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Fine motor skills of kindergarten children
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The deprivation Some of the children to exercise some fine motor activities a big problem , as a consequence, this problem plays of the delay in motor development during early childhood , Usually it happens to be the reasons for the lack of the right place to play , and the lack of the presence of the tools needed to play motor, or fear excessive protection by parents for their children as a result of lack of awareness of the importance of physical activity for the child to use his fingertips and fine his muscles . In addition to that small percentage of children spend most of their time in the daily activities and skills of non-motor , Such aswatching television, or play video games or they tend to play computer and mobile but they are moving away from sound methods in their dependence on fine motor skills when using the fingertips of their hand.
The fine motor in kindergarten registration of such enormous developments in the control of the hands and fingers , This results in a lot of movements as in the ability to cut and paste and build homes using a small wooden or plastic pieces.
The child at this stage attracted to different of motor games so you must make way for him to satisfy the wishes and his penchant for movement by practicing popular games in physical education lesson , Which helps to identify the shapes, colors and sizes, as well as that to develop his physical attitudes towards self-understanding and controlling his movements and compatibility between the eye and the hand, And working with his hands and feet and speed of response to external stimuli for cognitive mental processes in general growth , And help it to grow, which links between cognitive learning and cognitive growth, which is a prerequisite in social life, especially in the advanced ages.
The current research aims to identify the fine motor skills of kindergarten children.
In the current research was to adopt the point of view of complementarity when building test by defining fields, which included four fields , namely (manual - manual synergies , the circular motion of the hand and wrist , grab finger index finger and thumb, visual - manual synergies ).
The researcher chose kindergarten (AL- Jamhoria), located in Morocco Street to apply tested on children preliminary stage whose age between (5-6) years totaling (190) boys and girls by (98) males and (92) females, divided into four divisions, so as to make the application Test them.
In addition, the researcher to extract validity discrimination and difficulty and consistency of the test parameters, so that it can be applied to the sample. Having been testing the sample application, the researcher enter data obtained from children's responses in statistical Pouch (SSPS), has revealed research that the sample suffer from weakness in the fine motor skills results, it has been interpreted researcher reasons for this weakness, according to this view integrative theories for the lack of attention to the motor side for these children since the early stages before entering kindergarten.

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Publication Date
Thu Jan 01 2015
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
Performance Improvement of the Implementation of Concrete Structures in the Construction Sector In Iraq Using The Modern Management Technique “Six Sigma”
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The reality of the field of construction projects in Iraq refers to needing for the development of performance in order to improve quality and reduce defects and errors and to control the time and cost, so there is needing for the application of effective methods in this area, one of the methods that can be applied in this area is the manner of Six Sigma. This research aims to enhance the performance and quality improvement for the construction projects by improving performance in the work of the implementation of the concrete structure depending on the Six Sigma methodology, and for the purpose of achieving the aim of the research, the researcher firstly depends on the theoretical study that include the concepts of qual

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Publication Date
Sat Feb 01 2014
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Distribution of Municipal Services and Some Factors Affecting Them (A survey in a sample of districts from Rushed municipal in Baghdad)
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s The study aims to identify the fairness in the distribution of municipal services between  municipal districts and areas, from point of view  of municipal chamber staff and from the point of view of the citizen. It also aims to identify factors affecting the fairness of the distribution of municipal services. Municipal services were being studied : hygiene and waste, water supply, sewer, creating gardens,  and street paving .Factors which  examined its impact on municipal services are: resources available to municipal chamber, the managerial  process at municipal chamber,  and factors in the external environment surrounding  municipal chamber.The results of the study showed that level of the e

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Publication Date
Tue Oct 20 2020
Journal Name
Ibn Al-haitham Journal For Pure And Applied Sciences
Study of Lung Cancer Hazard Due to Radiate Radon Gas for Two Factories in Industrial Region (Shaikh Omar) of Baghdad Governorate
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During the winter, in the industry region (Shaikh Omer) and by applying a passive radon detector (CR-39), lung cancer risk has been measured in twelve rooms of different workshops of two old factories in this site. The radon concentration is ranged from (123.345 Bq/m3) to (328.985 Bq/m3) with an average of (244.19±61.52 Bq/m3). Lung cancer risk ranged from 55.993 to 149.346 per million people and with an average of (110.855 per million people) which were lower than the recommended values (170-230 per million people), so there was no cancer risk on workers in these locations.

