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Social Risks and Development Gaps in Iraq: A Social Study in the City of Baghdad
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Social risks posed a great challenge to the development path in Iraq, which resulted in widening the development gaps, whether these gaps were between rural and embargoed areas, or between Iraqi governorates, and the gender gap. Besides, the nature of the reciprocal relationship between the social risks and the development process requires the adoption of development trends that are sensitive to the risks that take upon themselves the prompt and correct response to these risks, away from randomness and confusion that Iraq suffered from for decades. However, currently, the situation has differed a great deal. This is because the size and types of such gaps have widened and become more complicated than before; a matter which has led to have clear development gaps due to the differences and distances ensued among the Iraqi governments, the areas of rural and urban, in addition to the gender gap.  The research has adopted the social sampling method by building a scale consisting of (21) paragraphs and four-way answer alternatives (agree completely, agree, do not agree, do not agree at all). The scale has been applied to a sample of (100) sociology specialist respondents. The research reached several conclusions, the most important of which are: The nature of the rapid and continuous social changes imposed new forms of social risks that are not familiar before and which are difficult to deal with. The problem of persistent inequality at the level of societies and individuals is one of the most serious challenges that can generate new opportunities for more deadly social risks.

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Publication Date
Thu Jun 29 2017
Journal Name
College Of Islamic Sciences
Fundamental graduation of man-made provisions in the jurisprudence of the companion Abdullah bin Amr, may God be pleased with them
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In The Name of Allah Most Gracious Most Merciful

The fundamentals of jurisprudence have a great role in facilitating the ways to know the Shari’a rulings for everything that takes place between people in terms of relationships, and the actions that are issued by them, because without it, the sources from which the rulings were taken are not known, and the methods used by the imams of ijtihad in taking these rulings from those sources are not understood. The foundations on which they followed in the interpretation of texts and its rules, and Muslim scholars in different eras celebrated this science and gave it great care: with what they wrote in it from the works of different directions, but of course the complexity printed many

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Publication Date
Sun Dec 17 2017
Journal Name
Al-khwarizmi Engineering Journal
Study the Effect of Different Reinforcements on the Damping Properties of the Polymer Matrix Composite
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In this research, damping properties for composite materials were evaluated using logarithmic decrement method to study the effect of reinforcements on the damping ratio of the epoxy matrix. Three stages of composites were prepared in this research. The first stage included preparing binary blends of epoxy (EP) and different weight percentages of polysulfide rubber (PSR) (0%, 2.5%, 5%, 7.5% and 10%). It was found that the weight percentage 5% of polysulfide was the best percentage, which gives the best mechanical properties for the blend matrix. The advantage of this blend matrix is that; it mediates between the brittle properties of epoxy and the flexible properties of a blend matrix with the highest percentage of PSR. The second stage

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Publication Date
Mon Mar 07 2022
Journal Name
Journal Of Educational And Psychological Researches
The Degree of Difficulties in Learning Mathematics for the Fifth and Sixth Grades from the Teachers' Point of View and Their Suggestions for Addressing Them
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The current study aimed to identify the difficulties faced by the student in mathematics and possible proposals to address these difficulties. The study used a descriptive method also used the questionnaire to collect data and information were applied to a sample of (163) male and female teachers. The results of the study found that the degree of difficulties in learning mathematics for the fifth and sixth grades is high for some paragraphs and intermediate for other paragraphs, included the student's field. The results also revealed that there were no statistically significant differences at the level of significance (α = 0.05) between the responses of the members of the study sample from male and female teachers to the degree of diffi

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Publication Date
Wed Dec 01 2021
Journal Name
International Medical Journal
Effect of Accelerated Canine Retraction by Vitamin D3 Local Administration on Apical Root Resorption, Alveolar Bone Integrity, and Chair-side Time: A Prospective Clinical Study.
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Objectives: To evaluate the effect of vitamin D3 local injections on apical root resorption, alveolar bone integrity, and chair-side time following three and six months of canine retraction. Subjects and Methods: Seventeen adult patients (18-35 years old) of class I and II malocclusions were recruited, who required bilateral maxillary 1st premolars extraction before starting maxillary canines retraction. The experimental side received 25 pg dose of vitamin D3 injected locally into the distal periodontal sulcus of the canine (before force application) every three weeks, while the control side received retraction force only. Periapical radiographic evaluation was conducted after 3 and 6 months of the start of canines' retraction. Results: At

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Publication Date
Sun Jan 01 2012
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Basic Education
اثر استعمال الحاسوب في تحصيل طلبة كلية الادارة و الاقتصاد جامعة بغداد في مادة اللغة العربية
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Publication Date
Fri Jan 01 2010
Journal Name
مجلة الاستاذ
صعوبات تدريس مادة اللغة العربية في كليتي الادارة والاقتصاد في بغداد من وجهة نظر التدريسيين والطلبة
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Publication Date
Thu Aug 27 2020
Journal Name
Arab Science Heritage Journal
التصويب اللغوي في دورات الأخطاء اللغوية في الكتب الرسمية - جامعة بغداد- بين تراث اللغة والمؤثرات الحديثة
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The deviation from the rules and standards of the Arabic language is considered a melody, so the criteria were quantitative and temporal and be  deviate from the general rule  which are called abnormal and accept in time in the age of eloquence.

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Publication Date
Thu Nov 29 2018
Journal Name
Arab Science Heritage Journal
اثر أثر مقامات بديع الزمان الهمذاني في تقنيات السرد الأدبي ( صورة بغداد الفنية في مقامات الهمذاني )
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    There is nothing new in saying that Baghdad is the capital of world culture for eight centuries during the Islamic caliphate, it was the Arab book manuscript and copied books worldwide touring most of the capitals of the world

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Publication Date
Thu Mar 01 2007
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
تشخيص الكفايات الجوهرية في المنظمات الحكومية "دراسة مقارنة" في مستشفى بغداد التعليمي والشركة العامة لصناعة البطاريات
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This study Concentrates on modern variable in the human resources management that is Core Competency.

The field study is two of Public organizations, The first is Educational Baghdad Hospital, the other is the state Company for Batteries industry, the problem of the study determincs some questions and hypotheses. The data was Collected by questionnaire which Contains six Core Competences leader ship, Communication, frontline execution, development, innovation and self management .

The sample contains (26) doctores and (28) heads of departments in  the company.

The study points out many conclusions, the main of it, there is significant differences amon

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Publication Date
Fri Jul 01 2016
Journal Name
Al–bahith Al–a'alami
A Semiotic Approach to the Analysis of the News Story
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This study attempts to provide an approach analysis for the news, depending on the bases and principles which conceptuality semiotic researchers of this field first of them «A. J. Gremas» for the theory of «narrative discourse analysis», to more clarify we tried to apply it on a published press- news, to concludes the most important steps and methods that are necessary to follows gain more understanding of the press- news.

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