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A Dystopian Future: Social Oppression and Religious Extremism in Margaret Atwood's The Handmaid's Tale
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Many literary research papers have dealt with the work of Margaret Atwood's The Handmaid's Tale (1985) as a feminist work. However, nearly few studies combine social oppression with religious extremism. To bridge this gap, the present study aims at exploring the use of totalitarian theocracy of terror to oppress its citizens in the name of religion. In other words, it explicates the way religion is used to brutally suppress and exploit people in general and vulnerable women in particular. To meet this objective, the study adopted the qualitative descriptive method to describe how religion is used as a contradictory controlling means in Gilead discourse. It also adopted the Foucault theory in analyzing the data of the study, illustrating the means of terror in the novel, and identifying the features of the Gileadean regime. The study has concluded that the plight of women does not happen in a vacuum. It is a result and a reflection of people's past and present times. It is the extremist religious discourse that almost always contributes to violence and oppression. Finally, the Republic of Gilead highlights a common point between the dark and modern ages where the female citizens lived under the oppressive patriarchal government.

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Publication Date
Sun Jan 05 2014
Journal Name
Journal Of Educational And Psychological Researches
مركز البحوث التربوية والنفسية البداية الرصينة .. الانجاز العلمي والبحثي .. آفاق المستقبل
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لا شك إن مهمة التوثيق التاريخي والعلمي لأية مؤسسة أكاديمية،تعد من المهام الأساسية التي تقوم على تحقيق هدفين متلازمين،الأول الحفاظ على الجهود المثابرة التي بذلها الرواد الأوائل خلال مراحل التهيئة والإعداد والتأسيس والانطلاقة الأولى،وعدم نسيان تلك الجهود العلمية والبحثية والإدارية المتميزة،والثاني تحفيز العاملين في هذه المؤسسة ودفعهم للمضي في عملية التطوير والارتقاء المستمر بمستوى الأداء العلمي و

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Publication Date
Sun Apr 07 2013
Journal Name
Journal Of Educational And Psychological Researches
skills and its relationship to the with concept of self in social The chidren kindergarten age (4-6) years
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 The interest in Multi social skills and self-concept is extremely  important for many of the scholars of education and psychology has taken a great deal in their writings and their interests as they see that social skills training is to make sure of the same, and that whenever enable the individual from acquiring social skills whenever asserted itself.The research aims know social skills and self-concept and their relationship to the children Riyadh age (4-6 years), and the research sample consisted of(200) boys and girls from kindergarten in the city of Baghdad Bjanbey Rusafa second and Karkh second.And to the objectives of the research realized the researcher has built two measures of social skills a

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Publication Date
Fri Feb 10 2023
Journal Name
Dentistry Journal
The Role of Social Media in Communication and Learning at the Time of COVID-19 Lockdown—An Online Survey
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This study aimed to assess orthodontic postgraduate students’ use of social media during the COVID-19 lockdown. Ninety-four postgraduate students (67 master’s students and 27 doctoral students) were enrolled in the study and asked to fill in an online questionnaire by answering questions regarding their use of social media during the COVID-19 lockdown. The frequency distributions and percentages were calculated using SPSS software. The results showed that 99% of the students used social media. The most frequently used type of social media was Facebook, 94%, followed by YouTube, 78%, and Instagram, 65%, while Twitter and Linkedin were used less, and no one used Blogger. About 63% of the students used elements of social media to l

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Publication Date
Mon Oct 22 2018
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Dimensions of binding and non-binding social responsibility and its relationship to organizational performance / Field Study in telecommunications companies in the Republic of yemen
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The study aims at measuring the dimensions of binding and non-binding social responsibility and its relation to the organizational performance in telecommunication companies in the Republic of Yemen using analytical descriptive approach and questionnaire as a main tool for data collection and comprehensive inventory method.

