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The Predictive Ability of the University Grade Point Average in the Specialized Test Score for thAbility of the University Grade Point Average in the Specialized Test Score for the Teacher Position in the Ministry of Education in the Sultanate of Oman
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the most important purposes and uses of the test results in the educational sector. This is because the quality of tests is related to their ability to predict the learner's behavior in the future, and the accuracy of the educational and administrative decisions that are taken in light of their results. The study aimed accordingly to reveal the predictive ability of the university Grade Point Average (GPA) in the Score of the specialized test for the position of teacher in the Ministry of Education in the Sultanate of Oman. It further aimed to investigate the differences in the predictive ability according to the specialization and academic year using the descriptive approach. The sample of the study consisted of (349) s/he students enrolled in the educational qualification diploma program at A'Sharqiyah University, who took the specialized test for the position of teacher. The results of the study indicated that the GPA explains (13%) of the variance in the result of the specialized test for the position of teacher. In addition, there are statistically significant differences in the percentage of GPA in the result of the specialized test for the position of teacher to the scientific specialization and in favor of the humanities. Besides, there are no differences in this percentage due to the variable of the academic year. The study has recommended to continue using the SET for the employment purposes and admission to the educational qualification diploma program  after making some improvements on it.


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Publication Date
Wed May 17 2023
Journal Name
College Of Islamic Sciences
Despondency in the Qur'an
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the door of interpretation cannot be closed; Because the Qur’an is a living message, until the Day of Judgment, and Muslims continue to come to it, study it, stir it up, move with it, and live in its shadows until the Day of Judgment.
In anticipation of the blessing of revelation and the lights of revelation, and in pursuit of the service of the Book of God, I decided to choose the subject of my research:

Despondency in the Qur’an an objective study

As the study of one of the topics of the Qur’an on the foundations and steps of objective interpretation makes the reader stand on the Qur’an’s method in dealing with various problems and topics.

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Publication Date
Wed Jul 01 2015
Journal Name
Al–bahith Al–a'alami
The Role of the Social Networking Site (Facebook) in the Adjustment of Youth Trends / Community Issues and Problems
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Recent technological developments in the mass media a major paradigm shift in important segments of society, particularly among young people in particular social networking sites including (Facebook) .
it was able to link the sprawling parts of the world and paved the way for all the communities of convergence and exchange views, ideas and desires as provided by their ability to communicate through the use of video clips,pictures,share files, chat, communicate and direct interaction between the audience for this the means. Wondered problem Find the role that can be played using the university youth to the social networking site (Facebook ) to modify their attitudes or their interest in Iraqi society issues, With focused research objec

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Publication Date
Sat Jun 25 2022
Journal Name
Journal Of Accounting And Financial Studies ( Jafs )
The impact of the cash flow statement indicators in market value change of the industrial firms listed on the Palestine Stock Exchange
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This research aims to examine the ability of impact of the cash flow statement indicators in the change in the market value of the industrial firms listed on the Palestine Stock Exchange. The research population consisted of (13) firms during the period (2015-2020). Data were collected from the annual financial statements of the firms. The research relies on the Pooled effects model to analyze the cross-section data (Panel Data), and the multiple regression method to test the hypotheses. The research finds a positive significant impact of (the ratios of cash flows from operating activities to sales, the return on assets from operating cash flows, and cash flows from operating activities to total current liabilities) in the change

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Publication Date
Sun Jan 01 2017
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Languages (jcl)
Numbness of the Mind Paradigm in Haruki Murakami’s After the Quake and Iraq’s After the Quake
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Haruki Murakami (1949-present) is a contemporary Japanese writer whose works have been translated into fifty languages and won him plenty of Japanese and international awards. His short stories are well constructed in a weird realistic manner and are mixed with elements of surrealism. His novels and short stories fall under the genre of magical realism. One of the major revolving themes that Murakami wrote about was the haunting feeling of emptiness and disconnectedness in a world which seems to care much for materialism and self-interests.

