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A solution to the Lifely Disobedience and its Effect to Stop Divorce
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Allah legislated marriage and made it dwelling, fellowship and mercy between
the two couples, Prophet Moh'd (peace of Allah and blessing be upon him) ordered a
husband to look after his wife, treat her with full charity and make love with here
every kindly. On the other hand, he ordered a wife to obey her husband and respect
him deeply, nevertheless, some obstacles may sometimes be appeared within the life
of their marriage, this may be caused by either a husband or a wife. This problem is
called lifely disobedience (AL-Noshooz).
In the other words, this means that a wife begins to hate her husband, refuse his orders
and not obey him.
In brief, they hate each other which leads to some marks appear in their
manners and bahaviours, for example, a wife refuses her husband's requests, orders
and commands and so does the husband, he begins to leave her in bed and ignore her
in treatment. The researcher explained a solution to the problem of disobedience after
he had mentioned the types of it that might be appeared in the manners or behaviours
of both a wife or a husband. This clear solution comes from the holy Quran, Prophet's
tradition (Hadith) and Muslim Scientists, points of view, the researcher also
mentioned how a husband may do towards manipulating this problem according to the
instructions of Holly Quran and the Islam teaching first, a husband is ordered to
advise his wife about the dangers of divorce and reminds her about Allah's
punishment in the day of judgment. Then the researcher mentioned the second step
which a husband may follow to avoid divorcing as ignoring her in bed.
This step seems to be more serious than the previous one. After the researcher
had explained everything about how to solve this problem in these previous steps
according to the Holy Quran, Prophets Traditions and Muslim Scientists gradually, He
mentioned the third step which is hitting the husband should avoid hitting his
disobedient wife on her face, sensitive areas and infront of people, hitting wives
shouldn't be more than ten flippings or whipping. The fourth step of solving the
problem of disobedience is judging. Two persons judged between the two couples
after hearing their complaints and the reason of this problem. One person belongs to a
husband's family and the other belongs to a wif's family or relatives.
Finally, the researcher mentioned the husband's lifely disobedience, it's
limitations, treatment, conclusion, and the most important results

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Fri Jul 01 2022
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The right to property is a constitutional restriction on the work of the tax legislator
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The study aims to reach a common point that achieves a balance between two interests, which are generally in conflict with the public interest and the interest of the individual owner of private property, by extrapolating the provisions of the constitutional judiciary that include the protection of private property, and this protection extends to every right of financial value and is not limited to a specific type, but It included everything that can be estimated with money, as ownership is no longer an advantage for the owner, but rather has become a right for him and a social function. The tax is imposed on what is derived from it, but if there is a need to prejudice it, the conditions, limits and restrictions expressly stipulated in the

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Wed Mar 12 2025
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University Of Anbar Sport And Physical Education Sciences
The Effect of special exercises to develop the speed of lateral movement and accurate low blows straight front and rear squash players
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Sun Dec 01 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of Accounting And Financial Studies ( Jafs )
Use of information and communications technology to archive data: A suggested form in the Tax Audit and Examination Department of the General Tax Authority
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The current world is observing huge developments in presenting the opportunity for organizations and administrative units to use information and communication technology and their adoption by administrative work due to its importance in the achievement of work with higher efficiency, speed, and facility of communication with all individuals and companies using various means of communication Depending on the Internet networks. Therefore, the research dealt with the study of electronic systems designed and adopted in the creation or construction of a database for archiving data, which is the main method in organizations and administrative units in developed countries. Where this system works to convert documents, and manual processes and t

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Tue Jan 31 2017
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
The Effect of The Utilitarian Need For the High Water Tanks Towers to Sustain Life in the City
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      The service system has become a necessity of life in modern cities to be the most basic necessities of modern humans, they constitute a major base, which is based on the sustainability of life in the city and a standard measured through the degree of well-being and progress of civilized peoples and their interaction with the surrounding environment, making the services sector as a need not be an option, whenever the cities widened in population and space whenever provision of services and upgrading the quality and quantity more pressing, which made the subject of the services takes the biggest area of the trends and thinking of urban planners and those who in charge of drawing the cities policies. Consideri

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Thu Dec 01 2011
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Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Organizational Transparency influence in reducing administrative corruption financially studing analytcal analysts of the same man from the upper leaders in iraqi Organizations
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The Organizational Transparency is regarded one of the effective means in the attempts of the restoration and working to prevent the corruption and reduce the negative managerial economic social and political effects.

