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A solution to the Lifely Disobedience and its Effect to Stop Divorce

Allah legislated marriage and made it dwelling, fellowship and mercy between
the two couples, Prophet Moh'd (peace of Allah and blessing be upon him) ordered a
husband to look after his wife, treat her with full charity and make love with here
every kindly. On the other hand, he ordered a wife to obey her husband and respect
him deeply, nevertheless, some obstacles may sometimes be appeared within the life
of their marriage, this may be caused by either a husband or a wife. This problem is
called lifely disobedience (AL-Noshooz).
In the other words, this means that a wife begins to hate her husband, refuse his orders
and not obey him.
In brief, they hate each other which leads to some marks appear in their
manners and bahaviours, for example, a wife refuses her husband's requests, orders
and commands and so does the husband, he begins to leave her in bed and ignore her
in treatment. The researcher explained a solution to the problem of disobedience after
he had mentioned the types of it that might be appeared in the manners or behaviours
of both a wife or a husband. This clear solution comes from the holy Quran, Prophet's
tradition (Hadith) and Muslim Scientists, points of view, the researcher also
mentioned how a husband may do towards manipulating this problem according to the
instructions of Holly Quran and the Islam teaching first, a husband is ordered to
advise his wife about the dangers of divorce and reminds her about Allah's
punishment in the day of judgment. Then the researcher mentioned the second step
which a husband may follow to avoid divorcing as ignoring her in bed.
This step seems to be more serious than the previous one. After the researcher
had explained everything about how to solve this problem in these previous steps
according to the Holy Quran, Prophets Traditions and Muslim Scientists gradually, He
mentioned the third step which is hitting the husband should avoid hitting his
disobedient wife on her face, sensitive areas and infront of people, hitting wives
shouldn't be more than ten flippings or whipping. The fourth step of solving the
problem of disobedience is judging. Two persons judged between the two couples
after hearing their complaints and the reason of this problem. One person belongs to a
husband's family and the other belongs to a wif's family or relatives.
Finally, the researcher mentioned the husband's lifely disobedience, it's
limitations, treatment, conclusion, and the most important results

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Publication Date
Wed Mar 10 2021
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Study to modify the fat cow's milk for children and infants

This study Ajert to modify the chemical composition of milk fat cows and make it similar to the installation of milk fat mother through the addition of protein and soybean oil to be given Alkhltatnsp sensory protein that the best plan is the ratio of 1:1

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Publication Date
Mon Oct 30 2023
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Science
The Use of Contrast and Gradient Features to Categorize Texture Images

     Image texture is an important part of many types of images, for example medical images. Texture Analysis is the technique that uses measurable features to categorize complex textures. The main goal is to extract discriminative features that are used in different pattern recognition applications and texture categorization. This paper investigates the extraction of most discriminative features for different texture images from the “Colored Brodatz” dataset using two types of image contrast measures, as well as using the statistical moments on five bands (red, green, blue, grey, and black). The Euclidean distance measure is used in the matching step to check the similarity degree. The proposed method was tested on 112 classes o

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Scopus Crossref
Publication Date
Thu Nov 01 2018
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Using Multidimensional Contingency Coefficient to Discrimination Arabic Poems for Sample of Poets

The purpose of this paper to discriminate between the poetic poems of each poet depending on the characteristics and attribute of the Arabic letters. Four categories used for the Arabic letters, letters frequency have been included in a multidimensional contingency table and each dimension has two or more levels, then contingency coefficient calculated.

The paper sample consists of six poets from different historical ages, and each poet has five poems. The method was programmed using the MATLAB program, the efficiency of the proposed method is 53% for the whole sample, and between 90% and 95% for each poet's poems.


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Publication Date
Wed Jun 30 2021
Journal Name
College Of Islamic Sciences
Contemporary Islamic Ideology Crisis According to Al- Sayid Muhammad Baqir Al- Sadr


The most prominant goal aimed at by contemporary islamic ideology is to present Islam to the whole world as a message of God that establishes for man a supreme civilization to accomplish justice, peace, development and prosperity

This mission is hindered by many obstacles that create Islamic ideology crisis such as loss of Comprehensive unifying vision which led to the loss of correct vision. This resulted in a Weakness of Priority arrangement and national interests a accomplishment.

There is also a problem of the curriculum that teaches Islamic ideology .

Another problem is that of the concept taken from Islamic culture.

