The current research aims to identify the types and rates and the reasons for the crimes that are with the origin and sexual scattered deviation between the fabric of Iraqi society, which reticent about because of the culture of the community, where he offered a researcher investigator justice and tribal leaders and lawyers about proportion and the types and causes of crime is the origin of sexual deviance and finally a question asked a researcher in 1000 young lived their adolescence days of the former regime (1979-2003) from going to brothels researcher found that 920 people and 92% had gone to the house to practice adultery and that 70 of them, and by 7% had engaged in masturbation only and that 10 of them have not committed anything noteworthy and by 1% They have maintained themselves. It found that there are a lot of crimes reticent by the media because of the social values and traditions
Password authentication is popular approach to the system security and it is also very important system security procedure to gain access to resources of the user. This paper description password authentication method by using Modify Bidirectional Associative Memory (MBAM) algorithm for both graphical and textual password for more efficient in speed and accuracy. Among 100 test the accuracy result is 100% for graphical and textual password to authenticate a user.
In this paper, we introduce a DCT based steganographic method for gray scale images. The embedding approach is designed to reach efficient tradeoff among the three conflicting goals; maximizing the amount of hidden message, minimizing distortion between the cover image and stego-image,and maximizing the robustness of embedding. The main idea of the method is to create a safe embedding area in the middle and high frequency region of the DCT domain using a magnitude modulation technique. The magnitude modulation is applied using uniform quantization with magnitude Adder/Subtractor modules. The conducted test results indicated that the proposed method satisfy high capacity, high preservation of perceptual and statistical properties of the steg
... Show MoreThis article dealt with identifying the importance of heat stress in poultry flocks and the damages resulting from the production of eggs and meat and the spread of pathogens, in addition to that ways to mitigate the harmful effects of heat stress, including physiological, nutritional, engineering and genetics, in order to ensure preservation of the product and reduce damages
In this work we present a technique to extract the heart contours from noisy echocardiograph images. Our technique is based on improving the image before applying contours detection to reduce heavy noise and get better image quality. To perform that, we combine many pre-processing techniques (filtering, morphological operations, and contrast adjustment) to avoid unclear edges and enhance low contrast of echocardiograph images, after implementing these techniques we can get legible detection for heart boundaries and valves movement by traditional edge detection methods.
The main purpose of the work is to analyse studies of themagnetohydrodynamic “MHD” flow for a fluid of generalized Burgers’ “GB” within an annular pipe submitted under impulsive pressure “IP” gradient. Closed form expressions for the velocity profile, impulsive pressure gradient have been taken by performing the finite Hankel transform “FHT” and Laplace transform “LT” of the successive fraction derivatives. As a result, many figures are planned to exhibit the effects of (different fractional parameters “DFP”, relaxation and retardation times, material parameter for the Burger’s fluid) on the profile of velocity of flows. Furthermore, these figures are compa
In this article, we introduced a new concept of mappings called δZA - Quasi contractive mapping and we study the K*- iteration process for approximation of fixed points, and we proved that this iteration process is faster than the existing leading iteration processes like Noor iteration process, CR -iteration process, SP and Karahan Two- step iteration process for 𝛿𝒵𝒜 − quasi contraction mappings. We supported our analytic proof by a numerical example.