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The impact of moving the educational activities in the conservation of literary texts and the development of literary taste in the fifth grade students moral: The impact of moving the educational activities in the conservation of literary texts and the development of literary taste in the fifth grade students moral
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The study was conducted in Baghdad and aimed to:
The impact of moving the educational activities in the conservation of literary
texts and the development of literary taste in the fifth grade students moral "by
verifying the validity of hypotheses Elsafreeten following forms:
The first hypothesis:
- There are no differences in women with statistical significance between means
of scores of students three experimental groups, the experimental group first
used upstream activities in the teaching material of literature and texts, the
second experimental group used the activities of building in the teaching
material itself and the experimental group the third use activities concluding
taught the same course at Save literary texts.
The second hypothesis:
- There are no differences in women with statistical significance between means
of scores of students three experimental groups, the experimental group first
used upstream activities in the teaching material of literature and texts, the
second experimental group used the activities of building in the teaching
material itself and the experimental group the third use activities concluding
taught the same course at test of literary taste.
To achieve the goal of research and Frdite; the researcher experimental design
with three groups of animate post test only, then set the research community and
appointed as consisting of the research community of students in fifth grade
literature in middle school and high school day in the city of Baghdad, where the
number of students (130) Student, and are randomly simple three were chosen as
experimental groups, were excluded (10) students statistically because of failure
in the classroom the same three experimental groups, bringing the number of
students are (120) student, and then rewarded by the researcher between the
three experimental groups to find statistically significant in some of the variables
that may affect the results of the experiment, it was rewarded by a researcher at
the chronological age of the students and academic achievement for the father
and mother as well as the pretest of the skill of tasting moral, before applying the

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Publication Date
Sat Jul 01 2023
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
Effect of Heat Treatments and Carbon Content on the Damping Properties of Structural Steel
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Low- and medium-carbon structural steel components face random vibration and dynamic loads (like earthquakes) in many applications. Thus a modification to improve their mechanical properties, essentially damping properties, is required. The present study focuses on improving and developing these properties, significantly dampening properties, without losing the other mechanical properties. The specimens used in the present study are structural steel ribbed bar ISO 6935 subjected to heating temperatures of (850, 950, and 1050) ˚C, and cooling schemes of annealing, normalizing, sand, and quenching was selected. The damping properties of the specimens were measured experimentally with the area under the curve for the loadi

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Publication Date
Tue Dec 20 2022
Journal Name
Bulletin Of The Iraq Natural History Museum (p-issn: 1017-8678 , E-issn: 2311-9799)
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This study was conducted on species composition, morphology, ecological characteristics, biotope distribution, ecological groups, biodiversity indicators and zoogeography of leeches and gastropods distributed in the lower Ak-Buura River. According to the results, it was found that 7 species of leeches belonging to 4 families and 6 genera and 10 species of fresh-water gastropods belonging to 3 families and 6 genera live in the lower Ak-Buura River. In the river, it was observed that leeches are mainly distributed in muddy biotopes, and gastropods are widespread in muddy, stony and sandy biotopes with a lot of plants. Biodiversity indices of leeches and gastropods in the Ak-Buura River were analyzed using the Shannon index. As a result, it

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Scopus (6)
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Scopus Crossref
Publication Date
Sun Sep 11 2022
Journal Name
Modeling and Analysis of the Influence of Fear on a Harvested Food Web System
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The food web is a crucial conceptual tool for understanding the dynamics of energy transfer in an ecosystem, as well as the feeding relationships among species within a community. It also reveals species interactions and community structure. As a result, an ecological food web system with two predators competing for prey while experiencing fear was developed and studied. The properties of the solution of the system were determined, and all potential equilibrium points were identified. The dynamic behavior in their immediate surroundings was examined both locally and globally. The system’s persistence demands were calculated, and all conceivable forms of local bifurcations were investigated. With the aid of MATLAB, a numerical simu

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Publication Date
Tue Oct 01 2013
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Using Benford’s law to detecting earnings management Application on a sample of listed companies in the Iraqi market for securities
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The net profit reported in the annual financial statements of the companies listed in the financial markets, is considered one of the Sources of information relied upon by users of accounting information in making their investment decisions. At the same time be relied upon in calculating the bonus (Incentives) granted to management, therefore the management of companies to manipulate those numbers in order to increase those bonuses associated to earnings, This practices are called earnings management practices. the manipulation in the figures of earnings by management will mislead the users  of financial statements who depend on reported earnings in their deci