Also another Problem Is the lack of understanding of

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Publication Date
Sat Jun 01 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
The usage of accounting information according to ( model in order to measure the efficiency of industrial companies listed in the Iraqi Stock Exchange

   The aim of the research is to measure the efficiency of the companies in the industrial sector listed in the Iraqi Stock Exchange , by directing these companies to their resources (inputs) towards achieving the greatest possible returns (outputs) or reduce those resources while maintaining the level of returns to achieve the efficiency of these companies, therefore, in order to achieve the objectives of the research, it was used ( model to measure the efficiency of companies and the factors influencing them. The researchers had got a number of conclusions , in which the most important of them is that 66.6% of the companies in the research sample do no

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Publication Date
Sun Feb 10 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
An Introduction to Gender in Feminine Literature and Criticism

The Gender study is consider one of the concepts which the Postmodernism reached
after the end of Modernism, where the first one has limited the criticism study choices before
the second after closed many doors of subjects which was enriched by researches.
It is pretty clear that the root of this concept belongs to the Linguistics which provided
the Criticism with a countable reasons of it is growth.
The attention in the study of gender in Feminine Literature and Criticism increased in
Arabic studies since the early years of twenty one century, so this research is presented to be
an introduction to this subject which could pave the way to more studies.
In addition to the Gender studies this research deals with ano

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Publication Date
Sun Sep 22 2019
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
The Antibacterial, Antiheamolytic, and Antioxidant Activities of Laurus nobilis and Alhagi maurorum Native to Iraq.

Ethanolic crude extracts of leaves from Laurus nobilis and Alhagi maurorumfor were screened for alkaloids, saponins, tannins, anthraquinones, steroids, flavonoids, glycosides, and glucosides contents. Biochemical activities, including antibacterial activity, antioxidant, and antihemolytic activity, were investigated. Antibacterial activity against Three types of pathogenic bacteria was detected by disc diffusion analysis and characterized by zone of inhibition (ZOI). Antioxidant properties were determined by a diphenyl-1- picrylhydrazyl (DPPH) method. Results revealed that the inhibitory activity of the plants against G+ve and G-ve bacteria were different, where the greatest ZOI  of  Alhagi maurorum a

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Publication Date
Sun Jun 01 2014
Journal Name
Journal Of Accounting And Financial Studies ( Jafs )
The impact of tax reform to increase the federal budget revenues
The percentage contribution of tax revenue in the federal budget is verysmall compared with the revenue earned from oil revenues, as the dependenceon oil revenues mainly to finance the state budget, have a negative impact onthe national economy as it makes it a one-sided and prisoner of on revenue, thatis the revenue derived from oil which is unstable revenue for continuouschanging in the price of oil The oil revenues reached to (85.4%) in 2009 withpercentage (93.11%) in 2013, The research objective is to study the possibilityof increasing tax revenues in order to raise the proportion of its contribution infinancing the federal budget through effective tax reforms, The mainconclusion of the research is
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Publication Date
Wed Dec 15 2021
Journal Name
A Corpus-Based Approach to the Study of Vocabulary in English Textbooks for Iraqi Intermediate Schools

Learning the vocabulary of a language has great impact on acquiring that language. Many scholars in the field of language learning emphasize the importance of vocabulary as part of the learner's communicative competence, considering it the heart of language. One of the best methods of learning vocabulary is to focus on those words of high frequency. The present article is a corpus based approach to the study of vocabulary whereby the research data are analyzed quantitatively using the software program "AntWordprofiler". This program analyses new input research data in terms of already stored reliable corpora. The aim of this article is to find out whether the vocabularies used in the English textbook for Intermediate Schools in Iraq are con

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Publication Date
Fri Jun 30 2023
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Science
Computation of the Relationships of X-ray to Radio Luminosities of a Sample of Starburst Galaxies

      The goal of this research is to better understand the physical features of starburst galaxies. Radio and X-ray observations are good for exploring the stuff within the central regions of galaxies.  A galaxy that is undergoing a strong star formation, usually in its central area, is known as a starburst galaxy. This paper provides the results of a statistical analysis of a sample of starburst galaxies. The data used in this research have been collected from NASA Extragalactic Database (NED), and HYPERLEDA. Those data have been used to examine possible luminosity correlations of X-ray to a radio of a sample of starburst galaxies. In this research, statistical software, known as statistic-win-program, has been used to investigat

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