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The Phonological and Suggestive Rhythm in the Context of the Quranic Text: The Phonological and Suggestive Rhythm in the Context of the Quranic Text
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The perpetuity of the Quranic discourse required being suitable for all ages.
Accordingly, the method of the Glorious Quran a pre request for the conscious
investigation and realization in order to detect the core of the texts, as the Quranic
discourse is considered a general address for the humanity as a whole. For this
reason, the progress of the concerned studies neceiated that it should cope with the
current development in the age requirements and its cultural changes within ages.
The texts of the Glorious Quran lightened the human reason as being the
Creator’s miracle for it is characterized by certain merits that makes it different from

poetry and prose. It is a unique texture in its rhetoric and composition. So, the
modern studies in reading the Quranic text, there is specific spectacle, but there must
be an analytical reading for its texts and investigating its components to reach to the
variety in its meanings and significations of its Quranic words.
The language of the discourse or the architecture of the text and its geometry
depend on its textual construction composed of a group of different, topics and
styles. The latter has suggestive significations preparing the shades of meanings
while it is in fact hidden and becomes apparent by the context and its situation.
There are certain utterances that draw the picture of the text not by its decadness
but by its shades and special suggestions that cannot be felt only by the expert.
For this reasons, the present study came as an attempt to detect and show the
aesthetics of the Quranic text, its miraculous geometry and its expressive and
performing power representing the rhythmic and phonological side. The latter is quite
apparent in the Quranic structure of every sura. Beside, it is a study that investigates
the internal movement of the rhythm and suggestion of the utterances themselves.

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Publication Date
Sun Jan 05 2020
Journal Name
Annals Of Tropical Medicine And Public Health
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Publication Date
Sun Feb 28 2021
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Administrative coordination between the Federal Ministry and the local government and its impact on municipal performance An applied study in the municipalities of Dhi Qar Governorate
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       The aim of the research is to show the extent of the impact of administrative coordination on municipal performance after the state’s tendency to implement administrative decentralization and transfer of powers (administrative, legal, financial, and technical) from the Federal Ministry (construction, housing, municipalities, and public works) to local governments (governorates), to meet local needs, And since the municipality is considered one of the local administrative institutions and most of its goal is to provide increased municipal services to citizens due to population growth and urban expansion of cities by coordinating their actions using their powers, and in order to address gaps i

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Publication Date
Tue Aug 15 2023
Journal Name
The Aestheticof Balance And Its Relationship To The Design of The Industrial Product Shape
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The study tagged: (The aesthetics of balance and its relationship to the design of the body of the industrial product) discussed the role of balance in the design of industrial products of different shapes, colors and sizes, as well as their function. Based on the research problem that was determined by the following question: What is the relationship between balance and the design of the body of the industrial product? The aim of the research is to: reveal the statement of the effectiveness of the balance in the design of the industrial product body.
The study was defined in four chapters: in the first chapter, a problem, the importance, and the aim of the research were presented. The second chapter contained the theoretical framewor

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Publication Date
Tue Dec 01 2020
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Novel use of XRF in the adsorption processes for the direct analysis of cadmium and silver in absorbent Na-alginate beads
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         The Na-alginate bead is commonly used in biotechnology fields such as adsorption due to ion exchange between Ca and Na with elements. Scanning electron microscopy (SEM-EDX) has proven to be a comparative method in the detections of these adsorbed elements, but the un-flat forming area of beads that can introduce impossible of the detection of element adsorbed. In contrast, X-ray fluorescence (XRF) documents analysis of elements, direct examination, which may analysis the adsorbents of elements. Here, this Study evaluated the possibility by using XRF for the direct analysis for examples of Cd and Ag in a bench stand. This Study compared this to commonly use

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Scopus (5)
Crossref (4)
Scopus Clarivate Crossref
Publication Date
Mon Feb 01 2016
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
The role of leadership skills in organizational trust Analytical research center in the Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research, Iraq
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Formed leadership skills and organizational trust Based on intellectual that underpinned the current research, as represented leadership skills variable interpretative represented in organizational trust-response variable.

