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Tracking Some Phonetic Terms in the Arabic Lesson: A Descriptive Analytical Research
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This research aims to shed light on some phonetic linguistic terms used in the Arabic phonetic lesson for the purpose of monitoring, analyzing and tracking its developments. Such a step helps to standardize and weigh between them. The study follows a descriptive-analytical approach; it surveys the problem of the phonetic linguistic term, and its linguistic exactness. Then, it examines some phonetic terms in the Arabic phonetic lesson, such as phonology and phonology; intensity, looseness and mediation; the production, articulatory, transition, position, and the two vocal chords. One of the most prominent conclusions of the study is that the phonetic linguistic terminology enjoyed a tangible development since its infancy, given that phonetics was in the process of emerging and did not reach maturity. Besides, the auditory impression and the western borrowing have a major role in the diversity of the phonetic linguistic terminologies. This is because the multiplicity issue of the linguistic term in general and the phonetic term in particular in Arabic linguistic studies has become one of the problems that Arab researchers suffer from. It has become a source of hesitation whether to choose a given phonetic term or another. This further reflects being unsettled or the lack of agreement on the standards and foundations of the use and translation of the phonetic term. More so, most of the sources on which the research relied on are translated sources that basically reflect the problems of confusion, ambiguity and inaccuracy in the meaning of the term.


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Publication Date
Mon Apr 15 2024
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering Science And Technology
Text Steganography Based on Arabic Characters Linguistic Features and Word Shifting Method
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In the field of data security, the critical challenge of preserving sensitive information during its transmission through public channels takes centre stage. Steganography, a method employed to conceal data within various carrier objects such as text, can be proposed to address these security challenges. Text, owing to its extensive usage and constrained bandwidth, stands out as an optimal medium for this purpose. Despite the richness of the Arabic language in its linguistic features, only a small number of studies have explored Arabic text steganography. Arabic text, characterized by its distinctive script and linguistic features, has gained notable attention as a promising domain for steganographic ventures. Arabic text steganography harn

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Publication Date
Thu Nov 17 2022
Journal Name
Journal Of Information And Optimization Sciences
Hybrid deep learning model for Arabic text classification based on mutual information
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Publication Date
Wed May 17 2023
Journal Name
College Of Islamic Sciences
A stylistic vision of the objection in the Quranic discourse
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The modern stylistic lesson has become more committed to the scientific limits in which it believed, and more confident in itself, and it is no longer just a scientific procedure that helps other curricula and sciences that preceded it.

Based on this, our modest research ((a stylistic vision of the objection in the Quranic discourse)) arose to explore an artistic rhetorical phenomenon that was included in the Holy Quran text. ; Because analysis is a situation that allows us to see a lot and absorb the stranger more clearly.

And since the horizontal arrangement of the linguistic elements in which stylistically undistinguished elements meet with distinct ones, the other trend has emerged that believes that the stylistic dis

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Publication Date
Fri Jun 30 2023
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
Investigating The Ideology of Bullying in Hunt’s Fish in a Tree: A Critical Stylistic Approach
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         Language always conveys ideologies that represent an essential aspect of the world we live in. The beliefs and opinions of an individual or community can be organized, interacted with, and negotiated via the use of language. Recent researches have paid attention to bullying as a social issue. They have focused on the psychological aspect of bullying rather than the linguistic one. To bridge this gap, the current study is intended to investigate the ideology of bullying from a critical stylistic perspective. The researchers adopt Jeffries' (2010) critical stylistics model to analyze the data which is five extracts taken from Hunt’s Fish in a Tree (2015). The analysis demonstrates

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Publication Date
Sun Feb 28 2021
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
The role of sports marketing in achieving the competitive superiority of the organization: a case study in a sample of the Iraqi Premier League clubs
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The organization of sporting activities at the local and international levels requires a lot of money, which has increased interest in marketing in the sports field, as it is one of the modern topics that represent the basic knowledge needed by the sports marketer and which represents one of the basic concepts to enhance the benefits and returns of sports clubs. The research problem was the weak awareness of the members of the administrative body of Iraqi sports clubs of the role of sports marketing in the dimensions of competitive superiority and not exploiting them in the optimal way that enables clubs to achieve competitive superiority. The research aims to know the role of sports marketing in competitive superi

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Publication Date
Sun Feb 12 2012
Journal Name
Institute Of Advanced Studies In English
Cohesive Devices in English and Arabic with Analysis of Two of Hemingway's Novels and their Translations
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DBN Rashid, 2012 - Cited by 2

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Publication Date
Fri Aug 01 2014
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Preventive measures for banking supervision on money laundering (Search in the Gulf Commercial Bank)
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The research aims to study and assess the effectiveness of preventive measures banking for the reduction of money laundering based on the checklist (Check list), which have been prepared based on the paragraphs of some of the principles and recommendations of international and Money Laundering Act No. 93 of 2004 and the instructions thereto, to examine and assess the application of these measures by Gulf Commercial Bank, which was chosen to perform the search.

I've been a statement the concept of money laundering in terms of the definition and characteristics, stages and effects of political, economic and social as well as the nature of banking supervision in terms of the definition and the most important

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Publication Date
Sun Dec 02 2007
Journal Name
Political Sciences Journal
بعض المعادلات في اشكالية الانتخابات العراقية
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بعض المعادلات في اشكالية الانتخابات العراقية

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Publication Date
Fri Jul 01 2016
Journal Name
Al–bahith Al–a'alami
The Winged Bull in the Assyrian Civilization- A Semiotic Perspective
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Every cultural achievement is a creative text, and every text is a group of signs. The Winged Bull sculpture is a sort of text that is not confined to some signs; indeed, its cultural signs go far beyond as they are open-ended, everlasting and it lends itself to various horizons of interpretation. The recipient has to combine the signs of this sculpture, which belong to different patterns, in the pursuit for perfection so that he can decode its media message.
I have tackled this sculpture by adopting a semiotic approach. The semiotic approach is a modern critical approach which is as wide as culture and as rich as knowledge. It has been linked to modernism, which in turn has been linked to modern critical approaches, because it can

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Publication Date
Fri Feb 08 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
The House of Illusions A Study in Genet's The Balcony
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The definition of "prostitute" and prostitution is a difficult one and a
question over which the legislators of many lands and nations differed. A
notable feature of prostitution is its epidemic increase at times of war,
revolution and armed commotion, on account of economic, social and
psychological factors generated by such conditions of mortal conflicts. Wars
invariably deprive young wives and lovers of their men folk, resulting in
financial , sexual and emotional frustrations . At no time is the natural
balance between the sexes more seriously disturbed than during wars, when
thousands of men are thrown into one sector of the country and hundreds of
towns and villages are left to women and children only. Lo

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