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Publication Date
Thu Mar 19 2015
Journal Name
Employment aesthetic to the sitting position in contemporary Iraqi Sculpture: سلام محمد سعيد هاشم
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This paper deals with aesthetic and a sitting position in contemporary Iraqi sculpture and studied this situation, an analytical study to reveal how to employ them in aesthetically pleasing work of art has been research in a sitting position to a lack of technical library for such research, this study includes four chaptersChapter I contains the research problem and its importance in terms of the released address and its objectives in the detection of this situation, how to employ the HDL research is to detect how the aesthetic of the Employment sit position and limits Find business is bronze and stone-dimensional exclusively carried out from 2000 to 2009 AD.Chapter II included the Framework theory and previous studies and with three Inv

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Publication Date
Tue Dec 01 2020
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
A proposed guideline for auditing revenues in the Iraqi environment according to IFRS 15
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   Deficiencies in revenue-related accounting standards, including American accounting standards as well as international accounting standards, prompted the issuance of the International Financial Reporting Standard IFRS 15 "Revenue from contracts with customers" as part of the convergence plan between the FASB and the International Accounting Standards Board (IASB) according to the requirements of The joint venture between the two councils, whereby the standard aims to define the basis for reporting useful information to the users of the financial statements about the nature, amount, timing and uncertainty about the revenues and cash flows arising from a contract with the customer, The standard is base

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Publication Date
Mon Mar 15 2021
Journal Name
Design Technologies in Promoting the Advertisement for National Product: وسام عبد الامير كريم المالكي
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The current research is concerned with studying the variables in the promotion process which influence the advertisement design structure, as the accomplished design and construction process is subject to many variables, whether they were intellectual or technological, internal or external variables. These variables may overlap in order to get a comprehensive system for the artistic configuration, that any design in its content reaches the highest levels of perfection is connected to the extent of its compliance with and approximation to these variables, that is why we find their reflections deeply rooted in the individual's mind, especially the designer artist who is influenced by everything surrounding him forming knowledge systems res

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Publication Date
Thu Jan 14 2021
Journal Name
Natural Volatiles And Essential Oils
Relationship between Toxoplasma gondii Antibodies and Blood Group in University Students
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Background: Toxoplasma gondiiis an obligate intracellular protozoan that may infect nearly all warm-blooded animals, including humans. T gondiiis thought to infect one-third of the human population.The symptoms depending on the adequacy of the immune antiparasitic response. In humans, the main source of infection is through contact with the feces of infected cats, the final host in which the T. gondii completes its life cycle. Other source of infection occurs when drinking raw milk, ingestion of contaminated meat. Aim: This descriptive study estimated the seroprevalence and risk variables for Toxoplasma gondii infection forundergraduate students of a college of Pharmacy who were studying at University of Baghdad. The frequency rate ofToxopl

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Publication Date
Tue Jun 03 2025
Journal Name
Sar Journal Of Pathology And Microbiology
The Relation between Tumor Infiltrating Lymphocyte and Classical Tumor Staging in Colorectal Carcinoma (Semi-Quantitative Study by Immun histochemistry in a Group of Iraqi Patients)
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Inflammatory response had a role in cancer progression, presence of noticeable inflammation within the tumor and its margin may play an important prognostic role in colorectal carcinoma.

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Publication Date
Sat Oct 01 2022
Journal Name
Lark Journal
The problem of synonyms and similar words in the translation of the Holy Quran into Russian (based on the translation by Elmir Kuliev) اشكالية الترادف والكلمات المتقاربة في المعنى في ترجمة القران الكريم الى اللغة الروسية (بناءا على ترجمة إلمير كولييف) Проблема синонимов и близких по значению слов в переводе Священного Корана на русский язык (на материале перевода Эльмира Кулиева)
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In our research, we dealt with one of the most important issues of linguistic studies of the Holy Qur’an, which is the words that are close in meaning, which some believe are synonyms, but in the Arabic language they are not considered synonyms because there are subtle differences between them. Synonyms in the Arabic language are very few, rather rare, and in the Holy Qur’an they are completely non-existent. And how were these words, close in meaning, translated in the translation of the Holy Qur’an by Almir Kuliev into the Russian language.

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