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Spatial analysis of population growth in the district of Tuz Khurmatu for (1977-2012)
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The study population growth of the most important demographic phenomena upon which planners to meet changes in the size of the population increase is through knowledge of the requirements of population growth can be planned for the future. On this basis, Tuz District was chosen for the study of population growth, which set her period (1977-2012), and compared with the growth of the population of the province and the extent of the variation in population growth, according to the administrative units, has touched search numerical and proportional distribution of the population according to the administrative aspects of the judiciary, as well as environmental distribution.

The elimination of the study population growth dramatically shown in the judiciary and respects its center, and the population growth rate (3.4%) during the census period (1977-1987), which is lower than the growth rate in Salahuddin province, which amounted to (4.4 %), and higher than the growth rate of Qatar, who was (3%) for the same period. Then declined slightly decreased, reaching (3%) for a period of Census (1987-1997), and then the growth rate has stabilized in the district of Tuz Khurmatu as the previous period (1997-2012). Research has found that the rates of urban population is growing with each new time period as the ratio (49.7%) in the census in 1977, then rose to (65.7%) in the population estimates for the year 2012, while the rural population ratios taken from decreasing (50.3%) in 1977 to the census (34.4%) in the year 2012 population estimates because of the availability of employment opportunities in urban centers, which led to the migration from the countryside to the cities.

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Publication Date
Mon Jan 01 2024
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Languages (jcl)
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The paper deals with the language of Russian folklore. Folklore is a unique sphere of existence of the language, the most vivid expression of the national mentality. The folklore word embodied the perception and evaluation of the surrounding world. “What did the word in general mean for the life of the people? The word was equated ... with life itself. The word generated and explained life, it was ... the keeper of memory and the guarantee of the infinity of the future. The folklore text is studied by literary critics, ethnographers, historians, culturologists, and art historians. In the twentieth century, a new science emerged - linguo-folkloristics, the goals and objectives of which were formulated by A.T. Khrolenko only in the seven

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Publication Date
Sat Dec 01 2018
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Comparison between the Methods of Ridge Regression and Liu Type to Estimate the Parameters of the Negative Binomial Regression Model Under Multicollinearity Problem by Using Simulation
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The problem of Multicollinearity is one of the most common problems, which deal to a large extent with the internal correlation between explanatory variables. This problem is especially Appear in economics and applied research, The problem of Multicollinearity has a negative effect on the regression model, such as oversized variance degree and estimation of parameters that are unstable when we use the Least Square Method ( OLS), Therefore, other methods were used to estimate the parameters of the negative binomial model, including the estimated Ridge Regression Method and the Liu type estimator, The negative binomial regression model is a nonline

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Publication Date
Fri Feb 08 2019
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Laser
Nano Fluid Detection for HPHE System Using Different Lasers
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Among the different passive techniques heat pipe heat exchanger (HPHE) seems to be the most effective one for energy saving in heating ventilation and air conditioning system (HVAC). The applications for nanofluids with high conductivity are favorable to increase the thermal performance in HPHE. Even though the nanofluid has the higher heat conduction coefficient that dispels more heat theoretically but the higher concentration will make clustering .Clustering is a problem that must be solved before nanofluids can be considered for long-term practical uses. Results showed that the maximum value of relative power is 0.13 mW at nanofluid compared with other concentrations due to the low density of nanofluid at this concentration. For highe

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Publication Date
Fri Nov 09 2018
Journal Name
Iraqi National Journal Of Nursing Specialties
Review of Histopathological Diagnoses of One Year Appendectomy Specimens in Sulaimani City
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Objective: To review and see the pattern of histopathological diagnoses of one year appendectomy specimens.
Methodology: This retrospective study was carried in Sulaimani Teaching Hospital over the period of one year (from 1st
of January to 31st of December 2009). All pathological reports were reviewed retrospectively for patient’s age, sex,
histopathological diagnosis and operative findings (if present). Histopathological diagnoses then were classified into
either positive or negative for acute inflammation. Any associated findings or any surgical specimen removed with the
appendix was recorded. The obtained data were analyzed by using the statistical package social sciences (SPSS) version
19; with Chi square to test

