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Characteristics of Rainfall in Dry and Wet Seasons in Iraq
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      This research aims at making a comparative survey between the dry season in (2017-2018) and the wet season (2018-2019) in Iraq concerning the variation of rainfall and pressure systems responsible for such a difference. In this paper, seven climatological stations have been selected: Mosul, Kirkuk, Khanaqin, Baghdad, Rutba, Diwaniyah and Basra. Results have shown that the first category of rainfall of the two seasons has recorded a higher number of rainy days in comparison with the second and third categories with a total of 274 day in a dry season and 403 day of a wet season. Further, the total amount of the annual continuous rain is higher than the total of thunderstorms in a dry season as well as in the majority of wet season stations except in Khanaqin, Baghdad. As for the highest daily precipitation, Kirkuk station has recorded 102.9 mm in a dry season, whereas Mosul station has recorded 308.2 in the wet season. It further occupied the highest monthly precipitation; it reached 291 mm in a dry season and 884.3 in a wet season. The study have found that El Nino phenomenon, which represents the negative values, has occurred during December and February while La Nina, which represents the positive values, has occurred during the rest of the year in the dry season. On the other hand, in wet seasons, the negative values (El Nino) continued for seven months while the positive ones (La Nina) continued for two months. Findings of surficial maps analysis have revealed that the highest overall frequencies and continuation have been for the Sudanese depression individually or jointly with the three categories of the dry season. Cold anticyclones and the Sudanese depression (individually or jointly) have recorded the highest frequencies, and continuation for the first category and the latter depression for the second and third categories of the wet season.

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Publication Date
Fri Jan 01 2016
Journal Name
International Journal Of Nanoelectronics And Materials
Wake potential of swift ions in copper target
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We investigate the interaction of proton with a solid target, describing the wake effects by taking fitted parameters with experimental values of energy loss function ELF for copper using the dielectric function of random phase approximation (RPA). The results exhibited a damped oscillatory behavior in the longitudinal direction behind the projectile. In addition, the wake potential becomes asymmetric around the z-axis with proton velocity values higher than Fermi velocity, as well as it depends on the position of projectile in cylindrical coordinates.

Publication Date
Sun Dec 30 2018
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Chemical And Petroleum Engineering
Analysis of Stuck Pipe Incidents in Khabaz Field
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There are many events which causes nonproductive time (NPT) in the drilling industry. The mostly effective in this NPT is pipe sticking event. A considerable amount of time and resources can be spent in efforts to free a stuck pipe. In addition, Unsuccessful fishing operations results in costly alternatives including side-tracking. The drilling in Khabaz oil field poses many operational challenges among of them stuck pipe , lost circulation, flow of salt water during drilling, and hole caving. Stuck pipe can be considered the quite difficult problem in Khabaz oil field due to associated incidents which lead to NPT activities.Well Khabaz -34 was selected to study the problem of stuck pipe in this field. An analysis of stuck pipe even

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Publication Date
Mon Mar 01 2021
Journal Name
Global Journal Of Public Health Medicine
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The lack of active 2019 coronavirus disease (COVID-19) pandemic treatment creates a challenge for researchers and scientists to find the most appropriate treatment for this disease. Dexamethasone, according to the findings of the RECOVERY clinical trial, declared mid-June 2020 in print media was one of those therapies. Although the results from retrospective studies are not strongly supportive of corticosteroid routine use in COVID-19 despite the signals for some benefits, the dedicated RECOVERY trial found a significant reduction in death with dexamethasone only in severe cases on a ventilator or moderate cases on supplemental oxygen therapy nevertheless, no benefit observed in mild to moderate cases requiring no oxygen. More studi

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Publication Date
Thu Oct 21 2021
Journal Name
International Journal Of Research In Social Sciences And Humanities
The Role of Green Kaizen in Productivity Enhancement
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The world is moving towards greening business in general and production systems in particular. At the same time, economic units seek to enhance their productivity and find any variables that can contribute to improving their elements. Economic units should not ignore the green dimension of cost management techniques because of its role in containing the green dimension of the production system and the product. However the few researches dealt with the subject of the green kaizen showed its role in reducing costs and improving the environment. Those researches did not address its contribution to raising the level of productivity. Productivity is an important indicator of economic units that expresses their level of success and progre

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Publication Date
Wed Mar 12 2025
Journal Name
Journal Of Babylon Center For Humanities Studies
The homeland in the product of Sami Michael
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Our research addresses one of the aspects of nostalgia for one of the most well-known Israeli writers of Iraqi origin (Sami Michael) who spent his childhood in Baghdad. The Israeli government has also been forced to emigrate with its family as a result of the Zionist propaganda that the Zionist institutions have followed since the early decades of this century in the Arab unrest and massacres. The fact that the homeland is like a mother is A fact that is compelling and something of an expatriate human being; the homeland is a fact that remains in the person's consciousness to be the image of the mother: The lover, love, safety, identity. The language that is formulated, and the memories that make its past, present and future, are all concep

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Publication Date
Sun Mar 15 2020
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Techniques of Acting Performance in Fantasy Theatrical Show
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Publication Date
Sun Dec 30 2018
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Chemical And Petroleum Engineering
Analysis of Stuck Pipe Incidents in Khabaz Field
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There are many events which causes nonproductive time (NPT) in the drilling industry. The mostly effective in this NPT is pipe sticking event. A considerable amount of time and resources can be spent in efforts to free a stuck pipe. In addition, Unsuccessful fishing operations results in costly alternatives including side-tracking. The drilling in Khabaz oil field poses many operational challenges among of them stuck pipe , lost circulation, flow of salt water during drilling, and hole caving. Stuck pipe can be considered the quite difficult problem in Khabaz oil field due to associated incidents which lead to NPT activities.
Well Khabaz -34 was selected to study the problem of stuck pipe in this field. An analysis of stuck pipe event

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Publication Date
Mon Mar 08 2021
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Spectrophotmetric Micro determination of promrthazine hydrochloride in pharmaceutical
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a simple accurate and sensitive spectrophotometric method for the determination of promethazine HCI has been developed the method is based on the oxidative coupling reaction of promethazine

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Publication Date
Fri Jan 31 2020
Journal Name
Iraqi Geological Journal
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A 2D geological model for Mauddud Formation in the Badra oil field is built using Rockworks 16 software. Mauddud Formation produces oil from limestone units; it represents the main reservoir in the Badra oil field. Six wells (BD-1, BD-2, BD-4, BD-5, P-15, and P-19) are selected to build facies and petrophysical (Porosity and Water saturation) models. Wells data are taken from the core and cutting samples and studied through the microscopic. The petrophysical data (effective porosity and water saturation) are derived from computer processes interpretation results that are calculated by using Interactive Petrophysics software. The 2D models are built to illustrate the vertical and horizontal distribution of petrophysical properties between we

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Scopus (7)
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Publication Date
Thu Jan 01 2009
Journal Name
Wasit Journal For Science & Medicine
Spectrophotometric Determination of Promethazine Hydrochloride by In (III)
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A simple, rapid and sensitive spectrophotometirc method for the determination of trace amounts of promethazine hydrochloride in the aqueous solution is described. The method is based on the complexation of promethazine hydrochloride with In (III) in the presence of sodium hydroxide to form an soluble product with maximum absorption at 304nm. Beer’s law is obeyed over the concentration range of (2- 20μg/ml) with molar absorptivity of (1.92× 103 L.mol-1 .cm -1 ). The optimum conditions for all development are described and the proposed method has been successfully applied for the determination of promethazine hydrochloride in bulk drug.