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The Role of inherited occupations in cohesion of the family system
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This study aims to study the inherited occupations which are considered to be a cultural, civilized and social legacy that effected by the Prevailing social and economic circumstances in the Iraqi society .
The study aimed to achieve several goals, including:
Identify the relationship between the urbanization and inherited occupations in the old city Al-Karkh.
Identify the relationship between the ecological construction and inherited occupations in the old city Al-Karkh.
Recognize the factors and motives inherited occupations in the study area .Identify the role of inherited occupations in promoting opportunities cohesion of the family system in the study area.
The field of the study had concentrated on a sample of families which are working in the inherited occupations, the samples were 300 families that had been choose by the intentional method of choosing samples, and also 10 Respondents as model to the case study .The study used a combination of statistical methods to achieve the objectives of the study.
Most important results that recommendation are:
Housing near the work place of the most important factors contributing to the inheritance of professions .Most of the Respondents confirmed that the inherited occupations Contribute to the cohesion of the family system .Most of the Respondents confirmed that the respect for the opinions of the family members if the occupations manners is the main reasonin the cohesion of the family.
The most important recommendations of the study are:
A recommendation to the responsible authorities to grant licenses and facilities for professional occupations popular culture and organization of the mechanisms of action in order to achieve growth opportunities for the local community.
To activate the role of social workers to monitor the problems and obstacles workers inherited occupations and problems of their families and their working conditions.
A recommendation to the competent authorities to organize courses and conferences that contribute to the development of scientific research in the field of study of local communities as to contribute in their development.
The letter also included a set of proposals that contribute to the development enhancing the developmental advancement opportunities for careers legacy and the community.

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Publication Date
Sun Feb 03 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
The Providence of the Rosaly's family to the Intellectual Movement in Yemen
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The Providence of the Rosaly's family to the Intellectual Movement in Yemen

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Publication Date
Sat Mar 26 2022
Journal Name
Journal Of Accounting And Financial Studies ( Jafs )
The role of the marketing intelligence system in the quality of the insurance service : Applied research in the National Insurance Company
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The current research seeks to identify the role of the marketing intelligence system in its dimensions (customer intelligence, market intelligence, competitor intelligence, insurance product intelligence, sales representatives) and its reflection on improving the quality of the insurance service provided by the National Insurance Company represented in its dimensions (reliability, response, tangibility, Safety, the spirit of empathy, communication) adopted in the current research, and based on that, the research came as an attempt to find out the extent to which the research sample company can apply the approach of the marketing intelligence system and its impact on improving the quality of the insurance service provided to custo

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Publication Date
Sun Jul 01 2001
Journal Name
Bulletin Of The Iraq Natural History Museum (p-issn: 1017-8678 , E-issn: 2311-9799)
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A collection of 118 specimens of Iraqi phasianid birds belong to four species was examined
for haematozoa. Results show that 21.2% of them were infected with one or more of four
species of blood parasites; Haemoproteus danilewskyi, H. santosdiasi, Plasmodium sp. and
microfilaria. Haemoproteus danilewskyi is reported here for the first time in Iraq.

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Publication Date
Thu Dec 26 2019
Journal Name
Bulletin Of The Iraq Natural History Museum (p-issn: 1017-8678 , E-issn: 2311-9799)
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    A revision study of the Sphecidae from Iraq is presented. A survey is conducted to collect the specimens from different regions; generally, there were 41 species belonging to 12 genera and 4 subfamilies are revised with synonyms.


    The current investigation included the species previously reported in Iraq, which were not collected during the current investigations; the distribution and other information are also provided.

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Scopus Crossref
Publication Date
Wed Jun 30 2021
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
A proposed model for disclosing the role of the collective intelligence system in improving joint auditing
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This research aims to present a proposed model for disclosure and documentation when performing the audit according to the joint audit method by using the questions and principles of the collective intelligence system, which leads to improving and enhancing the efficiency of the joint audit, and thus enhancing the confidence of the parties concerned in the outputs of the audit process. As the research problem can be formulated through the following question: “Does the proposed model for disclosure of the role of the collective intelligence system contribute to improving joint auditing?”   

The proposed model is designed for the disclosure of joint auditing and the role

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Publication Date
Thu Nov 01 2018
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
The role of compensation system in improving the quality of educational services (Halabja University as a model)
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          This study deals with the role of compensation system in improving the quality of educational services (University of Halabja as a Model) also our problem was the following question ; What is the role of compensation system in its different dimensions in improving the quality of educational services? And what is the relationship and impact of using the dimensions of the compensation system to improve the quality of educational services? The hypothesis of the research included the correlation and the impacts between the compensation system and its combined variables in the quality of educational services. This was proved through a field study and the distribution of questionn

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Crossref (1)
Publication Date
Thu Feb 28 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of Accounting And Financial Studies ( Jafs )
Evaluating the Observing Internal System in the General State of Taxes and its Role in Increasing the Taxes Revenue
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The internal observing system is considered a cornerstone for the high management in all the systems. It aims at defending the things for waste and increasing efficient and application the rules and regulations and constrictions. To easier for the high management activity in the internal observing system which in presented and practiced and to what extent can depend on it. Thus it goes to evaluate the internal observing system periodically to check the weak points in that system so as the find out the mistake, in the construction of the system or mistake, by indication of the workers. The importance of this study is represented in the need of increasing the coactivity in the internal observing system so as to be in touch with the new tre

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Publication Date
Sun Feb 10 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
Role socialization family erroneous and its impact on criminal behavior
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The correct and sincere process of socialization is working on appropriate social climate in
which this process is the provision, and the climate is achieved in the presence of a positive
environment free of negatives and contradictions, but when there is a socialization processes
inadequate and contradictory was not based on the principles of punishment and reward nor a
balance between methods soft and intensity of treatment and interaction with small and
adolescent does not require intensive social care formulas do not create the conditions
essential items required by the successful and effective socialization, the young and the young
people who are going through in such Altanisah and educational operations will be

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Publication Date
Sat Apr 01 2017
Journal Name
1st Ijrtess – 2017 First International Conference On Recent Trends Of Engineering Sciences And Sustainability
Measuring Cohesion and Place Attachment of Selected Neighborhoods in Al-Adhamiya
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Historic centers are often subject to urban renewal without the prior knowledge of the extent of the cohesion and attachment to place of its inhabitants. Identifying the rates of cohesion and place attachment can help urban designers to avoid decisions that lead to clashes with the reality of the social groups inhabiting the neighborhoods of the historic center. So the research aimed to measure cohesion and place attachment in a methodological approach based on a psychological instrument conducted by previous studies .The measurements were applied through a questionnaire given to the residents of six elected neighborhoods forming the historic center of Al- Adhamiya.The research assumed the relative disparity rates of cohesion and place atta

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Publication Date
Sat May 01 2021
Journal Name
Journal Of Physics: Conference Series
Anatomical study of the Carissa macrocarpa (Apocynaceae family) in Iraq
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This study was conducted to examine the anatomical aspects of Carissa macrocarpa, of stem, leaf and leaf venation. The results obtaind showed that the tissue of the studied parts have important anatomical characteristics in terms of the shape of the cross-sectional of stem and vertical-sectional of leaves. The stem section appeared in circular and the midrib was crescent shape and the stomata appeared on the upper surface of the leaf only, Tetracytic in type. Druses crystals and Aleurone granules appeared on both surfaces of leaves. The venation type was Brochidodromous in which the secondary veins do not end at the edge of the leaf, and each secondary race is connected with the higher rac

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