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Tracking Some Phonetic Terms in the Arabic Lesson: A Descriptive Analytical Research
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This research aims to shed light on some phonetic linguistic terms used in the Arabic phonetic lesson for the purpose of monitoring, analyzing and tracking its developments. Such a step helps to standardize and weigh between them. The study follows a descriptive-analytical approach; it surveys the problem of the phonetic linguistic term, and its linguistic exactness. Then, it examines some phonetic terms in the Arabic phonetic lesson, such as phonology and phonology; intensity, looseness and mediation; the production, articulatory, transition, position, and the two vocal chords. One of the most prominent conclusions of the study is that the phonetic linguistic terminology enjoyed a tangible development since its infancy, given that phonetics was in the process of emerging and did not reach maturity. Besides, the auditory impression and the western borrowing have a major role in the diversity of the phonetic linguistic terminologies. This is because the multiplicity issue of the linguistic term in general and the phonetic term in particular in Arabic linguistic studies has become one of the problems that Arab researchers suffer from. It has become a source of hesitation whether to choose a given phonetic term or another. This further reflects being unsettled or the lack of agreement on the standards and foundations of the use and translation of the phonetic term. More so, most of the sources on which the research relied on are translated sources that basically reflect the problems of confusion, ambiguity and inaccuracy in the meaning of the term.


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Publication Date
Sat Jul 01 2017
Journal Name
Al–bahith Al–a'alami
The impact of new media in social relations: (A field study on a sample of young people in Baghdad)
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Modern communication and media technology has pioneered new horizons and curried out deep changes in the various fields of social life, It effected enormously human communication as well.
Content one Who late the developments which have effected the social relations ،due to the new media ،especially Face book ,will certainly notice the far cry changes of the social relation net which has been effected ,in a way or another ،the accelerated development ،under the appearance of the so called the virtual society .
Face book has embodied the means – communication ,which has become an important turn point in the social communication .
It is the point the present paper tries to expose an discuss by a field study curried on a sam

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Publication Date
Wed Mar 23 2022
Journal Name
Journal Of Educational And Psychological Researches
The Effectiveness of a strategy (fahs) in the development of grammar skills of a sample of secondary school Female Students in Saudi Arabia
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The aim of the present research is to measure the degree of strategic effectiveness (fahs) in the development of grammar skills of high school students in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and to achieve the goal of the researcher the researcher used the semi-experimental approach; On ten arbitrators specializing in grammar, morphology, curricula and methods of teaching the Arabic language. After confirming the validity of the guideline, the researcher prepared an achievement test consisting of (22) paragraphs of the type of short answer and multiple choice. The researcher trained a teacher to apply the strategy to the experimental research sample using the (screening) component of (30) students, and the same parameter taught the control sampl

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Publication Date
Sun Apr 08 2018
Journal Name
Al-khwarizmi Engineering Journal
Building a Management System to Control the Construction Claims in Iraq
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The paper deals with claims in construction projects in Iraq and studies their types, causes, impacts, resolution methods and then proposes a management system to control the impacts of claims. Two parts have been done to achieve the research objective (theoretical part and practical part). The findings showed that the main types of the claims are extra work claims, different site condition claims, delay claims and the main causes of the claims are variation of the orders, design errors and omission, delay in payments by owner, variation in quantities and scheduling errors. The claims have bad impacts on the cost by increasing (10% to 25%) and also on the duration of the project by increasing from (25% to 50%).The negotiation is the main

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Crossref (4)
Publication Date
Mon Mar 08 2021
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Analytical Potentiality of Computer - Controlled Background Correction with Electrothermal Atomic Emission Spectrometry : Determination of Copper in Milk Powder
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A fully automatic electrothermal atomic emission spectrometry (ETA-AES) is described. This system is based on an echelle monochromator modified for wave¬length modulation which is completely controlled by microcomputer . The advantages of the system in atomic spectrometry have been discussed . Aspects of the analytical performances such as calibration ? dection limit, precision , and recovery for copper are considered . This system is applied for routine determination of copper in commercial powdered mill? by slurr>' atomization versus aqueous atomization techniques.

