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The Role of the Arab oil to the achievement of Economic security in the Arab: The Role of the Arab oil to the achievement of Economic security in the Arab
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This research aims to the importance of oil in achieving economic
security in the Arab. Oil is not an ordinary subject and returns it significance to
the followings:
1. The importance of skipping a source of energy.
2. The importance of oil as raw material for petrochemical industry.
3. The importance of the oil sector as an area of foreign investment
4. The importance of oil in the marketing activities, transport, insurance
and various services
In addition to the importance of oil in general and the Arab oil has
additional strategic advantages such as geographic location, And the
magnitude of reserves and production of heavy investment costs are relatively
simple, And the ability to meet the emergency needs of the market quickly and
at low cost.
These features and benefits that are granted to the decision makers in
the Arab oil sense, power and ability to meet the emergency needs of the
market quickly and at low cost.

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Publication Date
Wed Dec 21 2022
Journal Name
التطورات المنهجية والمعرفية في العلوم السياسية: واقع العلوم السياسية في العراق والعالم العربي
دراسة أزمة أوكرانيا وتأثيرها في الوطن العربي والنظام العالمي
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تم ت داول مصطلح الأزمة ا دلولية في السياسية ا دلولية خال القرن التاسع عش ر لتحدي دا ملدة الانتقالية بين السلم والحرب سواء أ دت الأزمة إلى نشوب صراع مسلح أم مت ت ت سويتها بالطرق السلمية، وتع دالأزمة ا دلولية مرحلة مت هيدية ل لحرب وهي ا رملحلة التي يسعى فيها أ طرا فالأزمة إلى إبعاد احتمالية نشوء أ و اندلاع الحرب، فالأزمة ه ي مدة حرجة ومرحلة خطيرة بين وقتي السلم والحرب، إن العلاقات ا دلولية تكاد ت عيشأ زمات متلاحقة ع

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Publication Date
Mon Nov 19 2018
Journal Name
Arab Science Heritage Journal
الطب الطب العربي وأثره على المعرفة الطبية في أوربا
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This Kind of study has a special importance. Great numbers of Arab Muslims share a lot of their work, their Trans lations & new additions to scientific heritage. They facilitate the indirect way for Europeans to got Greek scientific knowledge. Ibn Sina classified & collected in his book (Law) Galen`s medical publications & he clarified, arranged & make them easy to understand.

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Publication Date
Mon Sep 30 2024
Journal Name
مجلة نسق
الحِراك الشعبي والمُعـارَضة الوطنيَّة في الخليج العربي (1918 1968)
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شَهِدَت منطقة الخليج العربي والسَّاحِل العُماني تصاعد مُستوى الحِراك الشعبي، والمُطالبات بتحقيق الاِستقلال التام، وإنهاء الاِلتِزامات والاِرتِباطات الدولـيَّة سواء كانت في إطار الحِماية أو الاِستِشارة أو الصِّداقة، وأصبحت واجِهات ملحوظة من قِبل الفِئات المُـثـقَّـفة في بدايات العقد الثاني من القرن العشرين، وعبَّرت فيها القِوى الوطنيَّة عن حاجاتها في إجراء عملـيَّات التغيير والتحوّل الاِجتِماعي وعلى

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Publication Date
Mon Apr 04 2022
Journal Name
Journal Of Educational And Psychological Researches
The Effect of the Interaction between the Use of the Improve Strategy in Teaching Mathematics and Achievement Levels on the Acquisition of Algebraic Concepts and Habits of Mind among Tenth Grade Students in Oman
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The current study aims to investigate the effect of the interaction between the use of the improve strategy in teaching mathematics and the level of academic achievement on the acquisition of algebraic concepts and habits of mind among tenth-grade students in Oman. The study adopted the experimental method, based on a quasi-experimental design with two groups: experimental and control groups and pre-post-measurement. The study sample consisted of (28) 10th-grade students as an experimental group and 26 of 10th-grade students as a control group in Al-Tufail bin Amr School in South Al Batinah. The differences in the pretest and posttest gains were analyzed using mean, standard deviation, ANCOVA, t-test, effect size (eta-square), and two-wa

