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An Estimated Answer of a Condition between the Interpretive Structure and Surface Structure: Al-Qurtubi’s Tafseer as a Model: عمر عقلة خليف الدعجة
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This present work is concerned with one of the syntactic issues that has been researched by many linguists, grammarians, and specialists in Islamic studies, the estimated answer to a condition. However, this topic is researched this time by examining Imam Al-Qurtbi’s opinions in interpreting related ayas from the holly Quraan in his book (Collector of Quranic Rules) or its transliteration (Al-Jami’ Li Ahkam Al-Quran). Such a step involves commenting on, tracking what Al-Qurtbi said in this regard, discussing it from the points of view of other grammarians, and judging  it accordingly, taking into account the apparent surface structures of the examples collected. To achieve this objective, the inductive analytical approach has been adopted in the analysis by tracing Al-Qurtbi’s various views in interpreting the Quranic verses. One of the most important conclusions of this study is that Al-Qurtubi was a carful interpreter of such linguistic issues, as his analysis was characterized by being highly intellectual and mature. Concerning the estimation of the answer to a condition, the study has concluded that Al-Qurtubi was concerned with the applied aspect of the concepts of interpretive and superficial structures, specifically when he estimated the answer to a condition in each presented verse.

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Publication Date
Tue Jun 01 2021
Journal Name
International Journal Of Aquatic Sience
Helminths and their fish hosts as bioindicators of heavy metal pollution: A review
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Publication Date
Mon Jun 19 2023
Journal Name
Journal Of Polymer Research
Design, and synthesis of a plasticizer- Schiff’s bases complexes as additive for polystyrene
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This work involved the successful synthesis of three new Schiff base complexes, including Ni(II), Mn(II), and Cu(II) complexes. The Schiff base ligand was created by reacting the malonyldihydrazide molecule with naphthaldehyde, and the final step involved reacting the ligand with the corresponding metallic chloride yielding pure target complexes. FTIR, 1 H NMR, 13 C NMR, mass, and UV/Vis spectroscopies were used to comprehensively characterize the produced complexes. These substances have been employed in this study to photo-stabilize polystyrene (PS) and lessen the photo-degradation of its polymeric chains. Several methods, including FTIR, weight loss, viscosity average molecular weight, light and atomic force microscopy, and energy disper

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Publication Date
Sun Dec 01 2019
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Preparation and Characterization of (Hyacinth plant / Chitosan) Composite as a Heavy Metal Removal
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In this study, the preparation and characterization of hyacinth plant /chitosan composite, as a heavy metal removal, were done. Water hyacinth plant (Eichhorniacrasspes) was collected from Tigris river in Baghdad. The root and shoot parts of plant were ground to powder. Composite materials were prepared at different ratios of plant part (from 2.9% to 30.3%, wt /wt) which corresponds to (30-500mg) of hyacinth plant (root and shoot) and chitosan. The results showed that all examined ratios of plant parts have an excellent absorption to copper (Cu (II)). Moreover, it was observed that 2.9% corresponds (30mg) of plant root revealed highest removal (82.7%) of Pb (II), while 20.23% of shoot removed 61% of Cd (II) within 24 hr

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Publication Date
Tue Apr 25 2023
Journal Name
Journal Of Periodontal Research
Salivary E‐cadherin as a biomarker for diagnosis and predicting grade of periodontitis
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To determine the abilities of salivary E‐cadherin to differentiate between periodontal health and periodontitis and to discriminate grades of periodontitis.


E‐cadherin is the main protein responsible for maintaining the integrity of epithelial‐barrier function. Disintegration of this protein is one of the events associated with the destructive forms of periodontal disease leading to increase concentration of E‐cadherin in the oral biofluids.