It has been found  that there is a positive effect and significant moral relation between social responsibility with its binding and non-binding dimensions  and the organizational performance of telecommunication companies in the Republic of Yemen at a level of significance below (0.05). It has also been found that the correlation between the non-binding social responsibilit

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Publication Date
Mon Dec 25 2023
Journal Name
Journal Of Legal Sciences
Criminal protection for minors in terms of social
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Minors are considered the category that cannot and does not have the right to protect themselves or obtain their rights, and hence it was necessary to protect and take care of them. The care of minors in its natural form is based on his care within his family and society in general in which he grows up and interacts with his members. Hence, we find the criminal legislator has punished for the actions that It affects the social position of the minor, and for the purpose of explaining the objective criminal protection of the minor from the social point of view, we divided this topic into two sections.

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Publication Date
Sun Aug 30 2020
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Measuring the impact of corporate governance mechanisms on social responsibility reports for a sample of Iraqi companies listed on the Iraq Stock Exchange
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The study aims to indicate the role of the mechanisms and principles of corporate governance in the activation of social responsibility reports, and increase disclosure, to achieve sustainability, legitimacy, and integrity of the business. Through the presentation of the conceptual framework for corporate governance and social responsibility, identify the key dimensions of social responsibility and the statement of the relationship between the mechanisms of governance and social responsibility reports in accordance with these dimensions. To prove the hypothesis research has selected a sample of listed companies in the Iraqi market for securities,

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Publication Date
Thu Jun 06 2024
Journal Name
مجلة التربية الاساسية
شعرية الخطاب الروائي في رواية (النوم في حقل الكرز)
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إن أهم مايميز النص الأدبي شعراً كان أم نثراً نسيجه اللغوي الجمالي الذي يعبر عن التجارب الحياتية والمشاعر الوجدانية وترجمة ما يجول في الخاطر من أفكار واحاسيس الى صور انفعالية تؤثر في المتلقي. . يحاول هذا البحث الخوض في شعرية الخطاب الروائي في رواية ( النوم في حقل الكرز ) للكاتب العراقي ( أزهر جرجيز ) وهي واحدة من أهم الروايات الحائزة للجائز العالمية ( البوكر ) ودراسة الصورة الشعرية بانماطها المتنوعة التشبيهية وال

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Publication Date
Mon Mar 07 2022
Journal Name
Journal Of Educational And Psychological Researches
The Relationship between Psychological Stress and Social Isolation among Displaced Secondary School Students
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The problem of the current research addressed the close link between the psychological stress and social isolation as behavior and experience, as well as, the stress of the displaced pupils by the sense of alienation and isolation from the society to which they had moved. It reflects a sense of mystery to the displaced pupils about their lives in the present and future. Therefore, the current research aims to identify the psychological presence and the level of social isolation among secondary school displaced pupils and identify whether there were statistically significant differences in the variables between the displaced pupils (males-females). Moreover, it attempts to identify the relationship between psychological stress and social

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Publication Date
Sun Nov 27 2022
Journal Name
Journal Of Accounting And Financial Studies ( Jafs )
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This research investigates the importance of social accounting and the auditor’s report. It basically checks if there is an impact of social accounting on the auditor’s report at the availability the INTOSAI standards No. (1700 and 1706). The study recruited 105 employees of the Federal Financial Supervision Office in Iraq. Data were collected using questionnaire. The questionnaire validity and reliability were checked to assure the truthfulness of the findings. The study found a positive correlation and a statistically significant effect between the accounting for social responsibility and the auditor’s report. It is necessarily recommended for the auditor and the bodies working in the Board of Supreme Audit to ensure the inclusio

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Publication Date
Wed Dec 15 2021
Journal Name
Annals Of R.s.c.b.
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Objective: To assess the impact of a social support for pregnant women upon their pregnancy outcome Methodology: A descriptive purposive study was used to assess the impact of a social support on their pregnancy outcomes. The study was conducted from (22 \ September \ 2020 to 15 \ February \ 2021). A non-probability sample (purposive sample) was selected from 100 women. Data were collected through an interview with the mother in the counseling clinic, during the third trimester of pregnancy, as well as after childbirth in the labor wards to assess the outcome of pregnancy. Data were analyzed through descriptive statistics (frequency and percentages). Results: The most important thing observed in this study was the positive pregnancy outcome

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