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Social Protection and its Impact on the Cohesion of Vulnerable Groups: A Field Study of a Sample Social Protection Network Beneficiaries: دينا داود محمد المولى

Social protection meets different aspects of the needs of vulnerable groups, such as the economic, health, education, and family relations and ties in the Iraqi society. This is because vulnerable groups have suffered from social and economic influences that have negative implications on the social reality as a whole. Poverty is a case in point, which paved the way to frequent setbacks that have led to social structure instability. Accordingly, the present study aims to examine the role and effect of the Net of Social Protection Program in equally distributing social protection to curb or mitigate any negative consequnces that might happen to the poor segments and vulnerable people, who are succeptible to shocks, such as: the orphans, unemployed, disabled and the poor. Since such a step reduces poverty rates, the Ministry of Labor and Social Affairs has sought through its social protection network programs to achieve equality, the biggest achievement to the country. Having examined the issue, the researcher has found that there is no social justice in distributing material guarantees to the poor or the people in need. There are several individuals whose names are registered in the lists of the people in need. Such names are either fake or belong to people who do not really need such aids. According the puposes behind the present aims are to: maintain fairness in distributing cash collaterals for the people who live below the poverty line in need, overcome the difficulties of coping with the poor community, deal with those people positively, and uplift them. The study has concluded that the number of poor people is increasing in the Iraqi society. Besides, such groups of people need to be respected, severed and provided with a decent way of living. All such rights are part and parcel of human rights.

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Publication Date
Thu Dec 28 2017
Journal Name
Al-khwarizmi Engineering Journal
Simulation Study of Mass Transfer Coefficient in Slurry Bubble Column Reactor Using Neural Network


The objective of this study was to develop neural network algorithm, (Multilayer Perceptron), based correlations for the prediction overall volumetric mass-transfer coefficient (kLa), in slurry bubble column for gas-liquid-solid systems. The Multilayer Perceptron is a novel technique based on the feature generation approach using back propagation neural network. Measurements of overall volumetric mass transfer coefficient were made with the air - Water, air - Glycerin and air - Alcohol systems as the liquid phase in bubble column of 0.15 m diameter. For operation with gas velocity in the range 0-20 cm/sec, the overall volumetric mass transfer coefficient was found to decrease w

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Publication Date
Wed Dec 11 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
A Comparative Study in the (myth of Pygmalion) between Bernard Shaw and Sadik Hidayat: University of Ferdowsi - Iran

  In our time, not too long ago, the universities of the world have been fast to take care of the study of an innovative type of technical and human studies, called the science of "comparative literature". Comparative research studies have grown and flourished rapidly in response to the demands of both mental and artistic life. This shows the increasing awareness at both the modern national and the international levels in order to develop through connecting with the international intellectual, nental and artistic currents to nurture ethics and originality. Comparative studies show that the beginning of the comparative literature goes back to the time when the Latin literature was connected to the Greek literature and th

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Publication Date
Wed Feb 20 2019
Journal Name
Political Sciences Journal
Article The problem of nuclear proliferation and its impact on the formula of strategic balance in the Middle East after the events of September 11, 2001

The issue of nuclear proliferation is one of the most vital issues as it reflects a form of dealing in the field of international relations. Therefore, the Middle East region has taken great interest in reducing the levels of nuclear armament and acquiring nuclear power within the strategic framework of the international and regional powers. The establishment of a nuclear-weapon-free zone in the Middle East region is currently one of the most important international and regional arrangements for controlling the levels of nuclear proliferation and attempting to build a state of stability and balance. In the Middle East and the world. The importance of the research comes from the fact that it deals with an important and vital issue

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Publication Date
Thu Dec 01 2011
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Measurment of earnini Quality in Commercial Banking

The importance of earnings quality begin increase in recent year . Particulary after collapse the big companies in U.S.A When the Stock Prices of this Companies negative impact after reporting of transitory & unrealized earnings in the iterim reports , in the same time took to this earnings as absis of Future Predictions .

Many of acadmic researchers discusses empirical measures that used to assessments of earnings quality from the perspective of decision usefulness that represent core of FASB's conceptual Framework , and to the economic – based definition of earnings , developed by (Hicks) in 1939.

