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Assess the quality of air Basra province
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Iraqi provinces suffer many of the environmental problems, appear explained these problems in the city of Basra, Basra, the largest province and is among Iraq's provinces in the annexation of oil fields, which is experiencing an oil production operations of large, it suffers from the burning of gas associated with oil extraction resulting in the emission severe gas process including toxic hydrogen sulfide gas (h2S) and oxides of carbon, sulfur and nitrogen in addition to the release of toxic metal elements such as mercury, arsenic, vanadium, which caused the man many serious diseases. , And perhaps one of the most important of these problems are worsening air quality and increasing cases of air pollution and the deterioration of the quality of facilities in the industrial and cultural development.
The research aims to study assessing the quality of air Basra province through the concentrations of pollutants solid air which include total suspended minutes Total Suspended Particles (TSP measure) and lead (pb), through the analysis of the results (40) model daily to measure the total outstanding minutes and analysis (30 model) daily to measure the concentrations of lead in the air at one station in Basra Directorate of Environment building in the center of the province in 2007.Search Results showed that there is a rise in the concentration of the outstanding minutes where they were recording the lowest and highest daily concentration reaching (67) and (3597) ug / m3 for the months (July and December) and April respectively. Also found a significant increase in the concentrations of the daily outstanding minutes annual rate, as it exceeded the permissible limits by comparing it with the local and global determinants the (350) and (150) ug / m3 respectively.
We conclude from this that air Basra province contaminated minutes outstanding is due to the influence of fly dust because most of the sites are influenced by dust fly by dust storms and operations of drilling oil wells, as well as the effect of divorced exhaust generators and transportation and some industrial activities). Search results showed that the measurement of the concentration of lead did not exceed the standard parameters allowed locally and globally to air pollutants and Albalgth (2 micrograms / m3 on a daily basis) and (1.5 ug / m3 on average per year), respectively, with the exception of the highest concentration was recorded, a (3.5) microg / m3 in the month of May is the only measurement that exceeded the proposed national specified for the lead during the measurement period. We conclude from this study that the pollutants solid aerodynamic effects harmful to the environment and health.

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Publication Date
Wed May 01 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
The Complex Relationship Between Darwinism, Geopolitics and Geographic Colonization Research the Relationship Between Geopolitics and Ethnography
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Research on geopolitical and geopolitical studies relates to a range of sciences that can be called auxiliary sciences, such as political science, international relations in particular, and history, but their focus is rarely on science and ethnography

That the issues and problems of the world today has become so large and complex that does not allow a specific field or knowledge to solve one of the need for the newly known knowledge integration (geopolitics and geopolitics) in particular to move towards cognitive integration to understand many of the problems and global issues that faced The importance of this study comes to clarify the relationship between Darwinism, geopolitics and geopolitics. The geopolitics in modern terms d

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Publication Date
Sat Dec 16 2023
Journal Name
2023 14th International Renewable Energy Congress (irec)
Utilizing the Controlled Hydropower System to Harness the Collected Water in Drainage System for Power Generation
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The variety of clean energy sources has risen, involving many resources, although their fundamental principles remain consistent in terms of energy generation and pollution reduction. The using of hydropower system for energy production also has a dynamic impact in which it utilizes to harness the water for the purpose of energy production. As it is important to overcome the problem of accidents in the highway and rural areas in the case of server rainfall and flood by implementation a smart system that used for energy production. This paper aims to develop a controlled hydropower system installed in the drainage sinks allocated in highway roads used for producing. The proposed system consists of storage unit represented by pipes used for t

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Scopus Crossref
Publication Date
Fri Oct 30 2020
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Reflection the organizational Ambidexterity on organizational excellence An exploratory study at the Iraqi Cotton Industries Company
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Organizations of various activities strive to excel and continue in light of the challenges they face, so they seek to have leaders and workers in them for the ingenuity that is reflected in their excellence in work and achievement that is achieved through the adoption of the best modern technological technologies to reach Organizations to the best levels and thus achieve their goals easily and successfully.  The research aims are to know the correlation and impact between organizational proficiency and the dimensions of Organizations excellence (leadership excellence, and distinguish subordinates and excellence in organizational structure) at the Cotton Industries Company through the adoption of a unit of measurement which

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Publication Date
Sat Feb 02 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
The Babylonian Woman As Heroine In Dekker’s Drama: The Babylonian Woman As Heroine In Dekker’s Drama
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The present research paper provides an analysis of Thomas Dekker’s
exaltation of the figure of the Babylonian woman as a tragic heroine in his dramatic
art. The paper falls into two sections. The first section outlines the deliberate
mispresentation of the figure of the Babylonian woman in the Bible and the
misreading of that figure. The second section reveals Dekker’s rectification of the
distorted image of the Babylonian woman, whom he defends and glorifies as a
heroine and a victim of misinterpretation and conspiracy.

