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Appearances of family Disintegration for Delinquency females
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Family social institution mission in the community, if and repaired Magistrate society and often lead that institution a positive role in the socialization, but a variety of factors ailing infect system family Vtfkdh role effective and influential in society and stands at the forefront of those factors disintegration family, whether caused by the death of one or both parents, divorce or separation, or whether the result of domestic weakness and poor family behavioral practices. And gaining the study of great importance and that the scarcity of studies that address the problem of delinquency female, is no secret that stand on the fact the role of disintegration family in the events of that problem will help and a large degree in the development of recommendations and proposals that limit the severity of the problem, and will therefore strengthen the pillars of the entity's family take turns actor in the proper socialization through work to address the problems of family disintegration and including limits of its devastating effects on children and the result is reflected negatively on the social construction, and research includes six sections have reached an outcome of the most important:
1. Shares family disintegration caused the death of one or both parents in juvenile delinquency delinquent females.
2. Cases showed that workers faced was where one of the parents are divorced and married the other was the cause of female delinquency.3. Found that the separation of parents and father again marriage was the cause of female delinquency.
Among the recommendations proposed by the researcher as follows :
1. Work to raise the standard of living of the families to remove poverty, which leads to run an early age girls and help in the school dropout and thus in Jnohan, this task of the Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs.
2. Since most delinquent Aaishn in poor areas, it Valdharorh Nstojb work to raise the quality of life in these areas, especially in the area of services, and can contribute to the Ministry of Health and municipalities, Youth and Sports through the provision of health services of water, sewage and building health clinic and sports fields

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Publication Date
Sat Apr 03 2021
Journal Name
UV-Visible Spectrophotometer for Distinguishing Oxidation Time of Engine Oil
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Samples of gasoline engine oil (SAE 5W20) that had been exposed to various oxidation times were inspected with a UV-Visible (UV-Vis) spectrophotometer to select the best wavelengths and wavelength ranges for distinguishing oxidation times. Engine oil samples were subjected to different thermal oxidation periods of 0, 24, 48, 72, 96, 120, and 144 hours, resulting in a range of total base number (TBN) levels. Each wavelength (190.5 – 849.5 nm) and selected wavelength ranges were evaluated to determine the wavelength or wavelength ranges that could best distinguish among all oxidation times. The best wavelengths and wavelength ranges were analyzed with linear regression to determine the best wavelength or range to predict oxidation t

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Publication Date
Sat Nov 01 2014
Journal Name
Al-khwarizmi Engineering Journal
Experimental and Theoretical Investigation of Impact Dynamic Plasticity for CK45
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This paper represents a study of the effect of the soil type, the drilling parameters and the drilling tool properties on the dynamic vibrational behavior of the drilling rig and its assessment in the drilling system. So first, an experimental drilling rig was designed and constructed to embrace the numerical work.

The experimental work included implementation of the drill-string in different types of soil with different properties according to the difference in the grains size, at different rotational speeds (RPM), and different weights on bit (WOB) (Thrust force), in a way that allows establishing the charts that correlate the vibration acceleration, the rate of penetration (ROP), and the power

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Publication Date
Sun Mar 04 2018
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
Novel of (Ya Mariam), for Sinan Antwane : A Pragmatic Study
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Pragmatics looked at literary discourse as an external subject that needed an actor and based on a communicative relationship, that is, it examines literary work by focusing on the author's intent, and attempting to monitor the pilgrim and logical dimension in the text. It focuses on the practical and communicative aspect of the language, which aims to convince the recipient and his or her emotional influence.And the novel (Yamrim) starting from the title (Sos) communication, and building dialogue and pilgrims based on two different logic completely, the logic of optimism and look at things with absolute objectivity, the logic of pessimism and closure and look at things with absolute passion. These two tendencies are embodied by the char

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Publication Date
Sat Oct 28 2023
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Numerical Modeling of Renal Ionic Equilibrium for Implantable Kidney Applications
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The human kidney is one of the most important organs in the human body; it performs many functions
and has a great impact on the work of the rest of the organs. Among the most important possible treatments is
dialysis, which works as an external artificial kidney, and several studies have worked to enhance the
mechanism of dialysate flow and improve the permeability of its membrane. This study introduces a new
numerical model based on previous research discussing the variations in the concentrations of sodium,
potassium, and urea in the extracellular area in the blood during hemodialysis. We simulated the differential
equations related to mass transfer diffusion and we developed the model in MATLAB Simu