Tise research attempt to test som of earnings quality measures in commercial

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Publication Date
Sat Dec 01 2018
Journal Name
Political Sciences Journal
American strategic performance towards Middle East in the era of president Trump - A future study

Abstract The strategic performance of the United States depends on dealing with the Middle East countries and its variants on several bases and motives that enabled them to achieve American hegemony and invest its interests at the expense of the region countries. Within this performance, the administration of the United State President Donald Trump presented the Strategic Document on December 18, 2017, which focused on the principle of "America First", to determine the direction of future US strategic performance in the formulation of means of cooperation and intersections or hostility in addition to interests and threats.The future vision of the Arab region and the Middle East as a whole, this strategy is based on the fact that

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Publication Date
Sun Sep 22 2019
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
A Molecular and Biochemical Study for Cholesteryl Ester Transfer Protein (CETP) Taq1B in Iraqi Patients with Hyperlipidemia

Cholesteryl ester transfer protein gene contains some single nucleotide polymorphisms, which have been associated with serum high-density lipoprotein concentration and other lipoproteins. This study is done for determining of cholesteryl ester transfer protein polymorphism and evaluate its effect on serum lipid profile concentrations in some hyperlipidemic patients compared with healthy subjects in Salah Al-din governorate-Iraq. Blood samples were taken from (90) patients suffering from hyperlipidemia, and (70) samples that were apparently healthy controls.  Serum lipid concentrations were measured by enzymatic assays. The polymorphism was genotyped using polymerase chain reaction restriction fragment length polymorphism analysis.&n

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Scopus Clarivate Crossref
Publication Date
Sat Oct 01 2011
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Physics
Stand-Alone PV Generator Comparing with Conventional Systems for Electrification of Small Social Centres in Remote Area

Many isolated rural communities are located in regions where there is an abundant and reliable supply of solar energy, but where the distance to the nearest power station is many tens or even hundreds of kilometre. It is therefore mainly in these areas that rural electrification is now being provided by PV generators. since Stand-Alone PV generator can offer the most cost-effective and reliable option for providing power needed in remote places. Accordingly these isolated rural canters are fitted with PV for lighting, a refrigerator, a television and socket to supply kitchen appliances

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Publication Date
Sun Jan 01 2017
Journal Name
Al–bahith Al–a'alami
Advertises of Advertising Mail Post of Emirate of Dubai as a sample


                The advertising mail is considered as one of potential tools that followed to transfer the printed messages to the consumers and public customers whom are located at homes or works. This type of advertising is preferable due to the zero expense to receive the announcements of products, which became recently one of the successful procedures to create new customers and keep them in touch with direct communication. It is also possible to send them to specific group of people who can be classified by the advertisers to select even by name their own clients to give the personality to the clients for a long term of communication.


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Publication Date
Tue Jun 11 2019
Journal Name
Al-kindy College Medical Journal
Indications of Intravitreal Injection of Bevacizumab in a sample of Iraqi patients

Background: Anti-vascular endothelial growth factors commonly used intravitreally for treatment of variable retinal disease worldwide, which help to regulate the upregulation of vascular endothelial growth factors due to ischemia or/and other retinal insult.

Objective: To review all cases of intravitreal bevacizumab given in the retinal unit of the Eye Specialty Private Hospital in Iraq from December 2015 to June 2016, pointing out the common indications.

Methods: A retrospective study including all cases of intravitreal injections of bevacizumab recorded at the Eye Specialty Private Hospital from December 2015 to June 2016 were retrieved. Age, sex, laterality, diagnosis

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Publication Date
Wed May 05 2021
Journal Name
Journal Of Petroleum Research And Studies
The Role of Chemistry of the Oil-Field Water in the Distribution of Reservoir Pressures: A Case Study of Mishrif Reservoir in the Southern Oil-Fields, Iraq

Mishrif Formation is the main reservoir in oil-fields (North Rumaila, South Rumaila, Majnoon, Zubair and West Qurna) which located at Basrah southern Iraq. The Inductively coupled plasma-Mass spectrometer (ICP-MS) was used for the water chemistry analysis and Scanning Electron Microprobe (SEM) for the purpose of mineralogy diagnosis. A weak acidic water of salinity six-time greater than seawater plays a role in generating the formation pressure and controlling the fluid flow. The potentiometric subsurface maps were modeled and the direction of super-pressure sites that are of a great importance in the oil exploration were marked to pay attention during future drilling.

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