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Spatial analysis of population growth in the district of Tuz Khurmatu for (1977-2012)
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The study population growth of the most important demographic phenomena upon which planners to meet changes in the size of the population increase is through knowledge of the requirements of population growth can be planned for the future. On this basis, Tuz District was chosen for the study of population growth, which set her period (1977-2012), and compared with the growth of the population of the province and the extent of the variation in population growth, according to the administrative units, has touched search numerical and proportional distribution of the population according to the administrative aspects of the judiciary, as well as environmental distribution.

The elimination of the study population growth dramatically shown in the judiciary and respects its center, and the population growth rate (3.4%) during the census period (1977-1987), which is lower than the growth rate in Salahuddin province, which amounted to (4.4 %), and higher than the growth rate of Qatar, who was (3%) for the same period. Then declined slightly decreased, reaching (3%) for a period of Census (1987-1997), and then the growth rate has stabilized in the district of Tuz Khurmatu as the previous period (1997-2012). Research has found that the rates of urban population is growing with each new time period as the ratio (49.7%) in the census in 1977, then rose to (65.7%) in the population estimates for the year 2012, while the rural population ratios taken from decreasing (50.3%) in 1977 to the census (34.4%) in the year 2012 population estimates because of the availability of employment opportunities in urban centers, which led to the migration from the countryside to the cities.

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Publication Date
Fri Jan 01 2021
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Computers, Materials & Continua
A Technical Framework for Selection of Autonomous UAV Navigation Technologies and Sensors
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Publication Date
Fri Jul 01 2022
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Ieee Transactions On Systems, Man, And Cybernetics: Systems
Design of Robust Terminal Sliding Mode Control for Underactuated Flexible Joint Robot
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Flexible joint robot (FJR) manipulators can offer many attractive features over rigid manipulators, including light weight, safe operation, and high power efficiency. However, the tracking control of the FJR is challenging due to its inherent problems, such as underactuation, coupling, nonlinearities, uncertainties, and unknown external disturbances. In this article, a terminal sliding mode control (TSMC) is proposed for the FJR system to guarantee the finite-time convergence of the systems output, and to achieve the total robustness against the lumped disturbance and estimation error. By using two coordinate transformations, the FJR dynamics is turned into a canonical form. A cascaded finite-time sliding mode observer (CFTSMO) is construct

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Publication Date
Thu Dec 01 2011
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Swarm And Evolutionary Computation
Energy-aware evolutionary routing protocol for dynamic clustering of wireless sensor networks
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Publication Date
Tue Nov 21 2023
Journal Name
Mater Sci: Mater Electron
Pulsed laser deposition of nanostructured CeO2 antireflection coating for silicon solar cell
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Increasing the power conversion efficiency (PCE) of silicon solar cells by improving their junction properties or minimizing light reflection losses remains a major challenge. Extensive studies were carried out in order to develop an effective antireflection coating for monocrystalline solar cells. Here we report on the preparation of a nanostructured cerium oxide thin film by pulsed laser deposition (PLD) as an antireflection coating for silicon solar cell. The structural, optical, and electrical properties of a cerium oxide nanostructure film are investigated as a function of the number of laser pulses. The X-ray diffraction results reveal that the deposited cerium oxide films are crystalline in nature and have a cubic fluorite. The field

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Publication Date
Fri Jan 01 2021
Journal Name
Ieee Access
Proposition of New Ensemble Data-Intelligence Models for Surface Water Quality Prediction
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Publication Date
Mon Feb 01 2016
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Unconventional materials in the contemporary sculptural composition: علاء محسن كَبيّش
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This study aimed to knowledge of the effects of the Traditional ore upon the structure of sculpture form, as well as to knowledge of new materials that was used for the contemporary sculpture. This study included four chapter: first chapter was specialized for methodical frame. such as problem of research. that it was abstracted by question about the reason that lead the sculptor to search from new raw to carry out his sculpture works? As well as the important of research and its limits was that define between year 1950 up to 2000. The second chapter included the theoretical field and previous studies, that formed from three researches, such as the fist about the materials, as it was considered master element at the sculpture formal. the

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Publication Date
Tue Sep 17 2024
Journal Name
Evolutionary Studies In Imaginative Culture
The Effect of the Siberian Air Altitude on the Characteristics of the Climate of the Northern Arabian Peninsula
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The field of climatic geography focuses on the study of the Earth's surrounding atmosphere, particularly the lower (surface) part close to the Earth's surface. This field examines the interactions within the atmosphere resulting from the solar radiation that reaches the Earth and the subsequent distribution of atmospheric pressure. Consequently, certain surface pressure systems, both high and low, emerge and vary in their temporal and spatial impacts on the climate of the Arabian Peninsula. Therefore, it is essential to conduct a comprehensive and detailed study to understand the causes, development, movement, geographical distribution, and monthly and seasonal recurrence of these pressure systems. For this purpose, a minor climatic

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Publication Date
Mon Jan 07 2013
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Journal Of Educational And Psychological Researches
The relationship of the guilty conscience with the psychological health among the students of the University of Baghdad
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On of the psychological disorders that the human encounters is guilty conscience, this feeling is negative and affects on the individual and on those around him and harms the psychological health of the individual.

      since the university students slice is one of the important slices in the community which the country dependes on their abilities , their energies and their faculties in the construction and development, the university professors and specialists in the field of education and psychology who are around them should help them in achieving psychological balance and adjustment with themselves and with others, the following research objectives have been set : 

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Publication Date
Thu Mar 21 2024
Journal Name
Nauchi From
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The article reflects the results of the analysis of the use of metaphors as one of the main means used by Lyudmila Ulitskaya when writing the novel “Sincerely Yours Shurik” to form the image of the main hero in the novel. The main purpose of the article is to consider metaphors, which helped the author to form the image of the main character Shurik in the text space through the stages of his life path, closely related to the people around him, who is always happy to be useful (hence the title "Sincerely Yours"), among which the female images of his relatives, girlfriends and others stand out as a special layer in the narrative. And in the course of the study, the following tasks were solved: the metaphors that make up the image of the

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Publication Date
Wed Jan 01 2014
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Journal Of The College Of Languages (jcl)
بررسيترجمه‌آيات مشابه در قرآن کريم (با توجه به ترجمه غلامعلي حداد عادل) Translation of the same verses of the Holy Quran
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در قرآن کريم آياتي وجود دارد که يک يا چند بار به صورت کاملا مشابه در يک سوره و يا چند سوره، تکرار شده است. يکي از مسائل مهم در ترجمه قرآن کريم، ترجمه اين‌گونه آيات است، از آنجا که مشابه بودن اين آيات از روي حکمت الهي است، مترجمان نيز بايد در ترجمه خود اين مسأله را رعايت کرده و براي آيات مشابه ترجمه‌اييکسان ارائه کنند. از طرفي ممکن است تفاوت در ترجمه، مفهوم آيه را نيز تحت تأثير قرار دهد و براييک آيه مشابه دو مفهوم

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