    The paper explores two of Murakami’s short stories in his book After the Quake (2000) and the relevance of their themes and characters to Iraq after the q

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Publication Date
Tue Dec 05 2023
Journal Name
Engineering, Technology & Applied Science Research
Investigating the Ability of producing Sustainable Blocks using Recycled Waste
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The primary objective of this study is to manage price market items in the construction of walls for affordable structures with load-bearing hollow masonry units using the ACI 211.1 blend design with a slump range of 25-50 mm that follows the specification limits of IQS 1077. It was difficult to reach a suitable cement weight to minimum content (economic and environmental goal), so many trail mixtures were cast. A portion (10-20%) of the coarse aggregates was replaced with concrete, tile, and clay-brick waste. Finally, two curing methods were used: immersion under water as normal curing, and water spraying as it is closer to the field conditions. The recommendation in IQS 1077 to increase the curing period from 14 to 28 days was tak

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Scopus (4)
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Publication Date
Mon Feb 25 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of Accounting And Financial Studies ( Jafs )
The Impact of Using the Information Technology on The Audit Profession: A Study of the Sample of Auditor Viewpoints in Selected Arab Countries
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This study aims to clarify areas of using information technology in accounting and its impact on the profession of auditors by reviewing the concept, types, areas and the importance of information technology and its implications on the audit profession as well as to clarify the extent of contribution of information technology in  developing of procedures of the audit profession and what its requirement, also this study aims to enhance the theoretical side by identifying the views of a sample of auditors in  Arab countries selected (Iraq, Syria, Jordan), for the extent of using of information technology in their work and level of their perception for the importance of that

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Publication Date
Sun Jan 01 2023
Journal Name
Studies In Systems, Decision And Control
Gap Analysis by Readiness Review Including Online Learning During COVID-19 Pandemic Period for Engineering Programs at the College of Engineering—University of Baghdad
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Publication Date
Mon Dec 21 2020
Journal Name
Bulletin Of The Iraq Natural History Museum (p-issn: 1017-8678 , E-issn: 2311-9799)
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Mammals are under threat worldwide due to deforestation, hunting, and other human activities. In Iraq, a total of 93 species of wild mammals have been recorded including species with global conservation concern. Bamo Mountain is situated within the Zagros Mountains in northern Iraq which is a suitable habitat for wild mammals. Due to scarcity of the field survey efforts and cryptic behavior, monitoring of the wild mammals fauna in Zagros Mountain seems challenging. Therefore, we used a camera trap which seems to be an ideal way to determine species diversity of wild mammals in Bamo Mountain. Moreover, interviews with local villagers were performed. The mammalian diversity of Bamo Mountain is not fully explored but seemed threatened by lo

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Scopus Crossref
Publication Date
Thu Jan 20 2011
Journal Name
Journal Of Planner And Development
Architectural void is a revolution in the formation of the facades of digital architecture
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Architecture has evolved through the ages as forms, relationships, materials and mechanisms according to the data of each era and up to the era of digital technology, where the change in proportions and aesthetic dimensions of contemporary architectural formation due to the capabilities of digitization has created innovative plastic properties using the void formation in the facades and the introduction of void as a formative and aesthetic element, which led to The emergence of new creative concepts and ideas that contradict traditional ideas and are consistent with the spirit of the times, led to a revolution in the world of architectural form at the level of (architectural ideas and the generation of shapes, materials and construction

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Publication Date
Tue Feb 08 2022
Journal Name
Political Sciences Journal
The role of variables contact for non-state actors and opposite forces of civil social in ensuring the social peace
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Receipt date:6/3/2021  acceptance date:4/5/2021 Publication date:31/31/2021

Creative Commons License This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.

The research in the role of variables contact for non-state actors have become more influential in the current of contemporary events, that related with the reality of seeking services and providing all of that in favor of maintaining the social peace, and ensuring its empowerment in order to make peace and stability outcomes as a real fa

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