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The Sources of Organizational Power Prevailing among Academic Leaders at University of Tabuk and its Relationship to Institutional Creativity from the Viewpoint of Faculty Members: شروق بنت عبد الخالق الأسمري , علي بن حسن القرني
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This study aims to examine the sources of organizational power prevailing among the academic leaders at the University of Tabuk from the faculty members’ viewpoint. The purposes behind such an aim are: to reveal the level of administrative and technical institutional creativity, the nature of the relationship between the reality of organizational power and the level of institutional creativity, and to disclose statistically the significant differences between the averages of faculty members’ responses attributed to the demographic variables (gender,  years of experience, academic degree). The study used the descriptive approach, both survey and correlational. A questionnaire was used to collect data from a simple random sample of (354) faculty members.Results have revealed that the sample agreement came at a high degree on both the reality of organizational power in its dimensions as well as on the level of institutional creativity of academic leaders. A very strong statistically significant direct correlation has been found between the reality of the morganizational power and the level of institutional creativity. Moreover, the statistically gender-based significant differences detected among the mermbers’ response averages about the sources of compulsion power and experience power were in favour of males and females, respectively. Speaking of the academic degree variable in the source of experience power, it was in favor of assistant professor category.

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Publication Date
Sun Dec 16 2018
Journal Name
Employment of Folk Games and Tales in Developing the Skills of Spontaneous Acting in Kindergartens
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Some may think that the games, especially the folk games, are just a means of entertainment and fun and children may resort to them to alleviate the tension they are experiencing at home or school, but the truth is that they carry values and meanings that can be invested in education because they contribute to the development of the personality of the child and enhance self- confidence. The objective of the research is to learn how to use folk games to develop children's acting and   performance skills in the   kindergartens.

The research included a theoretical introduction of three sections: the first section: education through play. The second section: the folk tale and the development of imagination and the

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Publication Date
Sun Nov 26 2017
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
The Dynamic Behavior of Water Flowing Through Packed Bed of Different Particle Shapes and Sizes
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An experimental study was conducted on pressure drop of water flow through vertical cylindrical packed beds in turbulent region and the influence of the operating parameters on its behavior. The bed packing was made of spherical and non-spherical particles (spheres, Rasching rings and intalox saddle) with aspect ratio range 3.46  D/dp  8.486 obtaining bed porosities 0.396 0.84 and Reynolds number 1217  21758. The system is consisted of 5 cm inside diameter Perspex column, 50 cm long; distilled water was pumped through the bed with flow rate 875, 1000, 1125, 1250,1375 and 1500 l/h and inlet water temperature 20, 30, 40 and 50 ˚C. The packed bed system was monitored by using LabVIEW program, were the result

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Publication Date
Sun Sep 06 2015
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
The effect of Tramadol on some blood and biochemical parameters of male rats (Rattus norvegicus)
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The present study aimed to explain the dose-dependent possible deleterious effects of 30 day administration of Tramadol on some hematological and biochemical parameters of laboratory male rats (Rattus norvegicus), the study consisted of eighteen adult male rats randomly divided into three equal groups (each of six). Group 1 (control) were treated by intraperitoneal injection of normal saline solution (0.2 ml), group two (low dose) was treated by intraperitonealy (i.p) injection of Tramadol at a dose of 50 mg/kg/day, group three (high dose) was treated by intraperitonealy injection of Tramadol at a dose of 100 mg/kg/day for 30 days. At the end of experimental period, rats were sacrificed. Blood were collected by cardiac puncture to inv

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Publication Date
Fri Oct 20 2023
Journal Name
Ibn Al-haitham Journal For Pure And Applied Sciences
The effect of phonons-surface and grain-boundary scattering on electrical properties of metallic Ag
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Explain in this study, thickness has an inverse relationship with electrical resistivity and a linear relationship with Grain boundary scattering. According to the (Fuchs-Sondheier, Mayadas-Shatzkces) model, grain boundary scattering leads To an Increase in electrical Resistivity. The surface scattering Coefficient  of Ag, which Fuchs-Sondheier and Mayadas-Shatzkces measured at , Ag's grain boundary reflection coefficient , which Mayadas-Shatzkces measured at , If the concentration of material has an effect on metal's electrical properties, According to this silver is a good electrical conductor and is used frequently in electrical and electronic circuits.