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Publication Date
Fri Mar 01 2019
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Physics
Study the effect of Ag nanoparticles and ZnO nanoparticles at different concentrations on the viscosity and surface tension of Polyacrylamide solutions
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Polyacrylamide Solutions of different concentrations (0.2, 0.4, 0.6, 0.8, 1.0 %) of Ag nanoparticles and ZnO nanoparticles were prepared, the viscosities and surface tension were measured for all solutions, where measurements indicated an increase in these properties with increased concentration, where the relative viscosity of polyacrylamide/zinc nanoparticles increased from 1.275 to 2.243, and the relative viscosity of polyacrylamide/silver nanoparticles increased from 1.178 to 1.934. Viscosity is significant parameters during electrospinning process. While the surface tension of the polyacrylamide/zinc nanoparticles has changed from 0.0343 Nm-1 to .0.0.0 Nm-1 and changed from .0.000Nm-1 to.0.0.0 Nm-1. Also the constants KH and KK were

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Crossref (1)
Publication Date
Sun Apr 23 2017
Journal Name
Ibn Al-haitham Journal For Pure And Applied Sciences
Some Statistical Characteristics Depending on the Maximum Variance of Solution of Two Dimensional Stochastic Fredholm Integral Equation contains Two Gamma Processes
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   In this paper, we find the two solutions of two dimensional stochastic Fredholm integral equations contain two gamma processes differ by the parameters in two cases and equal in the third are solved by the Adomain decomposition method. As a result of the solutions probability density functions and their variances at the time t are derived by depending upon the maximum variances of each probability density function with respect to the three cases. The auto covariance and the power spectral density functions are also derived. To indicate which of the three cases is the best, the auto correlation coefficients are calculated.

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Publication Date
Fri Dec 30 2022
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
The Exploratory and Confirmatory Factorial Structure of Test-Wiseness Scale: A Field Study on a Sample of Students in Hama University
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The current research aims to recognize the exploratory and confirmatory factorial structure of the test-wiseness scale on a sample of Hama University students, using the descriptive method. Thus, the sample consists of (472) male and female students from the faculties of the University of Hama. Besides, Abu Hashem’s 50 item test-wiseness scale (2008) has been used. The validity and reliability of the items of the scale have also been verified, and six items have been deleted accordingly. The results of the exploratory factor analysis of the first degree have shown the presence of the following five acceptable factors: (exam preparation, test time management, question paper handling, answer sheet handling, and revision).  Moreover,

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Publication Date
Thu Oct 31 2019
Journal Name
Al-kindy College Medical Journal
Quality of Primary Care Center Referral Letters and Feedback Reports among Sample of PHCCs in Baghdad /Al-Rusafa Health Directorate During2015
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Background:The referral system constitutes a key element of health system. Effective referral system between different levels of health care delivery represents a cornerstone in addressing patients’ health needs.

Objectives:To assess the referral system Baghdad/ Al-Rusafa Health Directorate by evaluation the referral pattern and identify the quality of the referral letters and feedback reports.

Type of the study: This cross-sectional study .

Methodology : It was conducted in5PHCC in from 1st July 2015 - 31st December 2015 at Bagdad/Al-Rusafa health directorate. The study population (sampled population) included all ref

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Publication Date
Sun Feb 03 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
The concept of suspense and mystery with some references to dickens s Novels ; A tale of two cities and Great expectations
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Publication Date
Tue Jan 01 2019
Journal Name
Indian Journal Of Public Health Research & Development
Predictive Value of Spectral Waveform Indices; Intimal Medial Thickness and Lumen Diameter of Carotid Artery in Iraqi Diabetic and Hypertensive Patients
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Background: Diabetes and hypertension are related to cardiovascular risk factors and are possible to detect development of atherosclerosis in cardiovascular system, were can predict their effect and measurement by ultrasound and Doppler study. These risk factors included increased intima-media thickness, resistive index (RI) and pulsatility index (PI) of the right common carotid arteries. Method: We studied 20 patients with diabetes and hypertension, and 20 patients with diabetes only, were examine right carotid arteries for these two groups. In this sample we studied the Lumen diameter of the Rt. carotid arteries, Intima – media thickness (IMT), peak systolic velocity, end diastolic velocity, and Pulsatility index, Resistance index were

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Scopus Crossref
Publication Date
Thu Mar 13 2025
Journal Name
Al–bahith Al–a'alami
THE SEMIOTICS OF PROPAGANDA SPEECH IN SOCIAL MEDIA SITES (A Semiotic Study of the News Reports on the Israeli "Makan" Channel)
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Technological and digital development has allowed the emergence of many methods of producing semantics on social media sites within semiotic and propagandistic frameworks. This is what made the image appear in different molds and shapes, especially as it is the first material for visual perception.
This made the Israeli propaganda discourse use it as an important tool to manage the content of suggestive messages with semiological connotations. By doing so, such tool uses social networking sites as an appropriate environment to achieve those goals, which are related to cases of manipulating emotions and minds. It, moreover, changes convictions, attitudes, trends and behaviors according to what the propaganda planner wants.
Many Isra

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