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Novel of (Ya Mariam), for Sinan Antwane : A Pragmatic Study
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Pragmatics looked at literary discourse as an external subject that needed an actor and based on a communicative relationship, that is, it examines literary work by focusing on the author's intent, and attempting to monitor the pilgrim and logical dimension in the text. It focuses on the practical and communicative aspect of the language, which aims to convince the recipient and his or her emotional influence.And the novel (Yamrim) starting from the title (Sos) communication, and building dialogue and pilgrims based on two different logic completely, the logic of optimism and look at things with absolute objectivity, the logic of pessimism and closure and look at things with absolute passion. These two tendencies are embodied by the characters Joseph and Maha, who have the task of recounting most of the events of the novel.The researchers adopted the deliberative approach in the study of the novel through reading semantics and meanings, temporal and spatial indications and aids, and monitoring of interferences, dialogues and the pilgrim dimension, reference references to the writer's destination and text, as well as the use of descriptive analytic methods. It was incumbent on us to present a theoretical framework for the concept of the deliberative approach and a brief presentation of its origin and development, and its applicability to the narrative text, which is included in the first part of the research.

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Publication Date
Sat Jun 04 2022
Journal Name
Al–bahith Al–a'alami
paratexte in specialized literary journals : AL ADEEB AL IRAQI magazine is a model
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Post-structural critical studies highlighted the importance of studying the texts surrounding the text as an important part in the process of receiving and understanding texts, and although this topic was dealt with by the ancient Arabs and Europeans, interest in it appeared clearly after the appearance of Gerard Genet's book (SEUILS), which separated it Text Thresholds. Or what he called paratexte, and dealt with them with interest as he reads them on books. With the development of semiotic studies, interest in paratexte studies began in a broader way and in various literary and non-literary texts, including journalistic texts. And since specialized magazines are one of the press releases that enjoy their privacy in terms of topics and

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Publication Date
Mon Feb 19 2018
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Directing Techniques to Process the Radio Drama Script ( Khata'a Play as a Sample)
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     The radio drama is considered to be one of the arts that is discovered after a long period of theater's discovery. Initially , it was the broad framework of the theater's work when radio was broadcasting the shows on the huge theaters. This beginning encouraged many of the radio specialists to correlate plays with radio and make a novice and distinctive type of art. Thus, radio drama made its first step including the following   ( plays, short and long series drama as well as other types of radio arts). Because of the above mentioned , the researcher is stimulating  to study directing techniques to process the radio drama script ( Khata'a play as a sample).

The first chapter deals with the

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Publication Date
Tue Jun 23 2015
Journal Name
Nature Communications
A metabolic stress-inducible miR-34a-HNF4α pathway regulates lipid and lipoprotein metabolism
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Publication Date
Thu Dec 15 2022
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Heat Transfer
The indirect solar dryers with innovative solar air heaters designs: A review article
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Abstract<p>The drying process is considered an effective technique for preserving foods and agricultural products from spoilage. Moreover, the drying process lessens the products' weight, volume, and packaging, which prompts a reduction in the products' transportation costs. The drying technique with solar energy represents an ancient method, still alluring due to solar energy abundance and cost‐effectiveness. In this article, the previous manuscripts concerned with studying and analyzing indirect solar dryer systems that utilize innovative solar air heaters (SAHs) are reviewed. The results and conclusions are discussed intensively to clarify the significance of utilizing this type of drying technique. The ef</p> ... Show More
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Publication Date
Wed May 26 2021
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Rotational Piezoelectric Energy Harvesting: A Comprehensive Review on Excitation Elements, Designs, and Performances
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Rotational Piezoelectric Energy Harvesting (RPZTEH) is widely used due to mechanical rotational input power availability in industrial and natural environments. This paper reviews the recent studies and research in RPZTEH based on its excitation elements and design and their influence on performance. It presents different groups for comparison according to their mechanical inputs and applications, such as fluid (air or water) movement, human motion, rotational vehicle tires, and other rotational operational principal including gears. The work emphasises the discussion of different types of excitations elements, such as mass weight, magnetic force, gravity force, centrifugal force, gears teeth, and impact force, to show their effect

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Publication Date
Fri Jan 01 2021
Journal Name
Materials Today: Proceedings
Response surface methodology: A review on its applications and challenges in microbial cultures
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Publication Date
Mon Dec 05 2022
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
A Security and Privacy Aware Computing Approach on Data Sharing in Cloud Environment
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Today, the role of cloud computing in our day-to-day lives is very prominent. The cloud computing paradigm makes it possible to provide demand-based resources. Cloud computing has changed the way that organizations manage resources due to their robustness, low cost, and pervasive nature. Data security is usually realized using different methods such as encryption. However, the privacy of data is another important challenge that should be considered when transporting, storing, and analyzing data in the public cloud. In this paper, a new method is proposed to track malicious users who use their private key to decrypt data in a system, share it with others and cause system information leakage. Security policies are also considered to be int

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Publication Date
Wed Dec 30 2015
Journal Name
College Of Islamic Sciences
Trees and their impact on humans And the environment from a Qur'anic perspective
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Show the greatness of Allah Almighty when contemplating the benefits of trees and plants in
Life in general and trees mentioned in the Koran in particular, do not have to meditate that
He acknowledges the greatness of the Almighty Creator, and his preference over man, that he is prepared for his livelihood
And give him what he can do in this life to the fullest.
  The study also stressed the need to urge people to this great blessing trees
By preserving them and wasteful wastefulness.
  The study also pointed to the need to guide people towards the aesthetics and improvements of
Look through and enjoy the beauty of trees, flowers, greenery and fruits ..

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Publication Date
Sat Jul 01 2023
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
Toward Improving BIM Acceptance in FM: A Conceptual Model Integrating TTF and TAM
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Substantial research has been performed on Building Information Modeling (BIM) in various topics, for instance, the use and benefit of BIM in design, construction, sustainable environment building, and Facility assets over the past several years. Although there are various studies on these topics, Building Information Modeling (BIM) awareness through facilities management is still relatively poor. The researcher's interest is increased in BIM study is based heavily upon the perception that it can facilitate the exchange and reuse of information during various project phases. This property and others can be used in the Iraqi Construction industry to motivate the government to eliminate the change resistance to use innovat

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Publication Date
Wed Apr 20 2011
Journal Name
Journal Of Al-qadisiyah For Computer Science And Mathematics
Chaos in a harvested prey-predator model with infectious disease in the prey
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A harvested prey-predator model with infectious disease in preyis investigated. It is assumed that the predator feeds on the infected prey only according to Holling type-II functional response. The existence, uniqueness and boundedness of the solution of the model are investigated. The local stability analysis of the harvested prey-predator model is carried out. The necessary and sufficient conditions for the persistence of the model are also obtained. Finally, the global dynamics of this model is investigated analytically as well as numerically. It is observed that, the model have different types of dynamical behaviors including chaos.

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