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Prof. Mohammad Al-Drubi's Manuscripts Editing Methodology
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Efforts of evaluating manuscripts have developed into sciences that take interest into the development of authorship movement. Expanding the rules and fundamentals of this scientific process along with the growing use of modern methods and techniques contributed further to its development.
Such a disciplinedemands comprehensive knowledge in various fields to reach the most valid results that help reveal significant aspects of the cultural heritage since such a process is an ethical responsibility .Therefore, the editor has to be patient and honest in correcting mistakes, choosing the most acceptable narration and pinpointing the additions and differences as well as other requirements of serious editing.
The study was divided into an entrance where it stopped at the investigator's life and achieved the books and letters. Then came the first demand to stand in the letters and the books to present the nature and subjects. Then came the second demand to stop the features of the investigation method at the Drubi and its milestones

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Publication Date
Tue Oct 04 2022
Journal Name
College Of Islamic Sciences
The aesthetics of metaphor sent in Nahj al-Balaghah
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       The main goal of this study is to showcase the aesthetic values contained in Nahj Al-Balagha by exploring its wide horizons and enriching the subject of rhetoric with new forms and images that did not exist in other books, as they characterized no other book but Nahj Al-Balagha. Imam Ali mastered the use of rhetorical forms in his speech to the fullest extent that such forms raced to his thought one after the other to book their place amongst the topics of religious and earthly life. One of those rhetoric forms is synecdoche, in its various parts. Due to this form great importance and high status, it was used by the Imam at many

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Publication Date
Mon May 01 2023
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
Evaluation the Western Canal of Al- Ishaqi Irrigation Project
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The water scarcity that Iraq suffers from and the low irrigation efficiency in irrigation projects, therefore, it was necessary to evaluate the performance of the irrigation system of the western canal for the Ishaqi irrigation project in Salah al-Din Governorate to determine the water management strategies that can be used to improve the irrigation efficiency in the project. The performance of the field irrigation system was evaluated on two fields of different crops and irrigation methods according to the agricultural reality of the study area in the Western canal for the Al-Ishaqi Irrigation Project in Salah Al-Din Governorate. The fieldwork included measurements of the moisture content before and after irrigation, fi

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Crossref (1)
Publication Date
Sun Jan 27 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
Al-Yaqubi's Sources and the question of Shia partiality
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Al-Yaqubi was biased in favor of Shia. May be du to his choice of source, materials. All historians as with other human beings are biased in their attitudes and preconceptions in one degree or another as well as in one direction or another.
The choice of source materials, their nature and the use made of them is an important index for measuring the achievement of ang historian.
Several specific questions arise. What sources did author use that were either unknown to or were not employed by his predecessors and contemporaries for whatever reason?
What sources are common to al- Yaqubi and his colleagues among the early Arab historians and what evidence of tendentiousness can be ascert- ained in these? To what extent can the author

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Publication Date
Sat Dec 31 2016
Journal Name
Al-kindy College Medical Journal
Hemoptysis Hospital Based Study, At AL- Kindy Teaching Hospital
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Background: Expectoration of blood that originated in the lungs or bronchial tubes is a frightening symptom for patients and often is a manifestation of significant and possibly dangerous underlying disease. Tuberculosis was and still one of the common causes followed by bronchiactasis , bronchitis, and lung cancer. Objectives: The aim of this study is to find the frequency of causes of respiratory tract bleeding in 100 patients attending alkindy teaching hospital.Type of the study: : Prospective descriptive observational study Methods of a group of patients consist of one hundred consecutive adult patients, with Lower respiratory tract bleeding are studied. History, physical examination, and a group of selected investigations performed,

