Journal Name
College Of Islamic Sciences
Narrative Structures in the Novel “Qiamat Baghdad” for the Novelist Alia Talib – Semiotic Study
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The human mind knew the philosophy and logic in the ancient times, and the history afterwards, while the semiotics concept appeared in the modern time, and became a new knowledge field like the other knowledge fields. It deals, in its different concepts and references, with the processes that lead to and reveals the meaning through what is hidden in addition to what is disclosed. It is the result of human activity in its pragmatic and cognitive dimensions together. The semiotic token concept became a knowledge key to access all the study, research, and  investigation fields, due to its ability of description, explanation, and dismantling. The paper is divided into two sections preceded by a the

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Publication Date
Thu May 21 2020
Journal Name
Journal Of Strategic Research In Social Science (josress)
A Pragmatic Study of Gender Differences in the Use of Speech Acts in Selected Suicide Notes
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DBNRSK Sayed, Journal of Strategic Research in Social Science (JoSReSS), 2020

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Publication Date
Sat Jun 24 2023
Journal Name
Arab World English Journal
Humor in The Stand-Up Comedy You Wanna Hear Something Crazy?: A Universal Pragmatic Study
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Humor is an interesting phenomenon that has been studied widely, yet it is considered a universal trait that cannot be an old subject for a study. This study is conducted to investigate humor from a universal pragmatic lens in a stand-up comedy show, namely, You Wanna Hear Something Crazy?. It aims to study humor as a coin with two sides, the production side and the understanding side. To achieve the aim of the study, the researchers use an eclectic contains Grice’s CP model (1975) and Habermas’s UP model (1979, 1984, 1987, 1998). The study has noted that while using the observance and the non-observance of the cooperative maxims to produce humor, the universal validity claims of truth, sincerity, and normative rightness for rea

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Publication Date
Mon Sep 30 2019
Journal Name
College Of Islamic Sciences
the occasion in Surat Maryam
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The title of the research (the occasion in Surat Maryam) highlights the importance of the subject because he is studying Surah from the wall of the Koran, and that the best times of preoccupation with this light shown, study and thoughtful, and the reason for choosing the topic that the occasion of science helps in understanding the Almighty God in his book, and not Falling in confusion or error, or exaggerated interpretations, and be the key to knowing the rule of the Koran and repeating it, but the results of the conclusion that the occasion has many benefits: including making parts of speech taking each other's necks, strengthens that link and the authorship becomes his case in the case of tight construction , And that the occasion of

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