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Prof. Mohammad Al-Drubi's Manuscripts Editing Methodology
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Efforts of evaluating manuscripts have developed into sciences that take interest into the development of authorship movement. Expanding the rules and fundamentals of this scientific process along with the growing use of modern methods and techniques contributed further to its development.
Such a disciplinedemands comprehensive knowledge in various fields to reach the most valid results that help reveal significant aspects of the cultural heritage since such a process is an ethical responsibility .Therefore, the editor has to be patient and honest in correcting mistakes, choosing the most acceptable narration and pinpointing the additions and differences as well as other requirements of serious editing.
The study was divided into an entrance where it stopped at the investigator's life and achieved the books and letters. Then came the first demand to stand in the letters and the books to present the nature and subjects. Then came the second demand to stop the features of the investigation method at the Drubi and its milestones

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Publication Date
Sun Jul 03 2011
Journal Name
Journal Of Educational And Psychological Researches
بناء اختبار لتقييم مستوى انتاجية وثبات الانتباه عند اطفال الرياض
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Attention is one of the mental processes of knowledge that play an important role in the life of the individual in general and the child's life, in particular, the child relates to the external environment through its interaction with it, to achieve the adjustment with his environment and harmony with his community.

Much ness and multiplicity of information sources make the child need to scan and exploration to provide the appropriate response by handling sensory stimuli involving the discovery of stimulus and receive it by sensory devices then pay attention to it and realizing and storing it in memory and restoring it in the next positio

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Publication Date
Mon Sep 25 2023
Journal Name
Arab Science Heritage Journal
أثر العامل النفسي في حدوث اللثغة عند الأطفال/ دراسة صوتية
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  Language is a gift from God to His servants, as it is a tool of communication, rather it is a tool of life, and without it, life cannot be straight and complete.

  A language is a kind of substitution. A vocal disorder that  may be a disease of speech, and it is one of the obstacles caused by organic and congenital causes, perhaps the common one is genetic.If we separate between lisping in children and separating it from what happens in adults, we find that lisping in children may have psychological causes as well as other ones, this is what we will show in this research.

Key words: psychological factor,lisps,children,vocal study .

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Publication Date
Thu Feb 24 2022
Journal Name
Journal Of Educational And Psychological Researches
The Role of the Teacher in Facing Intellectual Extremism among High School Students
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The study aimed to identify the role of the teacher in confronting intellectual extremism in high school students, and identify the differences of statistical significance in the role of teacher in confronting intellectual extremism in secondary school students according to gender variable (males, females) and the duration of service (less than 5 years more than 5 years), the sample was consisted of (100) teachers with (50) male  and (50) female in the city of Bayaa, Dora and Sadiya, the measure of intellectual extremism was applied by the researcher, and the study reached a role of the teacher in facing the intellectual extremism at Secondary school students, and the existence of differences of statistical significance in the role

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Publication Date
Wed Dec 12 2018
Journal Name
Arab Science Heritage Journal
فاطمة فاطمة الزهراء(عليها السلام)عند المؤرخين والمحدِّثين (دراسة ببلوغرافية)
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There are a lot of takes care of the legacy of the household (p) and from different Islamic sects, where draw works several dealt biography Zahra Virgin (p) was research deals with male workbooks that were classified for girlfriend (p) since the second century AH, which is my father Mkhnf, Lot bin Yahya bin Said Azdi (d. 157 AH / 773 AD) the first class

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Publication Date
Thu Mar 30 2023
Journal Name
College Of Islamic Sciences
The science of premeditation for Islamic scholars: Its causes, controls, etiquette, scientific effects
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This study came to clarify the redemption in terms of being a method and a subject of knowledge that has its causes, controls, etiquette and scientific implications for Muslim scholars.

The science of redemption has a historical extension, starting from the era of the Companions - may God be pleased with them - and through the stages of codification and classification of works in an effort to document it and diversify its methods at the inductive, analytical, critical and argumentative levels, and to determine its causes and from the completion of the research conclude it with evidence of its scientific effects because it is a science that enriched the Islamic library in general, and hadith in particular.

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Publication Date
Mon Sep 30 2019
Journal Name
College Of Islamic Sciences
Cognitive dimensions For grammar work at Sibweh In light of the data of the speech
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The Arabic grammatical theory is characterized by the characteristics that distinguish it from other languages. It is based on the following equation: In its entirety a homogeneous linguistic system that blends with the social nature of the Arab, his beliefs, and his culture.
    This means that this theory was born naturally, after the labor of maintaining an integrated inheritance, starting with its legal text (the Koran), and ends with its features of multiple attributes.
Saber was carrying the founding crucible of that theory, which takes over from his teacher, Hebron, to be built on what it has reached. It is redundant to point to his location and the status of his book.
So came to my research tagged: (c

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Publication Date
Thu Dec 13 2018
Journal Name
Arab Science Heritage Journal
مناقب مناقب الإمام موسى الكاظم (ع) وفضائله عند المؤرخين المسلمين
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In every age there are few great who are able to hold the burden of understanding and explaining heavenly messages . those who are immortalized by their deed troy haut history are less . the  al-emam - musa abin jaafer – peace by upon him- is one of them by his science , mentality and religion

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Publication Date
Mon Oct 01 2007
Journal Name
Journal Of Educational And Psychological Researches
تطور مظاهر السلوك العدواني عند الاطفال من وجهة نظر معلميهم
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أهمية البحث والحاجة اليه :

الحمد لله رب العالمين القائل (( وانك لعلى خلق عظيم )) (سورة القام :4)  وصلى الله وسلم وبارك على نبينا محمد القائل " انما بعثت لأتمم مكارم الاخلاق " مسند احم: رقم الحديث 8595.

ان الاهتمام بالمشكلات السلوكية من اهم ركائن التربية والتعليم وتأتي تأتي اهميتها من ان التعيم يعين التغيير في سلوك الفرد نحو الافضل تحت تأثير الظروف والخبرات والمعارف والمهارات ال

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Publication Date
Tue Jan 08 2019
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Physics
First principles calculations of Al AsxP1-x ternary nanocrystal alloying composition
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III-V zinc-blende AlP, AlAs semiconductors and their alloy Aluminum Arsenide phosphide Al AsxP1-x ternary nanocrystals have been investigated using Ab- initio density functional theory (Ab-initio-DFT) at the generalized-gradient approximation (GGA) level with STO-3G basis set coupled with large unit cell method (LUC). The dimension of crystal is found around (1.56 – 2.24) nm at a function of increasing the sizes (8, 16, 54, 64) with different concentration of arsenide (x=0, 0.25, 0.5, 0.75 and 1) respectively. Gaussian 03 code program has been used throughout this study to calculate some of the physical properties such as the electronic properties energy gap, lattice constant, valence and conduction band as well as density of state. Re

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Crossref (6)
Publication Date
Sun Dec 31 2017
Journal Name
College Of Islamic Sciences
The saying of Al-Azhar in the fatwas with it from the words of Imam Zafar (may God have mercy on him) by Imam Pirizadeh Al-Hanafi (d. 1099 AH)
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It is no secret to anyone that studying and investigating books of jurisprudence, despite their suffering, is a pleasure that cannot be compared to pleasure, and it has benefits and importance that cannot be limited and summed up, and it has great fruits that researchers and students of knowledge reap, as well as enriching libraries with jurisprudential material, after dusting them and taking them out to the light of libraries to be seen. Researchers and scholars, generation after generation, so that this nation can benefit from this pioneering intellectual and scientific product that was written for us by our first ancestors of working scholars who enriched human civilization with this scientific material, which has become a beacon guid

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