Accordingly, this study aims at importance of performing an explorative analytical study in order to stand on the effect of the Organizational Transparency in the reduction of environment of Iraqi Organizations.

To achieve this study, three hypotheses were chosen; the first is the correlation relation and the second is the effect and the third is the differences, and statistical means represented by correlation coefficient "Spearman", "", "Mann- Whit

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Publication Date
Fri Oct 30 2020
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
The Extent of Organizational Dynamic Capabilities' Contribution to Human Talent Management: An Analytical Study of the Opinions of a Sample of Administrative Leaders in the Presidency of the University of Mosul.
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Actual and effective organizational dynamic capabilities in the work environment contribute to a number of factors that contribute to the organization's ability to manage its human talents. Thus, the study sought to identify the level of contribution of organizational dynamic capabilities to human talent management based on their dimensions in the investigated organization by determining the level of relationship and impact between these variables. The presidency of Mosul University was chosen as a field for the current study, and data were collected by adopting the questionnaire form as the main tool for the study. The study used a deliberate sample of (42)  administrative leaders in the investigated organization and adopte

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Publication Date
Tue Jun 30 2020
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
The Extent of Organizational Dynamic Capabilities' Contribution to Human Talent Management: An Analytical Study of the Opinions of a Sample of Administrative Leaders in the Presidency of the University of Mosul.
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The recognition of the dynamic organizational capabilities in their actual and influential extent in the work environment achieves a set of positive data that can fall under the addition axes, particularly with regard to the organization's ability to manage human talents in them, so the researchers sought to identify the level of contribution of dynamic organizational capabilities in the management of human talents in terms of Keep them away in the research organization by indicating the level of relationship and impact between them. The presidency of Mosul University was chosen as a field for the current study, and data were collected by adopting the questionnaire form as the main tool for the study. The study used a deliberate

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Wed Jul 05 2017
Journal Name
International Journal Of Science And Research (ijsr)
Pacifier Sucking Habit and its Relation to Dental Caries and Type of Feeding Habits among Group of Children (Comparative Study)
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Publication Date
Tue Jan 03 2023
Journal Name
College Of Islamic Sciences
Prohibitions Related to Food and Drinks and Their Retribution in the Torah
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 Praise be to God, Lord of the Worlds, and prayers and peace be upon the Master of the Messengers, Muhammad, and upon all his family and companions.

      The circle of taboos in the Jewish Sharia is wider than other laws, as the Jews have severe and very complicated rituals in the matter of food, which may not be found among other people of other religions, as the dietary laws that specify foods and drinks forbidden in the Jewish Sharia include very diverse topics.  The Torah specified all these laws with several texts

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Publication Date
Tue Jan 29 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
Economics Department Assessment of Nutritional a program to student of internal departments in the University of Baghdad (Jadriy a complex ) and the University of mustnsiriy
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The present study aimed to asspssment the nutrition a program to sample of student from internal departments of Baghdad University (AL-Jadiriya Complex) and the University of AL-MustanSiriya four grades and aged (19-24) year study included 150 male and female students by (75) male and (75) of female register height, weight nd body mass index were study habits and food pattern of the same sample (150) and by aspecial form and take the personal information interviews and record information on food intake during 24 hour .noted adifference practie in the weights and longths of male and female (sample).
BMI rates were within the normal weight as the value of BMI for males aged (19- 21)and (22-24) and (22.21) and (23,37),respectively and th

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