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Publication Date
Wed Jun 15 2022
Journal Name
Journal Of Baghdad College Of Dentistry
Effect of Optiglaze Coating on the Staphylococcus aurous and Porosity of Heat Cured Acrylic Material
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Background: Polishing technique for acrylic resin material have great effect on properties of acrylic material and bacterial colonization such as staphylococcus aurous, which are responsible for many acrylic prosthetic infections such as the commonly ocular infections. Ineffective polishing technique could affect roughness and subsequently porosity of acrylic materials.So, a new effective method for polishing acrylic was used depending on the use of optiglaze coating material. So, this study aimed to evaluate the effect of optiglaze polishing on porosity of acrylic resin material and staphylococcus aurous activity in comparison to conventional polishing technique. 

Materials and methods: Specimen(n=120) were prepared :20 spe

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Publication Date
Fri Sep 01 2017
Journal Name
Food Research International
Effect and mechanism of cellulose nanofibrils on the active functions of biopolymer-based nanocomposite films
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Publication Date
Fri May 01 2020
Journal Name
Indonesian Journal Of Electrical Engineering And Computer Science
Smart grid in the context of industry 4.0: an overview of communications technologies and challenges
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The recent advances in technology, the increased dependence on electrical energy and the emergence of the fourth industrial revolution (Industry 4.0) were all factors in the increased need for smart, efficient and reliable energy systems. This introduced the concept of the Smart Grid (SG). A SG is a potential replacement for older power grids, capable of adapting and distributing energy based on demand. SG systems are complex. They combine various components and have high requirements for real time reliable operation. This paper attempts to provide an overview of SG systems, by outlining SG architecture and various components. It also introduces communication technologies, integration and network management tools that are involved in SG sys

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Publication Date
Sat Nov 30 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering And Applied Sciences
Study the Effect of Heat Treatment and Pressure on Some Electrical Properties of Nano Polycarbonate
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In the present research, the electrical properties which included the ac-conductivity (σac), loss tangent of dielectric (tan δ) and real dielectric constant (ε’) are studied for nano polycarbonate in different pressures and frequencies as a function of temperature these properties were studied at selective temperature gradients which are (RT-50-100-150-250)°C. The results of the study showed that the values of dielectric constant and dissipation factor increase with increasing pressure and temperature and decreases by increasing frequency. And the results of electrical conductivity showed that it increases with increasing temperature, pressure and frequency.

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Publication Date
Fri Sep 14 2018
Journal Name
Radiation Effects & Defects In Solids
Effect of gamma and beta radiation on I–V characterization of the solar cell panel
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Optoelectronic devices, widely used in high energy and nuclear physics applications, suffer severe radiation damage that leads to degradations in its efficiency. In this paper, the influence of gamma radiation (137Ce source) and beta radiation (90Sr source) on the photoelectric parameters of the Si solar cell, based on the I–V characterization at different irradiation exposer, has been studied. The penetrating radiation produces defects in the base material, may be activated during its lifetime, becoming traps for electron–hole pairs produced optically and, this will, decrease the efficiency of the solar cell. The main objective of the paper is to study and measure changes in the I–V characteristics of solar cells, such as efficienc

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Publication Date
Mon Jul 09 2018
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Market Research And Consumer Protection
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This study was carried out to measure the percentage of heavy metals pollution in the water of the Diyala river and to measure the percentage of contamination of these elements in the leafy vegetables grown on both sides of the Diyala river, which are irrigated by the contaminated river water (celery, radish, lepidium, green onions, beta vulgaris subsp, and malva). Laboratory analysis was achieved to measure the ratio of heavy element contamination (Pb, Fe, Ni, Cd, Zn and Cr) using flame atomic absorption spectrophotometer during the summer months of July and August for the year 2017. The study showed that the elements of zinc, chromium, nickel and cadmium were high concentrations and exceeded. The maximum concentration of these

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