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Appearances of family Disintegration for Delinquency females
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Family social institution mission in the community, if and repaired Magistrate society and often lead that institution a positive role in the socialization, but a variety of factors ailing infect system family Vtfkdh role effective and influential in society and stands at the forefront of those factors disintegration family, whether caused by the death of one or both parents, divorce or separation, or whether the result of domestic weakness and poor family behavioral practices. And gaining the study of great importance and that the scarcity of studies that address the problem of delinquency female, is no secret that stand on the fact the role of disintegration family in the events of that problem will help and a large degree in the development of recommendations and proposals that limit the severity of the problem, and will therefore strengthen the pillars of the entity's family take turns actor in the proper socialization through work to address the problems of family disintegration and including limits of its devastating effects on children and the result is reflected negatively on the social construction, and research includes six sections have reached an outcome of the most important:
1. Shares family disintegration caused the death of one or both parents in juvenile delinquency delinquent females.
2. Cases showed that workers faced was where one of the parents are divorced and married the other was the cause of female delinquency.3. Found that the separation of parents and father again marriage was the cause of female delinquency.
Among the recommendations proposed by the researcher as follows :
1. Work to raise the standard of living of the families to remove poverty, which leads to run an early age girls and help in the school dropout and thus in Jnohan, this task of the Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs.
2. Since most delinquent Aaishn in poor areas, it Valdharorh Nstojb work to raise the quality of life in these areas, especially in the area of services, and can contribute to the Ministry of Health and municipalities, Youth and Sports through the provision of health services of water, sewage and building health clinic and sports fields

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Publication Date
Mon Sep 25 2017
Journal Name
Ibn Al-haitham Journal For Pure And Applied Sciences
Mathematical Model for One Year Planning of a Manufactory
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This paper is an attempt to help the manager of a manufactory to

plan for the next year by a scientific approach, to maximize the profit and Ø¢ provide optimal Ø¢ monthly quantities of Ø¢ production, Ø¢ inventory,

work-force, prices and sales. The computer programming helps us to execute that huge number of calculations.

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Publication Date
Sun Jan 01 2023
Journal Name
Aip Conference Proceedings
Estimation of (S-S) reliability for inverted exponential distribution
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Scopus Crossref
Publication Date
Sun Aug 15 2021
Journal Name
Al-qadisiyah Journal Of Pure Science Vol.(26) Issue (special Issue Num.4) (2021) Pp. 27–30
Cyclic partition for the groups of (2,41) and (2,43)
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Publication Date
Fri Nov 11 2022
Journal Name
Ibn Al-haitham Journal For Pure And Applied Sciences
Analytical Methods for Determination of Ketoprofen Drug: A review
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Ketoprofen has recently been proven to offer therapeutic potential in preventing cancers such as colorectal and lung tumors, as well as in treating neurological illnesses. The goal of this review is to show the methods that have been used for determining ketoprofen in pharmaceutical formulations. Precision product quality control is crucial to confirm the composition of the drugs in pharmaceutical use. Several analytical techniques, including chromatographic and spectroscopic methods, have been used for determining ketoprofen in different sample forms such as a tablet, capsule, ampoule, gel, and human plasma. The limit of detection of ketoprofen was 0.1 ng/ ml using liquid chromatography with tandem mass spectrometry, while it was 0

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Publication Date
Wed Dec 13 2017
Journal Name
Al-khwarizmi Engineering Journal
Weldability of New Material Sandwich Steel for Automotive Applications
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Todays, World is faced an energy crisis because of a continuous increasing the consumption of fuels due to intension demand for all types of vehicles. This study is one of the efforts dealing with reduce the weight of vehicles by using a new material of sandwich steel, which consists of two skin steel sheets with core of a polymer material. Resistance spot welding (RSW) can be easily implemented on metals; however a cupper shunt tool was designed to perform the resistance welding of sandwich steel with DP800 cover sheets to resolve a non-conductivity problem of a polymer core. Numerical simulations with SORPAS®3D were employed to test the weldability of this new material and supported by many practical experiments. In conclus

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Publication Date
Tue Oct 31 2023
Journal Name
College Of Islamic Sciences
Legal adjustment of zakat on property prepared for sale
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Praise be to God, who said: {And establish prayer and pay zakat and lend to God a good loan, and whatever good you put forward for yourselves you will find with God. It is better and greater in reward. Ask forgiveness of God. Indeed, God is Forgiving, Most Merciful. May blessings and peace be upon Muhammad, the servant of God, and His Messenger, may God bless him and grant him peace, who said: “Islam is built on five Testifying that there is no god but God and that Muhammad is the Messenger of God, establishing prayer, paying zakat, Hajj, and fasting Ramadan” ().
Now that follows: Islamic law aims to make man happy in this world and the afterlife, starting with faith in God Almighty until the end of the legal obligations. This is

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Publication Date
Tue Dec 01 2020
Journal Name
Al-khwarizmi Engineering Journal
Cloud Manufacturing framework for controlling and monitoring of machines
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Due to the development that occurs in the technologies of information system many techniques was introduced and played important role in the connection between machines and peoples through internet, also it used to control and monitor of machines, these technologies called cloud computing and Internet of Things. With the replacement of computing resources with manufacturing resources cloud computing named converted into cloud manufacturing.

In this research cloud computing was used in the field of manufacturing to automate the process of selecting G-Code that Computer Numerical Control machine work it, this process was applied by the using of this machine with Radio Frequency Identification and a AWS Cloud services and some of py

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Publication Date
Sat Dec 10 2022
Journal Name
Al-rafidain Journal Of Medical Sciences ( Issn: 2789-3219 )
Actual Benefits of Zinc for Cardiovascular Diseases: Mini Review
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The leading causes of death, particularly among the elderly, are cardiovascular illnesses, which are frequently linked to altered lifestyle patterns. Numerous academic studies on health and disease have stressed the role of micronutrients like zinc. Furthermore, both healthy and unwell patients are increasingly consuming dietary supplements that contain micronutrients for wellbeing. Cardiovascular disease can be brought on by trace element deficiencies, particularly zinc insufficiency. This study's goal is to analyze current theories regarding the benefits of zinc supplementation for people with cardiovascular problems. We used reliable websites like Google Scholar, PubMed, and Research Gate to find the most recent papers. Preprints

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Scopus Crossref
Publication Date
Sun Jul 07 2013
Journal Name
Journal Of Educational And Psychological Researches
Environmental reality for kindergarten in the city of Baghdad
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Before the unit environmental problems serious the issues of the environment and conservation of contemporary issues important in the developed and developing worlds, it was natural that leads increasing global awareness to alert a group of intellectuals, scientists and politicians to the seriousness of this problem and the call to take steps deeper and more comprehensive with respect to the environment humanitarian based on the study of the various elements of this environment and a greater understanding of the relationships among them, and on this basis, steps have been taken to target the environment and to identify problems and make efforts to achieve the goals I: stop the deterioration of the environment and the second impro

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Publication Date
Tue Oct 30 2018
Journal Name
Risalat Al-huquq Journal
Legal protection for producers of phonograms in Iraqi law
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Piracy on phonograms is now, rightly, the crime of the electronic age. Despite the protection sought by States to provide for such registrations, whether at the level of national legislation or international agreements and conventions, but piracy has been and continues to pose a significant threat to the rights of the producers of those recordings, especially as it is a profitable way for hackers to get a lot of money in a way Illegal, which is contrary to the rules of legitimate competition. Hence, this research highlights the legal protection of producers of phonograms in light of the Iraqi Copyright Protection Act No. (3) of 1971, as amended.

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