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Psychological Barriers and Their Relationship in Cope with University Life at University' Students
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Current Thesis has aimed to identify : The Psychological barriers for university students , Differences in psychological barriers depending on the variable sex (Males – Females) , Adjustment to College life for university students, Differences in Adjustment to College at university life depending on the variable sex (Males – Females), and finally, The correlation between psychological barriers and Adjustment to College life. The researcher has prepared a sample consisted of (100) male and female students who were randomly selected from university students, The researcher has adopted a measure of (2002) to measure the psychological barriers, also the researcher adjustment scale with university life.
The results showed that university students have psychological barriers and there is no difference between males and females in this scale, and there is an adjustment with university life, males had more adjustment than females.
Thus, the results showed there was no correlation function between the psychological barriers and Adjustment to College ..
Through this research , results appeared a number of recommendations and proposals.

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Publication Date
Mon Oct 01 2018
Journal Name
Journal Of Educational And Psychological Researches
The instrumental support search strategies and avoid coping to psychological stressors and their relationship to the cognitive motivation of Al-Anbar University students.
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the Current research aims to identify the psychological stressors coping strategies and their relationship to the cognitive motivation among Al-Anbar University students through the following hypotheses: 1) no statistically significant differences at a level (0.05) among the sample according to the instrumental support strategy depending on the variable type and specialization, 2) No statistically significant differences at a level (0.05) among the sample in regard of coping avoiding strategy depending on the variable type and specialization, 3) There is no statistically significant difference at a level (0.05) in cognitive motivation level among Al-Anbar University students, 4) No statistically significant differences at a level (0.05)

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Publication Date
Wed Jan 09 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
Mental Strain and its Relationship with the Attitude towards the Immigration of the University Students
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the appearance and increasing of the young immigration within 2015, the researcher intuition as a mother and part of the society, and the role of the psychological attitude in enabling the individual to make decision, in the light of all the above come up the need for studying this problem.
The study aims at finding out:
1. The mental strain of the study sample.
2. The differences in mental strain of the study sample according to the gender, specification, the university, the study (private, not private), and if they have immigrated friends or relatives out of the Iraq.
3. The study sample attitudes towards immigration.
4. The study sample levels of attitudes towards immigration.
5. The differences in the sample attitud

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Publication Date
Wed Jul 01 2015
Journal Name
Journal Of Educational And Psychological Researches
Effective dialogue and its relationship with some variables at Baghdad University Students
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     Increasing need for our youth to effective dialogue at the present time, due to the nature of the era in which live, as it abounded risk of intellectual and cultural invasion.Moreover, the need to ensure that the dialogue between the members of the community to confront the many issues of contemporary society in various fields, politically, socially and economically, culturally and religiouslyThe absence of effective dialogue, or the consequent rejection of many of the negative aspects of social and cultural Kaezzlh coup and inertia and ignore the mental capacity of some non-existent among others.The importance of effective dialogue in being the most important foundations of social life a

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Publication Date
Mon Jul 01 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of Educational And Psychological Researches
Perceptual Speed and Its Relation to the Emotional Patterns of University Students: Perceptual Speed and Its Relation to the Emotional Patterns of University Students
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The current research aims to identify the perceptual speed of the university students as well as to identify the differences in the level of perceptual speed for the university students according to the variables of (male, female) specialization (scientific, human) university (Baghdad, Mustansiriya). Additionally, the research aims to identify the prevalence of emotional pattern and to identify the relationship between perceptual speed and the emotional patterns among university students. The researcher designed a questionnaire to measure the Emotional Patterns based on Jerome Freedman perspective. As for perceptual speed, the researcher adopted French, Extrom and Price scale (1963), which was tran

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Publication Date
Sun Jan 04 2015
Journal Name
Journal Of Educational And Psychological Researches
Undesirable behaviors for university students by their instructors view
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Undesirable behaviors among students  are consider one of the danger problems threating societies and educational and scientific institutions of countries  because its one of the way to express aggression , so the instructors consider one of the most important people could be trust their evaluation and logical view , therefore the present research aimed to :

  1. Recognize undesirable behavior in students of University by the view of their instructors
  2. Measure the level of undesirable behavior in students of university by the view of their instructors
  3. Recognize more common  undesirable behavior in students of University by the view o

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Publication Date
Mon Feb 14 2022
Journal Name
Journal Of Educational And Psychological Researches
The Relationship of Noise Pollution to the Mental Health of Among University Students
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The present study deals with the relationship of noise pollution to the mental health of university students, through the researcher field study with the use of descriptive Correlative approach to investigate this relationship. Noise is one of the elements of environmental pollution that people often expose to in their environment. The problem of noise has been exacerbated now because of cultural and technological progress in crowded cities. As a result, the researchers studied noise as an environmental stimulus that affects the mental health of the human being.The researchers, through their current research try to study a very serious problem, which is the problem of noise pollution on the health side of university students as a

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Publication Date
Wed Mar 23 2022
Journal Name
Journal Of Educational And Psychological Researches
Mental wandering and its relationship to attention control among university students
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Research summary: The current research aims to identify:

1-Mental wandering among university students 2- Attentioncontrol among universitey students. 3- The relationship between mental wandering and attention control among university students. 4- The difference in the relationship among university students: accoerding to a- the gender variable (males - females) b- according to the specialization variable) Scientific-human), and the results of the current research reached the following: 1- University students have mental wandering associated with the task, and mental wandering that is not related to the task. 2- University students have attentive control 3- There is no relationship between mental wandering associated with task and

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Publication Date
Mon Jan 28 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
Mindfulness and Its Relation to Self Regulated Learning Among University Students
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Mindfulness is considered a process to draw an image of the active event and to creat new social varieties which leaves the individuals open to modernity and to be sensitive towards the context. in contrast, when individuals act with less attention, they need to be more determined concerning the varieties and events of the past . and as a result , they become unaware of the characteristics that creat the individual condition .The problem of the current study is represented in asking about the nature of the possible relationship between mindfulness and self-regulated learning within specific demographic frame of an importantsocial category represented in university students where no previous researches nor theories have agreed on the natu

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Publication Date
Mon Mar 07 2022
Journal Name
Journal Of Educational And Psychological Researches
Innovative Thinking and its Relation with the Cognitive Inhibition among at the University Students
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This study aimed to measure the innovative thinking and cognitive cessation among university students. The sample consisted of (400) male and female students at al Mustansiriya University for the academic year (2018/2019). The results of the study showed that there are differences in innovative thinking and cognitive inhibition according to the gender variable in favor of males. There is a positive relationship between innovative thinking and cognitive inhibition. In light of these findings, the researcher presented a set of conclusions and recommendations.

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Publication Date
Sun Feb 03 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
Anti-Social behavior and its relationship to the need to love at Baghdad University students
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1. Anti-social behavior Baghdad University students.
2. Know the differences in anti's social behavior according to gender, specialization.
3. Know-the need for love at Bagdad University students.
4. Know the relationship between anti-social behavior and the need to love.
The research sample consisted of (100) students, the researcher numbers tools to measure anti behavior and the need to love.
The results showed that college students have an anti-social behavior is weak and they need to love and there is no correlation between them Function relationship. Researcher has shown a number of recommendations and proposals.

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