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Social Risks and Development Gaps in Iraq: A Social Study in the City of Baghdad
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Social risks posed a great challenge to the development path in Iraq, which resulted in widening the development gaps, whether these gaps were between rural and embargoed areas, or between Iraqi governorates, and the gender gap. Besides, the nature of the reciprocal relationship between the social risks and the development process requires the adoption of development trends that are sensitive to the risks that take upon themselves the prompt and correct response to these risks, away from randomness and confusion that Iraq suffered from for decades. However, currently, the situation has differed a great deal. This is because the size and types of such gaps have widened and become more complicated than before; a matter which has led to have clear development gaps due to the differences and distances ensued among the Iraqi governments, the areas of rural and urban, in addition to the gender gap.  The research has adopted the social sampling method by building a scale consisting of (21) paragraphs and four-way answer alternatives (agree completely, agree, do not agree, do not agree at all). The scale has been applied to a sample of (100) sociology specialist respondents. The research reached several conclusions, the most important of which are: The nature of the rapid and continuous social changes imposed new forms of social risks that are not familiar before and which are difficult to deal with. The problem of persistent inequality at the level of societies and individuals is one of the most serious challenges that can generate new opportunities for more deadly social risks.

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Publication Date
Fri Nov 09 2018
Journal Name
Iraqi National Journal Of Nursing Specialties
Factors Associated with Anemia in A sample of Pregnant Women Attending Primary Health Centers
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Objective (s): To determine proportion of anemia among sample of Pregnant women. To identify factors
associated with the anemia (Maternal age, maternal education, gestational age, parity, gravidity, birth
interval, smoking, taking iron supplements and dietary habits).
Methodology: A cross-sectional study conducted at Al- washash & Bab-almoadham primary health care
centers. The sample was selected by (non-probability convenient sampling) and sample size was (550).
The study started from 1st March 2011 to 30th of March 2012. The data was collected by direct interview
using special questionnaire to obtained socio-demographic information.
Results: the result shows that mean age of the subjects was 26.5± 7.5 years, 8

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Publication Date
Wed May 01 2019
Journal Name
Ieee International Electric Machines & Drives Conference (iemdc)
An Investigation of Short Translator Linear Machines for Use in a Free Piston Engine
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Publication Date
Wed Sep 14 2016
Journal Name
Journal Of Baghdad College Of Dentistry
Tooth Wear in Relation to Selected Salivary Variables among a Group of Older Adults
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Background: Tooth wear is one of the most concerning problems of the current dental practice especially among older subjects. The aim of this study is to determine the severity of tooth wear and its relation with selected salivary variables (salivary pH and vitamin C level) among a group of older adults in Mosul city/Iraq. Materials and methods: All subjects (30 subjects) of both gender tookpart in the current study; sixteen of them were older adults (55-65 years) and compared with fourteen middle-aged adults (30-40 years) at Textile factory in Mosul city/Iraq. Unstimulated salivary samples were collected and salivary pH was immediately measured. Salivary vitamin C level was determined colormetrically. Severity of tooth wear was determined

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Publication Date
Sun Mar 01 2020
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
A New Two Derivative FSAL Runge-Kutta Method of Order Five in Four Stages
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A new efficient Two Derivative Runge-Kutta method (TDRK) of order five is developed for the numerical solution of the special first order ordinary differential equations (ODEs). The new method is derived using the property of First Same As Last (FSAL). We analyzed the stability of our method. The numerical results are presented to illustrate the efficiency of the new method in comparison with some well-known RK methods.