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Publication Date
Sun Oct 21 2018
Journal Name
Al–bahith Al–a'alami
Ways to face rumors in the social networking site Facebook: Research thesis from the PhD thesis
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The research deals with the subject of «ways to face rumors in the site of social networking Facebook», a research based on a doctoral thesis, as the research dealt with rumors in the most dangerous type of new media, which sites of social communication with the global community as spreading rumors of all kinds and afflicts everyone who has eyes on him Of the audience of these sites, and aims to identify the rumors on Facebook because it is one of the most popular sites in the world and the strategy of combating the rumors published by Facebook users in their personal pages and groups that organize them, as well as identify methods and methods that can be During which the face of the rumors in the said site and eliminate them t

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Publication Date
Fri Jun 26 2020
Journal Name
Clinical And Experimental Dental Research
The oral health and periodontal diseases awareness and knowledge in the Iraqi population: Online‐based survey
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This study aimed to evaluate oral health (OH) and periodontal diseases (PD) awareness in the Iraqi population.

Material and methods

This study was a questionnaire‐based online survey of two weeks duration. The questionnaire was built using a Google platform and was distributed randomly via social media (Facebook and Telegram). The questionnaire consisted of a demographic data section and two other main sections for the evaluation of OH and PD awareness. Each response was marked with “1” for a positive answer and “0” for the other answers. For each respondent, answers were summed to give

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Publication Date
Mon Dec 30 2024
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Science
Archaeological prospecting using the Electric Resistivity Imaging method at the Borsippa site, Near Babylon, Central Iraq
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Many important archaeological sites in Iraq still need to be preserved. Some of these sites were subjected to destruction and negligence. So, exploring these sites represents a priority for its protection. A 2D Electrical Resistivity Imaging (ERI) as a non-invasive geophysical survey method was implemented at a part of the Borsippa archaeological site near Babylon to search for the subsurface archaeological artefacts/structures. Electrical resistivity measurements were carried out using a Dipole-Dipole array. Steps were taken to process and filter using Horizontal profiles, forward modelling, and 2D inverse models to analyze the resistivity measurements. The ERI inversion results show that the superficial conductive zone produced va

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Scopus Crossref
Publication Date
Sun Jan 01 2012
Journal Name
Aip Conference Proceedings
The electrical conductivity and thermoelectric power dependence on the thicknesses for thermally deposited thin CdS films
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Scopus (7)
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Publication Date
Sun Jun 02 2019
Journal Name
International Journal Of Multidisciplinary And Current Research
The security problem in the Gulf Cooperation Council countries Study on internal challenges and future prospects
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The importance of our research is that it examines the causes and sources of the security challenges in the internal security environment of the GCC countries, and aims to address the most important issues that are of great interest, namely, the issue of inter-GCC differences and addressing the issues of regional security for the Gulf region, After it is one of the most dynamic and more polarized areas for the emergence of threats and challenges because of the multiplicity of sources of threat and their complexity due to the specificity of the strategic environment and the negative repercussions it can have on the Gulf region, especially the issue of regional security of the Gulf Cooperation Council Which has become a magnet for competing i

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Publication Date
Mon Jul 03 2017
Journal Name
University Of Sheffield
The interaction of Porphyromonas gingivalis with host epithelial cells and its relevance to periodontal disease
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Periodontitis is one of the most prevalent bacterial diseases affecting man with up to 90% of the global population affected. Its severe form can lead to the tooth loss in 10-15% of the population worldwide. The disease is caused by a dysbiosis of the local microbiota and one organism that contributes to this alteration in the bacterial population is Prophyromonas gingivalis. This organism possesses a range of virulence factors that appear to contribute to its growth and survival at a periodontal site amongst which is its ability to invade oral epithelial cells. Such an invasion strategy provides a means of evasion of host defence mechanisms, persistence at a site and the opportunity for dissemination to other sites in the mouth. However, p

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