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The Military Thinking and His Islamic balance in The Caliph Ali Bin Abi Talib ( peace is on him ) Compact to Malek Al Ashtar (God be pleased on him ): The Military Thinking and His Islamic balance in The Caliph Ali Bin Abi Talib ( peace is on him ) Compact to Malek Al Ashtar (God be pleased on him )
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This study turns about The Military Thinking and His Islamic balance in
The Caliph Ali Bin Abi Talib ( peace is on him ) Compact to Malek Al Ashtar
(God be pleased on him )The military field is very wide in all intellectual and
practically effects at The Caliph Ali Bin Abi Taleb(peace is on him ). Its
considered the first seed for islam ,therefore,there are a lot from military
situtions which proved his practical experience in these affairs , and away
from the details of war and practical battles lets search the sample and the
academic study for fair military thinking (justice) in The Compact of Caliph Ali
to Malek Al Ashtar when he became the ruler of egypt.
The military fair thinking determines from commander how he
planned,and how he faced the practical applications for illustrated plans

Caliph Ali Bin Abi Taleb sent acompact to Malek Al Ashtar ,in military affairs
he proved for him the leadership on armed forces,in addition to another duties
like peace operations and another peace aspects ,its full of islamic fair .The
Compact was included the fair features which should be in the leader and
military ruler, the military thinking was intersting for the families of martyers.

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Publication Date
Wed Jun 07 2023
Journal Name
Journal Of Educational And Psychological Researches
The Feeling of Job Alienation and Its Relationship to Organizational Commitment among Free Lecturers in Secondary Schools: Imam Al-Kadhum College (peace be upon him ( Kindergarten and Special Education Department
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The current study aims to identify the feeling of job alienation and organizational commitment among free lecturers in secondary schools, as well as to identify the significance of the differences in the feeling of job alienation according to the gender and the significance of the differences in organizational commitment according to the gender. It also aims to identify the correlation between the feeling of job alienation and organizational commitment. To achieve the objectives of the research, the researcher developed two scales: one consisted of (24) items to measure the vacancy in job alienation and the other consisted of (24) items to measure the organizational commitment. The two tools were applied to a sample of (200) male and fem

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Publication Date
Fri Sep 30 2022
Journal Name
College Of Islamic Sciences
Whoever Abu Dawood said about him is weak in his Sunan
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The research was limited to those whom Imam Abu Dawood

described in his Sunan as weak, so this research does not include

narrators who carried descriptions indicating weakness such as

ignorance or others, nor does it include hadiths that the Imam

described as weak.

The number of narrators whom Imam Abu Dawood described as

weak has reached six narrators, and my methodology was to

mention the words of Imam Abu Dawood, then transfer the

sayings of other advanced scholars, as well as the sayings of

Imam Abu Dawood in his other books, if any, to show the extent

of compatibility between these sayings.

I have reached the following resul

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Publication Date
Tue Mar 31 2020
Journal Name
College Of Islamic Sciences
The benefits extracted from Surah of Prophet Mohammed ( peace upon him and on his family) from the beginning of Surah until the end of Ayah 15/ the 1st part
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The current study is concerned  over the  benefits  from  our Prophet  ' Surah , these   benefits  are seven  which are : the first : (  The  losing  , disappointment ,  weakness  in the affairs  of those disbelievers ,the second : showing the affairs of the believers   in respect to integrity ,  forgiveness   and rest, the third :  Indicating  the big difference  between the believers and disbelievers , each team has   his own characteristics that being distinguished from the other,  I have explained  the benefit   that the disbelievers are in a difficult

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Publication Date
Sun Dec 31 2017
Journal Name
College Of Islamic Sciences
The saying of Al-Azhar in the fatwas with it from the words of Imam Zafar (may God have mercy on him) by Imam Pirizadeh Al-Hanafi (d. 1099 AH)
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It is no secret to anyone that studying and investigating books of jurisprudence, despite their suffering, is a pleasure that cannot be compared to pleasure, and it has benefits and importance that cannot be limited and summed up, and it has great fruits that researchers and students of knowledge reap, as well as enriching libraries with jurisprudential material, after dusting them and taking them out to the light of libraries to be seen. Researchers and scholars, generation after generation, so that this nation can benefit from this pioneering intellectual and scientific product that was written for us by our first ancestors of working scholars who enriched human civilization with this scientific material, which has become a beacon guid