The research aims to test the relationship and the impact of leadership skills dimensions in organizational trust dimensions for the purpose of achieving its objectives were formulated hypotheses main relate to test the effect and the relationship between the variables of research for the purpose of testing those hypotheses applied research on a sample of heads of departments and officials of the people at the center of the Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research, where th

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Crossref (1)
Publication Date
Sat Dec 15 2018
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
The Lingual Criticism and Explication of the Narrative Syntax A reading in Roger Fawler’s Critical Attempt
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يجمع المختصون أن ليس من نقد إلا وكان مُرحِّلا لنظرية لسانية إلى فضائه، فكان أثر اللسانيات السوسيرية، ومن ثم اللسانيات التوليدية التحويلية معروفا، ولم يكن هذا الأثر محدودا باللسانيين أو نقاد الأدب فحسب، بل امتد إلى الشعراء والجماليين أيضا. وفي هذا البحث سنتوقف عند أثر اللسانيات الوظيفية، وهو ما لم يتوقف عنده إلا قلة من المختصين. ولن نقف عند نقد الوظيفيين للشعر، بل سنقف عند نقدهم للرواية، بقراءة

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Publication Date
Tue Mar 01 2011
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Performance evaluation criteria"Applied Study in the General Company for the manufacture of glass and ceramics"
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Contemporary management is interested in the process of performance assessment  because of its significance in the field of planning and controlling the multiactiveties to attain its goals and uncovering digression of virtual performance after comparing it with the plan or equitable performance.

Digression is analyzed to enable management control centers of authority.

Assessment process significance is closely related by setting definite categories to evaluate the economic activity to know the ability to achieves aims.

This study concentrated on the most important categories that used to evaluate  company understudy with ather categories suggested to complete assessment process.

This study is in

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Publication Date
Wed Jun 29 2022
Journal Name
College Of Islamic Sciences
The question of demand: definition, divisions, and examples from the controversy of the scholars of jurisprudence.
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research summary

Praise be to Allah، and prayers and peace be upon His Messenger and His chosen one، his family، companions and his family and his family.

After that، this is a study on the question of the claim، as one of the controversial questions that are the mainstay of debates، and I looked at it: the limit of the question of the claim، its importance، its impact، its aspects of corruption، its sections، and the representation of its sections of the fundamentalist controversy;

The research was according to the following plan:

Introduction، in which she mentioned: the importance of the research topic and the reason for its selection، its questions، its l

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Publication Date
Mon Feb 04 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
Acoustic significance of the comma in the Qur'an Al-Jinn
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Interval lies at rest in the speech; so as to improve to speak out, which is how Evaln Koran by other speech, called separators; for the secession of Alkalaman then, as the last verse separation between it and its aftermath in the Al-Jinn had a comma significant impact on the statement of the case of gin, as portrayed interval Gin and like the distraught after hearing of the Koran
This Sura carried various types of repetition represent wordy repeat itself and repeat some of the votes as well as the repeated sound of a thousand who remained in Sura breaks Bhaa also repeat the voice of the shredder breaks
Linguistic sounds of Koranic breaks played a significant role in a statement carried by the linguistic meaning of these interludes

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Publication Date
Tue Oct 11 2022
Journal Name
College Of Islamic Sciences
The effects of stubbornness is understood in the Holy Qur’an
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Stubbornness is of the nature of the mean, we do not see it in the character of a person whose heart God filled with faith, wisdom and knowledge. And stubbornness does not fall into it except hearts that are arrogant, envious and objectionable, hearts that do not admit mistakes, and are not satisfied with the truth. Rather, you see humiliation,humiliation and shortcomings in returning to Him. He loves corruption * Except in humiliation, humiliation and shortcomings, the stubborn fall, even if they are proud when it is said to him, "Beware of God", pride takes him for sin, so his count is Hell, and his misery.


traces of stubbornness    :key wor

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