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Publication Date
Wed Feb 20 2019
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Physics
Study the atomic properties of 2s shell for some atoms
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Ground state energies and other properties of 2S shell for some atoms as Be(Z=4), B(Z=5), C(Z=6) and N(Z=7) were calculated by using Hartree-Fock wave function. We found the values of potential energies in hartree unit (3.8369, 6.78565, 10.18852 and 14.41089) respectively and the other proprieties like expectation values of the position < r1m >  were in agreement with the published results. All the studied atomic properties were normalized. 

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Publication Date
Thu Sep 12 2019
Journal Name
Al-kindy College Medical Journal
The role of prophylactic antibiotics in nasal packing for epistaxis
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Background: This study is to evaluate the necessity of prescribing prophylactic antibiotics for nasal packing in spontaneous epistaxis. There are few published papers of infective complications in such patients.

Methods: This prospective study analysed 149 consecutive patients admitted to AL-Kindy teaching hospital with spontaneous, epistaxis, who underwent nasal packing  over 2 years period . in the first  year, 78 patients received prophylactic antibiotics , In the second  year 71 patients were not given prophylatic antibiotics.  Exclusion criteria included antibiotics prescribed for unrelated  pathology and post-operative epistaxis. Signs and symptoms of acute otitis m

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Publication Date
Tue Nov 01 2022
Journal Name
Japanese Dental Science Review
Pathogenesis of periodontitis – A potential role for epithelial-mesenchymal transition
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Epithelial mesenchymal transition (EMT) is a process comprising cellular and molecular events which result in cells shifting from an epithelial to a mesenchymal phenotype. Periodontitis is a destructive chronic disease of the periodontium initiated in response to a dysbiotic microbiome, and dominated by Gram-negative bacteria in the subgingival niches accompanied by an aberrant immune response in susceptible subjects. Both EMT and periodontitis share common risk factors and drivers, including Gram-negative bacteria, excess inflammatory cytokine production, smoking, oxidative stress and diabetes mellitus. In addition, periodontitis is characterized by down-regulation of key epithelial markers such as E-cadherin together with up-regulation of

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Publication Date
Thu Apr 09 2020
Journal Name
Optoelectronics And Advanced Materials – Rapid Communications
Facile synthesis of Cu2FeSnSe4 nanoparticles for solar energy water splitting
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Well-dispersed Cu2FeSnSe4 (CFTSe) nanoparticles were first synthesized using the hot-injection method. The structure and phase purity of as-synthesized CFTSe nanoparticles were examined by X-ray diffraction (XRD) and Raman spectroscopy. Their morphological properties were characterized by scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and transmission electron microscopy (TEM). The average particle sizes of the nanoparticles were about 7-10 nm. The band gap of the as-synthesized CFTS nanoparticles was determined to be about 1.15 eV by ultraviolet-visible (UV-Vis) spectrophotometry. Photoelectrochemical characteristics of CFTSe nanoparticles were also studied, which indicated their potential application in solar energy water splitting.

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Publication Date
Sat Feb 01 2020
Journal Name
International Journal Of Computer Science And Mobile Computing
Hierarchical Fixed Prediction of Mixed based for Medical Image Compression.
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Publication Date
Thu Nov 01 2018
Journal Name
Iraqi National Journal Of Nursing Specialties
Assessment quality of life for patients with cerebro vascular accident
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Abstract : A descriptive study was conducted out patient in Neuralgic Hospital and Teaching Baghdad Teaching Hospital from 1st July / 2004 through October 1st / 2004 . in order to assess with QOL for CVA patients , the study aimed to identifying the QOL domain of ( physical , psychological , level of independence , social and environment ) and it relation with some demographic characteristic which is related to those patients .A purposive sample of ( 50 ) CVA patients who selected from out patient clinic of hospitals . A development questionnaire was structured and is adopted of WHO quality of life qu

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