The present study aims to identify wisdom-based thinking and its relationship to psychological capital. It further aims to find out the differences in the level of wisdom-based thinking and psychological capital according to the variables of gender and specialization (scientific, humanities). To achieve this, the study has been conducted on a sample of (380) male and female students. The two scales, wisdom-based thinking and psychological capital are implemented to the sample after being constructed by the researcher and after ensuring their psychometric characteristics' suitability for the study's aims. Results concerning the first aim have shown that there is a significant relationship among students. The second aim has revealed that there is no statistically significant difference according to the gender variable in wisdom-based thinking. According to the variable of specialization in wisdom-based thinking, there are statistically significant differences. Besides, there is no statistically significant difference between the variables of gender and specialization in wisdom-based thinking. According to the third aim, the results have proven a significant relationship among students, whereas the fourth aim does not have any statistically significant differences according to the gender variable. There are statistically significant differences in favor of students of humanities specialization. It has further found that there are statistically significant differences between the gender and specialization variables. Further, in the fifth aim, results have shown that there is a significant correlated relationship between the two variables. Accordingly, the study has set forward a number of recommendations and suggestions.
تتميز هذه الورقة بتناولها موضوعاً يخشى الكثيرون الخوض فيه للملابسات الدائرة حوله، وهو اصحاب المصالح كموضوع مهم في الفكر الستراتيجي. فخاضت في مفاهيمه العامة وتصنيفاته ومنظوراته، ووجدت في مفهومه بأنهم اولئك الذين يمكن تمثيلهم بالمجاميع او الوحدات المستقلة التي ترتبط بمنظمة الاعمال عبر شبكة علاقات مؤثرة مختلفة الابعاد والاتجاهات، واذا ما حدث أي خلل في توازن هذه العلاقات، قد ت
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... Show MoreObjective(s): The present study aims to evaluate the effectiveness of Health educational program on nurses' knowledge toward children pneumonia at Al-Amara City hospitals..
Methodology: A quasi –experimental study design two-study group (pretest-posttest 1 and posttest 2) carried out at Alzahrawy Hospital and Child and maternity hospital in Al Amara City to identify the effectiveness of the Health educational program on Nurses Knowledge toward Children pneumonia; the study was conducted between 1 of September 2019 to 1 of April 2020. A Purposive (Non-probability) sample is chosen for the present study. The size of sample is (60) nurses divided into two gr
... Show MoreAbstract:
Objective(s): The present study aims to evaluate the effectiveness of Health educational program on nurses' knowledge toward children pneumonia at Al-Amara City hospitals..
Methods: A quasi –experimental study design two-study group (pretest-posttest 1 and posttest 2) carried out at Alzahrawy Hospital and Child and maternity hospital in Al Amara City to identify the effectiveness of the Health educational program on Nurses Knowledge toward Children pneumonia; the study was conducted between 1 of September 2019 to 1 of April 2020. A Purposive (Non-probability) sample is chosen for the present study. The size of sample is (60) nur
... Show MoreIn this paper we shall prepare an sacrificial solution for fuzzy differential algebraic equations of fractional order (FFDAEs) based on the Adomian decomposition method (ADM) which is proposed to solve (FFDAEs) . The blurriness will appear in the boundary conditions, to be fuzzy numbers. The solution of the proposed pattern of equations is studied in the form of a convergent series with readily computable components. Several examples are resolved as clarifications, the numerical outcomes are obvious that the followed approach is simple to perform and precise when utilized to (FFDAEs).
The limitations of wireless sensor nodes are power, computational capabilities, and memory. This paper suggests a method to reduce the power consumption by a sensor node. This work is based on the analogy of the routing problem to distribute an electrical field in a physical media with a given density of charges. From this analogy a set of partial differential equations (Poisson's equation) is obtained. A finite difference method is utilized to solve this set numerically. Then a parallel implementation is presented. The parallel implementation is based on domain decomposition, where the original calculation domain is decomposed into several blocks, each of which given to a processing element. All nodes then execute computations in parall
... Show MoreIn this paper we shall prepare an sacrificial solution for fuzzy differential algebraic equations of fractional order (FFDAEs) based on the Adomian decomposition method (ADM) which is proposed to solve (FFDAEs) . The blurriness will appear in the boundary conditions, to be fuzzy numbers. The solution of the proposed pattern of equations is studied in the form of a convergent series with readily computable components. Several examples are resolved as clarifications, the numerical outcomes are obvious that the followed approach is simple to perform and precise when utilized to (FFDAEs).