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Crossref (1)
Publication Date
Tue Apr 01 2014
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Analsis of politic behavior and its impact on displaying the continuousness of organizational trust mantainance ,applied research of a sample of AL-farouq State Construction contracting company Employees
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The research aims to know the concept of politic behavior as one of the important behaviours in the different fields and sectors. It is considered to be part of the organizatial work to face the expected  risks. It includes two group of factors personal (self –monitors, locus of control ,expectation s of success, perceived job alternatives)and organizational(promotion ,division resources,role  ambiguity ,democratic decision)studied by the researcher  in the frame of the relationship with the variable  of display  continuous trust matain which includes two variable (build trust mantain, display  trust continuouness)through applied frame by random sample consists of (90)employee  at Farouq State

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Publication Date
Sun Jun 01 2014
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Study of the Inter-Particle Expectation Values for Inter and Outer Shell: Khalil H. Al-Bayati|Ban H. Al-Asaad|Baidaa S. H.
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In this research the Inter-Particle Expectation Values have been studied for atomics Helium (He) and Beryllium (Be) also for He-like ions, Be-like ions (Li-1, B+1? Li+1, Be+2, B+3) by using Hartree-Fock wave functions, We compared the results to some ions which have the same atomic number from each group with atomic number, We compared the results with published calculations to the last studied .

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Publication Date
Sat Jun 30 2012
Journal Name
Al-kindy College Medical Journal
Success rate of Percutaneous Coronary Intervention of Chronic Total Occlusion in Ibn Al-Baitar Hospital for cardiac surgery and Al-Nassyeria cardiac center
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Back ground: Chronic total occlusion (CTO) of coronary arteries remains one of the most challenging lesion subsets in interventional cardiology even with the development of medical devices and operator expertise. Successful revascularization results in improved in angina status ,increased exercise capacity and reduces the need for lat CABG surgery .
Objectives: This study sought to determine the overall procedural success rate of percutaneous coronary intervention (PCI) for CTOs and to examine the relation between variables such as; patients’ characteristics, risk factors, lesion characteristics and procedural success rate.
Methods: In this study ,clinical and coronary angiography data of (80) patients with CTO who underwent PCI

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Publication Date
Wed Dec 12 2018
Journal Name
Iraqi National Journal Of Nursing Specialties
Relationship between Third Trimester Vaginal Bleeding Medical Causes and pregnancy Outcomes of Pregnant Women Attending Bint Al-Huda Hospital in Al-Nasiriya City
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Objective: To find out the relationship between vaginal bleeding during third trimester and pregnancy outcomes. Methodology: A purposive sample is "Non-probability" of (100) women who had diagnostic vaginal bleeding during third trimester (27-40wk) of pregnancy, and who visited the Bint Al-Huda Hospital for the period from 15th Feb. to 17th May 2015.Validity and reliability of questionnaire are determined through pilot study. Descriptive and inferential statistical procedures were used to analyze the data, and the data were collected by using interview technique, constructed questionnaire has been desig

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Publication Date
Tue Jun 15 2021
Journal Name
Forms of post-modernism in performance of Iraqi theatre "dream of Baghdad exam": عمار عبد سلمان محمد
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  The effects of postmodernism on theatrical form was managed by the director (Anas Abdul Samad) to be employed in the Iraqi play (Dream in Baghdad) and the researcher sought to study this problem and divided it into four chapters dealt with in the first chapter the problem of research and its need, the importance of research, As well as the definition of terminology, either Chapter II theoretical framework divided by the researcher to the first two is the postmodernism in the theater is the most prominent reference references and the second most important postmodern applications in the world play and then the researcher concluded the second chapter of the most important indicators. In the third chapter, the researcher identified th

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Publication Date
Tue Mar 01 2016
Journal Name
Harmonization formative in the design of interior spaces Hall of discussions in the design department (a model): بدريا محمد حسن فرج
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Can not reach a comprehensive concept for interior design through the use of Harmonization term according transformations experienced by the terms of the variables associated with the backlog of cultures that characterize concepts according to the nature of the users of the spaces in the design output, which necessitates the meaning of the combination of knowledge, art, science, such as the type of perceptions design the Harmonization cognitive science with art to create products of the use of design configurations that help the designer to put such a product within the reality and like the fact that reliable, as well as the rational knowledge tend somehow to the objective specifically in facilitating the substance subject to perceptible

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