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Obesity in kindergarten children and its relation with some variables Family
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Obesity is a common disease that resulted from over-nutrition in adults and children. It rarely causes damage to the centers of food in the brain. Obesity is defined as an increased body weight from its natural limit which is resulted from the accumulation of excessive amounts of fatty tissue incredibly up to 20% in males, 30 % in females unless this increase is not due to an increase in muscles as in athletes or accumulation of water in the body which is resulted from Mesothelioma or the magnitude of the skeleton.Obesity is the increase of the total average of fat in the body compared to other tissues, which causes an increasing body weight, thereby increasing body mass. The fatty child has an increase in the stored fatty layer under the skin, and increased weight 20%more than the normal weight of other children in the same age and height.
This thesis focuses on identifying showing the relationship between obesity and some of the variables. Moreover, the thesis reflects the importance of maintaining the ideal weight of the child and his role in the growth and health. The evidence shows that children who suffer from obesity are more likely to become fat adults, so they are exposed to increased risk of serious health problems. Hence, protecting children from obesity and treating them is possible through changing lifestyle, improving the child's nutrition system, and urging him to exercise to improve their health at the present time and in the future.
Therefore, the thesis aims: to detect significant differences in obesity for kindergarten children depending on certain variables through the testing hypothesis as followed: Statistically there are no significant differences in obesity with kindergarten children that are attributable to the following variables:
(A)Sex variable.
(B) The sequence of the child in the family..
(C) Dietary habits of the family.
To achieve the objectives of this study, 300 children were selected as samples, 166 males and 134 females. One of the most important tools that were used is:
1 - an electronic device for measuring weight.
2 - Length measuring tape.
3 - Measurement of body mass index (BMI)..
The researcher used in data statistical analysis:
(1) One way Anova.
(2) The T- test for two independent samples: Independent Samples Test.
(3) The real bilateral correlation coefficient (Point Bay Cyril).
The most important results that have been reached:
(1) That females suffer from obesity more than males because the body mass index of females is greater than the body mass index (BMI) for males.
(2) There is no statistically significant difference between the averages of body mass index (BMI) scores for kindergarten children due to the variable of the sequence of the child within his brothers.
(3) There is no statistically significant difference between the averages of body mass index (BMI) scores for obese kindergarten children that is attributed to behavioral tendencies variable of the child.

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Publication Date
Mon Dec 01 2014
Journal Name
Journal Of Accounting And Financial Studies ( Jafs )
Electronic government and its effect in reducing Management Corruption: دراسة استطلاعية في دائرة المرور العامة (الإجازات)
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In view of the huge and speedy development of the information and communications technology sectores which cover all the life aspects. The traditional government started to adopt the Electronic Government Concept to deliver the information, services and product marketing to the beneficiaries through the Internet and Computer system. The E-government became inevitable necessity that should be applied in every country wishes to face the Modern technical development.

E-government is not on alternative of the traditional government but a supporter which can increase its efficiency by keeping away from the routine and Beaurucratic complexity, this will save the efforts, increase achievement and reduce costs, in addition to Provide Man

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Publication Date
Sat Feb 08 2025
Journal Name
Journal Of Baghdad College Of Dentistry
Periodontitis among a Group of Type TwoDiabetic Patientsin Relation to Risk of Vascular Disease
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Background: Type two diabetic patients have higher risk of cardiovascular and periodontal disease. Furthermore, patients with more severe periodontal disease have higher incidence of cardiovascular disease. This study aimed to assess the association between periodontal health status and the risk of vascular disease in type 2 diabetic patients. Materials and Methods: One hundred type 2 diabetes mellitus patients and fifty apparently healthy males were enrolled in this study. Oral examinations conducted were; plaque Index, calculus index, gingival index, probing pocket depth, and clinical attachment level. For the assessment of vascular risk, arterial stiffness index was used. Results: According to arterial stiffness index, type 2 diabetic p

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Publication Date
Sun Jan 01 2017
Journal Name
كلية التربية للبنات
المساندة الاجتماعية وعلاقتها بجودة الحياة لدى طالبات كلية التربية للبنات
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Publication Date
Mon Jan 01 2018
Journal Name
Route Educationl & Social Science Journal
الشخصية المبدعة وعلاقتها بالهناء النفسي لدى طلبة كلية التربية الاساسية
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Publication Date
Wed Jul 01 2015
Journal Name
Journal Of Educational And Psychological Researches
الشخصية المبدعة لدى طلبة معهد الفنون الجميلة وعلاقتها بجنسهم وتخصصهم
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The aims of the research have been determined as:

1- Creative personality according to the students of the Fine Arts Institute.