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Publication Date
Fri Mar 28 2025
Journal Name
Journal Of Al-turath University College
The role of the Prophet ( peace be upon him and progeny) in the field of the Administration Regulation and applying Shura Principle Council in Islamic State Administration
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Publication Date
Sun Sep 30 2012
Journal Name
College Of Islamic Sciences
The life of Imam Abi Al Qasim, Al-Rafii and his scientific efforts
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In the Name of God, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful

    Praise be to God, who has revealed the book, in which there are clear verses, insight and remembrance for the first people, and he promised those who learned it and did it with great rewards, and prayers and peace be upon those who pronounced the right and separated the speech, and on his family and companions the best of family and companions, and who followed them and guided them to the day of Moab .... ..
     And yet: If we ponder a brief period and look at our course at a glance, we will find that those who lead us are the prophets, and those who guide us are the guardians, and those who protect us are the martyrs, an

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Publication Date
Mon Mar 30 2020
Journal Name
College Of Islamic Sciences
Social Reform in the Light of Modern Islamic Thought (Malik bin Nabi model)
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      Social reform is the main pillar of the organization of societies. Therefore, all religions and theories were directed to focus on this aspect as the most important element for the development of economic and cultural development. In addition to the analysis and application of the Islamic Sharia, he did not present a theory, but offered real solutions and remedies to the crises in our Arab and Islamic societies alike, despite the criticism directed at him. Z his opinions.


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Publication Date
Sat Jul 18 2020
Journal Name
College Of Islamic Sciences
Research on the book observatories walls in doctrinal issues Written by Imam Sana Allah bin Ali bin Khalil (1137 AH)
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The topic of the research on the Observatory of the Walls on Jurisprudential Matters in the Hanafi Fiqh, by Imam San’a Allah bin Ali bin Khalil Al-Ala’iyya Wai al-Naqshbandi, al-Rumi, who died in 1137 AH, which includes seven chapters, the first section of it concerning division and related matters, and the second section in the adaptation It is the apportionment of benefits in common objects, the third section, which pertains to lines, surfaces, and bodies, the fourth section, which concerns the inclined wall and certification, and the fifth section, which concerns the provisions of the walls and its claims, and the sixth section, which concerns the door of roads and doors, the opening of the skylight, the sails of the wing, the can

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Publication Date
Wed Jul 30 2008
Journal Name
College Of Islamic Sciences
Al-Aini's grammatical responses to Ibn Malik in his book Umdat Al-Qari
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It is from the greatness of God Almighty and from him that he facilitated for me to delve into the immersion of the hadith of the Prophet in my doctoral dissertation, then I found it a fertile ground for the cultivation of scientific results.
Through this work, I chose the topic (Replies of Al-Aini to Ibn Malik in his book Umdat Al-Qari Sharh Sahih Al-Bukhari) because of its scientific impact, as such topics inspire in the soul of the follower and the student a lot of contemplation and great care to understand the texts and then come up with a result that is almost close. It is correct, and my current situation in this research is the condition of many scholars, not without errors and omissions. Whatever was correct is by the grace of

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Publication Date
Tue Sep 15 2020
Journal Name
The Philosophy of Beauty and Aesthetic Tasting in the Story of Yusuf, peace be upon him, with the Al-Azeez’s Wife in light of the sayings of Ancient Philosophers and Modernists: نزار بن صالح أحمد عبد الحفيظ
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This study aimed to review the aesthetic miracle in the story of Yusuf, peace be upon him, with the Al-Azeez’s wife, using the historical, descriptive and analytical approaches. The study sample was determined in the verses (30-34) of the Holy Quran. The study found that the beauty of Yusuf, peace be upon him, went beyond the four stages and steps of the aesthetic judgment that Feldman set, in which Yusuf’s beauty is nothing but a divine miracle that cannot be described, analyzed, and interpreted. Also despite the various concepts of beauty dealt with by ancient Greek philosophers such as the Pythagoreans, Socrates, Plato and Aristotle; and modern philosophers such as Descartes, Diderot, Kant, Hegel, and Schopenhauer are embodied in

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