Language ecology is the interactions between the environment and language. Such a discipline, ‘language ecology’ or ‘ecolinguistics has been founded by Einar Haugen’. Accordingly, the study aims at qualitatively reviewing the theoretical and conceptual issues surrounding the subject of language ecology by tracing the roots of language ecology. It further highlights the fundamental inconsistencies between how the concept of ecology is perceived in sociology and biology, and is applied to language, particularly, transposing the main central concepts of bio-ecology, such as relationship/interaction, environment, and organism to human language and theory of ecological-linguistic. The theory wavers among placing the focus on the organism, interrelation and the interaction. It mainly considers language ecology as a metaphor, but infrequently treats language ecology as a science field. Since the theory does not clearly delimit its object, its relationships with the neighboring scientific fields have been undecided. Moreover, the grand scope of the theories includes severe challenges in the empirical research that are limited to available resources and time. The principle, holistic, dynamic and multi-faceted perception of ecolinguistics forms a valuable correction to linguistic approaches, focusing only on language as a synchronically, static, and autonomous, quasi-invariable system.
البيئة في اللغة لها معانٍ متعددة ، والأصل من بؤاه أتخذه منزلا أو نزله ومكن له فيه أو هيأه له ، والمكان حل به وأقام .
قال تعالى :" واذكروا إذ جعلكم خلفاء من بعد عاد وبؤاكم في الأرض تتخذون من سهولها قصوراً وتنحتون الجبال بيوتاً فاذكروا آلاء الله ولا تعثوا في الأرض مفسدين" (1) .
والبيئة حال التبوء وهيئته . والبيئة والباءة والمباءة المنزل . ومنزل القوم حيث يتبوأون من قبل وادٍ أ
... Show MoreAdvertising design is one of the arts of communication of various levels and one of the aspects of the fields of design arts, and that the construction of the design environment in the advertising is one of the important entry points in making the recipient feel this environment and feel as if being one of its elements. It is an entrance worthy of study and research and is a problem worth raising according to the following question: - What is the effectiveness achieved in the virtual design environment for digital advertising? The two researchers dealt with the research in three frameworks, the methodological framework which identified (the problem of research, its importance, purpose, limits, and the definition of ter
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The research aims to achieve defining the concept of environmental quality and associated costs. Studying the impact of environmental quality costs on the performance of economic units. Measuring the relationship between environmental quality and environmental performance of the units. Where the research problem is represented in the weak awareness of some economic units of the importance of environmental quality costs and their impact on evaluating environmental performance, and this leads to neglecting environmental considerations and not improving environmental performance effectively, which negatively affects the en
... Show MoreThe present study investigates the relation between the biliteral and triliteral roots which is the introduction to comprehend the nature of the Semitic roots during its early stage of development being unconfirmed to a single pattern. The present research is not meant to decide on the question of the biliteral roots in the Semitic languages, rather it is meant to confirm the predominance of the triliteral roots on these languages which refers, partially, to analogy adopted by the majority of linguists. This tendency is frequently seen in the languages which incline to over generalize the triliteral phenomenon, i. e., to transfer the biliteral roots to the triliteral room, that is, to subject it to the predominant pattern regarding the r
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... Show Moreتعد البيئة في يومنا المعاصر من الجوانب التي توليها المجتمعات البشرية اهمية كبرى لما لها من انعكاسات مباشرة وغير مباشرة على حياة الانسان ،وصحته، ومتطلبات حياته ،وأمنه، ومستقره في اي مكان في العالم تبرز مشكلة البحث ، في ان ما من سبيل صحيح لآعداد الاجيال القادمة إعدادا بيئيا ألا من خلال زيادة الوعي البيئي باستعمال كافة الوسائل التربوية المتخصصة، فالمعلومات ضرورية ولكنها لاتمنح
... Show MoreAbstract The relative pronoun in Hebrew language is an important pronoun use anciently and recently, it developed and it's usage and meanings differed so, it was not confined to the particle "אֲשֶׁר" as a relative pronoun, but beside it appeared other pronouns giving the relative meaning. Hence, the topic of this research was on this basis through studying the relative pronouns in old and modern Hebrew, the way of using them and their connection with preposition particles, as well as studying the relative clause.
مشكلة البحث واهميته:-
اخذ موضوع العولمة قدراً وافياً من الاهتمام سواء على المستوى الاكاديمي او على مستوى اجهزة الاعلام والرأي العام ومختلف التيارات السياسية والاقتصادية والاجتماعية ، فلا يخلو أي لقاء اقتصادي او سياسي او اجتماعي من الحديث عن العولمة اذ نشرت العديد من الابحاث والدراسات وعقدت الكثير من الندوات والمؤتمرات لدراسة العولمة وبيان اثارها ولعل ذل
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