Materials and Methods

A total of 63 patients with periodontitis (case) and 35

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Publication Date
Sun Oct 06 2024
Journal Name
International Journal Of Advances In Engineering And Management (ijaem)
The makers of sedition in light of Chapters (Al-Baqarah and Yusuf)/An objective study
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The makers of strife exist in every era and time. They differ in how these temptations are created and the methods used in doing so. In our modern era, they are more; This is due to the presence of information technology and its easy availability at their fingertips, as well as the spread of social networking sites, which are rapidly spreading among ignorant groups and groups that are deficient in their use. Which led the makers of sedition to exploit these matters and create various temptations and spread them among peoples and societies. Today, we cannot predict the future of humanity in light of this huge amount of temptation. What the Holy Qur’an mentioned about the types of temptations in its noble verses and their embodiment in seve

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Publication Date
Sat Jun 01 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Analysis of the relationship between Government spending compression and the window of the currency and its impact on the exchange rate of the Iraqi dinar
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The exchange rate is the backbone of  any economy in the world, whether  developed or developing, where most countries adopted  many policies, in order to ensure the stability of the exchange rate of the currency, because of its importance as a link between the local economy and the others ,And it contribute in the achievement of internal and external balance and despite the many different factors that affect it, but there is wide consensus on the effectiveness of the role of spending and the currency window in the exchange rate of the Iraqi dinar, especially in the Iraqi economy, effectiveness As the increase in government spending lead to an increase in the supply of money and increase domestic demand and high pr

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Publication Date
Fri Jun 01 2018
Journal Name
Journal Of Accounting And Financial Studies ( Jafs )
Identify Similarities and Differences between the IIA Standards and the Guide Work ofthe Internal Audit in Iraq
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This study aimed at an analytical comparison of the Internal Auditing Standards issued by the Institute of Internal Auditors (IIA) and the Guidance Manual for Audit Units issued by the Federal Audit Bureau to show the compatibility and differences between them and the possibility of applying the IIA standards to economic units in Iraq. The guideline was generally not covered by all the internal audit units. There is a lack of keeping pace with changes in internal auditing at the international level and there is a need to strengthen the Guideline on Internal Auditing Standards II A), which is characterized by the preparation of an internal document containing the objectives, powers and responsibilities of the internal audit work as well a

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Publication Date
Tue Mar 30 2021
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
The effect of creating knowledge according to the model (Nonaka & Takeuchi, 1995) on organizational ambidexterity: A study on a sample of Iraqi private banks
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Purpose - This study relies on the descriptive and analytical approach through collecting and analyzing the necessary data, as this approach focuses on polling the opinions of the research sample and its directions, and aims to develop a model that studies the relationship between knowledge creation and organizational ambidexterity in Iraqi private banks and verifying its validity experimentally.

Design / Methodology / Introduction - A survey was conducted through a questionnaire form to collect data from a sample of (113) managers in private commercial banks. In addition, this study used the AMOS program and the ready-to-use statistical program package (SPSS V.25) to test the proposed hypotheses of the t

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Publication Date
Tue Feb 28 2023
Journal Name
Iraqi Geological Journal
Development of 3D Geological Model and Analysis of the Uncertainty in a Tight Oil Reservoir in the Halfaya Oil Field
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A geological model was built for the Sadi reservoir, located at the Halfaya oil field. It is regarded as one of the most significant oilfields in Iraq. The study includes several steps, the most essential of which was importing well logs from six oil wells to the Interactive Petrophysics software for conducting interpretation and analysis to calculate the petrophysical properties such as permeability, porosity, shale volume, water saturation, and NTG and then importing maps and the well tops to the Petrel software to build the 3D-Geological model and to calculate the value of the original oil in place. Three geological surfaces were produced for all Sadi units based on well-top data and the top Sadi structural map. The reservoir has

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Publication Date
Thu Jun 01 2017
Journal Name
American Journal Of Pharmaceutical Education
Exploring Electronic Communication Modes Between Iraqi Faculty and Students of Pharmacy Schools Using the Technology Acceptance Model
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