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Publication Date
Wed Aug 02 2023
Journal Name
Migration Letters
The Effectiveness of the Public Relations of the Sunni Endowment Diwan through Social Networking Sites: An Analytical Study of the official Facebook page of the Diwan
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The Internet has added another dimension to public relations in institutions and organisations, as it provided tools and communication channels, especially social networking sites, which provided information and data on public relations for the institution through these websites. In addition to its communication with its audience, and the audience's interaction with it, so our research tagged (the effectiveness of public relations of the Sunni Endowment Diwan through social networking sites): An analytical study of the official Facebook page of the Diwan that addresses the knowledge and monitoring of the contents of the official Facebook page that public relations adopt in providing information, data, and activities of the Sunni End

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Publication Date
Thu Jul 03 2008
Journal Name
مجلة التقني المجلد الحادي والعشرون العدد3
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Abstract: This research was performed to study the effect of some amino acids and vitamins on the growth of bacteria Staphylococcus aureas and its sensitivity against UV light. The results showed low inhibition in bacterial growth because amino acids repairs the damges caused by UV light. Besides the effect of two groups of antibiotics (β-lactame and tetracycline) on the growth of S. aureus and the possible interference of amino acids and vitamins in the activity of the antibiotics against this bacteria in the presence of UV light were studied. The result show increase in the sensitivity towards these antibiotics and provided protection against the antibiotics.

Publication Date
Wed Dec 30 2020
Journal Name
Journal Of Accounting And Financial Studies ( Jafs )
The impact of voluntary corporate disclosure on tax planning: The impact of voluntary corporate disclosure on tax planning
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The attention of civil society organizations, governments and international non-governmental organizations in recent years has focused on the acute practices adopted by companies with the aim of reducing the tax burden, and the results of these practices have a negative impact on the tax revenues that the state uses to finance public needsThe aim of the research is to measure the impact of the voluntary disclosure of companies on tax planning for the period from 2011 to 2015 and the research community is in the General Tax Authority. The research sample is 6 companies within the private sector in the financial, banking, insurance and industrial fields. The research was based on a special model to measure the optional disclosure,

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Publication Date
Wed Jun 14 2023
Journal Name
The Effect of a Training Program in Introducing Saudi Traditional Fashion in Local Museums
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Museum education is of great importance to an appropriate representation of museums’ collections and exhibits, including traditional fashion. Therefore, museum educators/curators need to be equipped with the most essential skills in their profession in order to adequately present the museum’s history and holdings. This could be achieved through specialized training programs. However, Arab countries are still behind in terms of museum education. Therefore, this article aims to shed light on this issue by assessing the knowledge and skills possessed by museum educators/curators and how training programs could affect them

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Publication Date
Sun Mar 04 2018
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Test the Efficiency of some Plants in the Tolerant of Air Pollution within the City of Baghdad. Iraq
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This study was designed to monitor the ambient air pollution in several sites within Baghdad City of Iraq. The readings started from May 2016 to April 2017. The highest concentration of sulfur dioxide (SO2) was 2.28 ppmm-3 while nitrogen dioxide (NO2) was 3.68 ppmm-3 and suspended particulate matter was 585.1 ?gm-3. This study also included estimating the value of the air pollution tolerance index (APTI) for four plant's species Olea europaea L., Ziziphus spina-Christi (L.) Desf, Albizia lebbeck(L.) Benth. and Eucalyptus camaldulensis Dehnh. Were cultivated on the road sides. The study includes four biochemical parameters, total chlorophyll content, ascorbic acid content, pH and relative water content of plant leaves. The results show that

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Scopus (2)
Scopus Clarivate Crossref
Publication Date
Mon Sep 01 2014
Journal Name
Journal Of Accounting And Financial Studies ( Jafs )
Business Process Re-engineering and its Role of Achieving Competitive Advantage: An application study in the State Company of Vegetable Oil Industry
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The business process re-engineering is one of the popular concepts at this time because its provide a radical solution for the problems that companies faces. This method appeared because the changes of competition and costumers 'desires at the two last decades. The markets become wider because of the globalization so the companies must change its way to stay a life.

        The research aim is to concentrate on the  BPR  because it's a  philosophy aims to re-organize the company's business process to achieve the competitive advantage, the research also aims to a plicate  the BPR using cost management technique  in the State Company of Vegetable Oils Industry.


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