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Publication Date
Tue Feb 05 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
Nouniya for Ibn Zaidoun and Andalusia for Ahmed Shawqi, study balancing
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The present paper talks about balance between two poems which are the Nouniya for Ibn Zaidoun and Andalusia for Ahmed Shawqi. This study is not claimed to be the first of its kind but we found some artistic aspects that deserve to stop at them. This what makes the two the focus of critics and scholars as well in addition to their emphasis on the unity of the human feelings and immortality through the poet's ability to employ those feelings and emotions in a way that it can express the human soul in every time and place. That is what we believe Ibn Zaidoun had reached in his poem. Therefore, the present paper has come into the conclusion that Ibn Zaydoon's Nouniya is better than Shawqi's Andalusia due to what we got through reading and an

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Publication Date
Fri Jan 01 2021
Journal Name
Journal Of Accounting And Financial Studies ( Jafs )
Banking Entrepreneurial requirements: Models for selected countries: Models for selected countries
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The research aims to identify the requirements of banking Entrepreneurial in Saudi Arabia and Singapore, where banking Entrepreneurial is an important way to lead employees to acquire the experience and knowledge required by the banking environment, so we note the pursuit of the banking management to acquire new technology proactively and distinctively to compete with others through the introduction of modern technologies that help senior management to develop new banking methods adaptable to the surrounding environmental changes. The problem of research highlights the extent to which the requirements of banking Entrepreneurial are applied in Saudi Arabia and the Republic of Singapore and will be addressed through three investigation

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Publication Date
Wed Aug 01 2012
Journal Name
I-manger's Journal On Information Technology
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A QR code is a type of barcode that can hold more information than the familiar kind scanned at checkouts around the world. The “QR” stands for “Quick Response”, a reference to the speed at which the large amounts of information they contain can be decoded by scanners. They are being widely used for advertising campaigns, linking to company websites, contest sign-up pages and online menus. In this paper, we propose an efficient module to extract QR code from background and solve problem of rotation in case of inaccurate image taken from mobile camera.

Publication Date
Tue Dec 30 2014
Journal Name
International Journal Of Medicine And Pharmaceutical Sciences (ijmps)
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The PET scans provide images that pinpoint the anatomic location of abnormal metabolic activity within the body. A radionuclide suitable for labeling a wide range of radiopharmaceuticals for positron emission tomography imaging is used also for local therapy of tumors. Among the possible methods for cyclotron production of radionuclide used in PET. We investigate the proton irradiation to produce the standard radionuclide (15O, 11C,1 3N, 18F) and some non-standard Radionuclide (76Br,124I,60Cu,66Ga,86Y and 89Zr). The total integral yield based on the main published and approved experimental results of excitation functions were calculated.

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Publication Date
Thu Nov 19 2020
Journal Name
The Iraqi Journal For Information And Documentation Studies
The use of still and animated comics in providing user services in university information institutions: a field study
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Comics is a visual art (Still and motion pictures) it seeks to provide a Training courses are a series of intensive important educational and complementary programs, based on previous foundation experiences. Create to development the participants in aspects of specialization according to the requirements of the educational system to continue developing the previous scienti􀂡c and practical experiences. Personally, or adopted by the trainee institution, where the trainee gets a professional skill certi􀂡cate that contributes to the development his work.Development and Continuous Education Center (DCEC) at the University of Baghdad (UoBaghdad) is a center dedicated to continuing education courses in which the participant is awarded a cert

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Publication Date
Sun Dec 01 2019
Journal Name
Al-adab Journal
Lamenting the Father in Modern American Poetry: A Study in Selected Elegies of Mark Strand and Sharon Olds
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Modern American elegy reveals a change in the attitude of mourning from the traditional lamenting approach to some antielegiac attitudes towards the mourned figure. Many American poets have lamented the pass away of the stately figure of the father. However, some poets attack their dead father, and ridiculed him in a poem that is intended to be an elegy, instead of showing passion, homage and love to him. In this regard, two poetic attitudes to the father can be traced in modern American poetry. The first one takes the form of tributes and praise, offering great admiration, compassion, and love for the father. For these poets, a father is an inspiration. The second voice develops some anger and contempt against the patriarchal authority emb

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