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Publication Date
Wed Jun 01 2022
Journal Name
Civil And Environmental Engineering
A Soil-Pile Response under Coupled Static-Dynamic Loadings in Terms of Kinematic Interaction
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Abstract<p>Although the axial aptitude and pile load transfer under static loading have been extensively documented, the dynamic axial reaction, on the other hand, requires further investigation. During a seismic event, the pile load applied may increase, while the soil load carrying capacity may decrease due to the shaking, resulting in additional settlement. The researchers concentrated their efforts on determining the cause of extensive damage to the piles after the seismic event. Such failures were linked to discontinuities in the subsoil due to abrupt differences in soil stiffness, and so actions were called kinematic impact of the earthquake on piles depending on the outcomes of laboratory</p> ... Show More
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Publication Date
Wed Feb 12 2014
Journal Name
In Vitro Cellular &amp; Developmental Biology - Plant
Overexpression of a tobacco osmotin gene in carrot (Daucus carota L.) enhances drought tolerance
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Osmotin and osmotin-like proteins belong to the PR-5 pathogenesis-related group of proteins and are induced in response to various types of biotic and abiotic stresses in several plant species. Carrot was transformed with a tobacco osmotin gene that encodes a protein lacking the vacuolar-sorting motif that is composed of a 20-amino-acid sequence at the C-terminal end, under the control of the cauliflower mosaic virus 35S promoter, using Agrobacterium-mediated transformation. Transgene integration and expression were confirmed by Southern and western blot analyses, and three selected transgenic lines were evaluated for their ability to tolerate drought stress. Under drought stress conditions, all transformants exhibited slower rates of wilti

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Publication Date
Wed Mar 15 2023
Journal Name
Journal Of Baghdad College Of Dentistry
In vitro assessment of bracket adhesion post enamel conditioning with a novel etchant paste
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Background: 37% phosphoric acid (PA) is the traditional enamel etching technique prior to bracket ‎adhesion, yet it has been implicated in numerous enamel injuries. The purpose of the current study was to create a calcium phosphate (CaP) etching paste in a ‎‎simplified capsule ‎formula that can underpin clinically ‎adequate bracket bond strength ‎without jeopardizing the ‎integrity of enamel upon ‎the debracketing procedure. Materials and Methods: micro-sized hydroxyapatite (HA) powder was mixed with 40% PA solution to prepare ‎experimental acidic CaP paste. Sixty human premolars were ‎assigned into two groups of 30 each. ‎Enamel conditioning was accomplished using 37% PA-gel‎ for control group and CaP paste for e

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Publication Date
Sun Dec 15 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of Baghdad College Of Dentistry
Oxidative status among a group of pregnant women in relation to gingival health condition
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Background: pregnancy as a systemic condition causes changes in the functioning of human body as a whole and specifically in the oral cavity and it also is considered as a stressful condition. These changes may favor the increase of oxidative stress. Aim: The aim of this study was to estimate the level of marker of oxidative stress (malondialdehyde) and antioxidant (uric acid) in saliva of pregnant compared to non-pregnant women and to assess the gingival health condition in both groups. Additionally, unstimulated salivary flow rate was determined in both groups. Subjects, materials and methods: The study group consisted of sixty pregnant women, they were divided into three equal groups according to trimester (20 pregnant women for each

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Publication Date
Fri Jan 29 2021
Journal Name
Research Journal Of Pharmacy And Technologythis Link Is Disabled.
Exploration of a new fluoride resistance gene (Fram gene) in oral streptococcus mutans maw
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Publication Date
Sat Dec 31 2022
Journal Name
Theory And Practice In Language Studies
Prosodic Cues of Narrative Segmentation in Robert Frost’s ‘Mending Wall’: A Phono-Pragmatic Exploration
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There is much research on the syntax-semantics and the syntax-phonology interaction. However, the exact relation between prosodic patterns and informational structure (as part of pragmatics) is still to be investigated. In this empirical study, we challenge the view that prosody and pragmatics are two autonomous levels of grammar. This paper is an analysis of the narrative poem ‘Mending Wall’ recited by Robert Frost to explore the prosodic features and the associated pragmatic meanings. It is proposed that a set of intentionally manipulated suprasegmental features form a prosodic grammar that works in line with syntax and lexical choices to build the narrative discourse and achieve pragmatic meanings. The paper shows that the am

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