  1. 2- Indication of variances in the creative personality , the manner depending upon the variables of person (males, females).
  2. The research sample consisted of (400) students of Fine Arts Institute for (Boys and Girls)/ Baghdad
  3. The Scientific Research concluded the following:
  4. 1-The students of the Fine Arts Institute have a high from the creative personality .
  5. 2- There is a different in the creative personality according to the  &

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Publication Date
Wed Oct 01 2008
Journal Name
Journal Of Educational And Psychological Researches
الضغوط الصدمية وعلاقتها بالتحصيل الدراسي لدى تلامذة الصف الخامس الابتدائي
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    تعاني الطفولة العراقية منذ عدة سنوات نزاعات وحروب جعلت حياتهم رهينة ظروف استثنائية بأستمرار نتيجة تعرضهم للضغوط الصدمية والتي تؤدي الى ارتفاع مستوى التوتر . ومن هنا تبلورت مشكلة البحث الحالي من خلال الاجابة عن الأسئلة التالية :-

  1. ما هي الضغوط الصدمية التي واجهها تلامذة الصف الخامس الابتدائي .
  2. ما هي علاقة الضغوط الصدمية بالتحصيل الدراسي لدى تلامذة الصف الخامس ال

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Publication Date
Sat Dec 30 2023
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Classification of Iraqi Children According to Their Nutritional Status Using Fuzzy Logic
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In this paper, we build a fuzzy classification system for classifying the nutritional status of children under 5 years old in Iraq using the Mamdani method based on input variables such as weight and height to determine the nutritional status of the child. Also, Classifying the nutritional status faces a difficult challenge in the medical field due to uncertainty and ambiguity in the variables and attributes that determine the categories of nutritional status for children, which are relied upon in medical diagnosis to determine the types of malnutrition problems and identify the categories or groups suffering from malnutrition to determine the risks faced by each group or category of children. Malnutrition in children is one of the most

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Publication Date
Tue Aug 15 2023
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The shapes of adjacent structures for informing the stage show for children
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This research talked about the importance of adjacent structures for informing the stage show for children. The researcher began from the importance of adjacent structures for informing the show to introduce the various and different proofs, on the level of creativity and artistic shape of the accomplishment over it’s shifts that contribute to formation the show and it's intellectual, artistic, technical and cognitive Marks that contribute in dynamism the interactive show and contact the idea that connect with the design and directional vision for the beauty and cognitive. Lead to the eager operation in attention, sensitive and attractive the child. The research consist of four chapters: The first chapter include methodological framewo

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Publication Date
Thu Dec 15 2022
Journal Name
Journal Of Juridical And Political Science
Civil Liability Arising from Children Abuse. A Comparative Study of American Law
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Researchers are interested in the issue of children abuse and they look for its cause in the past and present. Their interest is limited to identifying penal liability which is caused by children abuse away from focusing on civil liability. So, the study is going to clarify the parents' responsibility for children abuse rather than civil liability of the medic in case he wouldn’t notify the authorities about the case according to the American law rules and the attitude of Iraqi law rather than some judicial application of civil cases that were exposed to American judiciary concerning children abuse.

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Publication Date
Thu Dec 15 2022
Journal Name
Journal Of Juridical And Political Science
Civil Liability Arising from Children Abuse. A Comparative Study of American Law
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Researchers are interested in the issue of children abuse and they look for its cause in the past and present. Their interest is limited to identifying penal liability which is caused by children abuse away from focusing on civil liability. So, the study is going to clarify the parents' responsibility for children abuse rather than civil liability of the medic in case he wouldn’t notify the authorities about the case according to the American law rules and the attitude of Iraqi law rather than some judicial application of civil cases that were exposed to American judiciary concerning children abuse.