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Publication Date
Mon Oct 01 2018
Journal Name
Journal Of Educational And Psychological Researches
The Effect of Video Games on Intermediate Students’ Academic Achievement
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The study attempts to identify 1) the habits of playing video games among students, 2) the effect of playing video games on students’ academic achievement, 3) the statistically significant differences among students in regard of (gender, time of playing video games, number of hours). To this end, a five-likert scale questionnaire included four questions was applied to (250) male and female students chosen randomly from the second-intermediate stage at Al-Karakh side secondary schools. The findings revealed that students play games only on holidays and less than an hour daily, which means playing games does not affect their academic achievement. Additionally, the findings found there is a significant difference between male and female i

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Publication Date
Sun Sep 04 2011
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Study the Effect of Ocimum basilscm oil in the Sensory properties of Laboratory Biscuit
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The study aims at showing the effect of basil oil on the sensory properties of the laboratory biscuits. the results show the sensory valuation before and after the storage. the (A4) equation exceeds 15% of T exchange (3 , 4 , 5 g. basil 19 , 55 g . fats )in most of the studied sensuous qualities. Then, the (A5) equation of 20% exchange percentage (4.60g. basil oil + 18.40g. fats). Then, the (A3) equation of 10% exchange percentage (2.30g. basil oil + 20.70g. fats). Then the (A2) equation of 5% exchange percentage (1.5g. basil oil + 21.85g. fats). Finally, the control equation (A1) received the lower value of sensuous evaluation and general acceptance. Abstract differences also appeared at denotation level 0.05 between the (A2)

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Publication Date
Thu Jun 30 2016
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Chemical And Petroleum Engineering
The Effect of Asphaltene on the Stability of Iraqi Water in Crude Oil Emulsions
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In the present work, asphaltenes and resins separated from emulsion samples collected from two Iraqi oil wells, Nafut Kana (Nk) and Basrah were used to study the emulsion stability. The effect of oil resins to asphaltene (R/A) ratio, pH of the aqueous phase, addition of paraffinic solvent (n-heptane), aromatic solvent (toluene), and blend of both (heptol) in various proportions on the stability of emulsions had been investigated. The conditions of experiments were specified as an agitation speed of 1000 rpm for 30 minutes, heating at 50 °C, and water content of 30%.  The results showed that as the R/A ratio increases, the emulsion will be unstable and the amount of water separated from emulsion increases. It was noticed that the em

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Publication Date
Tue Jul 20 2021
Journal Name
Materials Science Forum
Investigation into the Distribution of Erosion-Corrosion in the Furnace Tubes of Oil Refineries
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Crude oil is one of the most important sources of energy in the world. To extract its multiple components, we need oil refineries. Refineries consist of multiple parts, including heat exchangers, furnaces, and others. It is known that one of the initial operations in the refineries is the process of gradually raising the temperature of crude oil to 370 degrees centigrade or higher. Hence, in this investigation the focus is on the furnaces and the corrosion in their tubes. The investigation was accomplished by reading the thickness of the tubes for the period from 2008 to 2020 with a test in every two year, had passed from their introduction into the work. Where the thickness of more than one point was measured on each tube in the sa

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Scopus (6)
Crossref (6)
Scopus Crossref
Publication Date
Sat Sep 01 2018
Journal Name
Journal Of Accounting And Financial Studies ( Jafs )
The role of risk management programs in Dealing With risks at international airports: An Applied research at Baghdad International Airport
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The objective of the research is to identify the efficiency of risk management in various names at Baghdad International Airport in the face of various risks (financial - technical - human - natural ..) facing the sample of the search of the General Establishment of Civil Aviation and the Iraqi Airways Company where the researcher identified the hypothesis that summarizes There is a significant significant correlation between risk management, risk management and risk review and assessment. The researcher used the means of research from observation and interviews with the relevant officials in this field, as well as used the questionnaire and distributed a sample of 170 employees in the field of risk management (SMS Department) in Iraqi A

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Publication Date
Fri Jun 01 2018
Journal Name
Journal Of Accounting And Financial Studies ( Jafs )
The role of external audit in banking risk management: A typical framework for control testing and banking risk assessment
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Banks face many of the various risks: which are of dangerous phenomena that cause the state achieved a waste of money and a threat to future development plans to be applied to reach the goals set by: prompting banks and departments to find appropriate solutions and fast: and it was within these solutions rely on Banking risk management and effective role in defining and identifying: measuring and monitoring risk and trying to control and take risks is expected to occur in order to encircle and make it in within acceptable limits: and try to avoid them in the future to reduce the losses that are likely to be exposed to the bank: and it began to emerge and dominate a lot of legislation that seeks to structure the year risk management and t

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