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Technology of Education and the Technical Reality of Education in Sudan: Analytical Samples: أسماء محمد الأمين محمد البشير
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This study aims to examine the technologies of education and their importance, shedding light on their reality and  status in Sudan especially in the secondary stage. It has become necessary to invest these technologies and include them in different aspects of the technical education curricula. Such a step helps cope with the innovative scientific development in the advanced countries, qualify professors and technicians, develop the factories and workshops, and create an attractive technical educational environment to the pupils. Thus, the researcher has adopted a descriptive analytical approach that is based on conducting pilot visits to certain technical schools in Al-Khartoum state. Different aspects of such schools were examined, such as: (crafts, commercial, female technical). Moreover, some interviews were made with a purposeful sample of headmasters and teachers of  schools, taking into account their notes and suggestions.  In addition, the technical education department at the ministry of education was visited to stand upon the workshops' recommendations and the scholarly papers presented in the field of technical education in Sudan. The study finally has concluded that the technical education in Sudan needs much more focus on using modern technology to cope with the scientific development of curriculla, educators and different educational tools. In addition, many parents do not encourage their children to go for such a type of education as they ignore the value of technical education.

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Publication Date
Sat Oct 01 2016
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Reflection of random Creation in institution of university education in the stagflation implications
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Since period the developing economies  including, Iraq economy faced undesirable double economic which is spread unemployment beside continual rising  in price levels this phenomenon called stagflation , there is researches  deal with this phenomenon and the elements participate in it, but it seems to the researcher there is important element from These elements which did not give sufficient concern and this lead to unhealthy situation  which can be represent to the rush creating establishments to University education in Iraq during period ( 2004- 2014) with excessive the3 truly need of the outputs which the Iraq market need which result increase the numbers unemployed on one

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Publication Date
Mon Feb 01 2016
Journal Name
The irony in the narrative film director Pedro Almodovar: محمد أكرم عبد الجليل
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Play a movie role now is very dangerous on a large scale, in the transfer of data in a language of thought and life -strong common understanding , tools and more permeable and effectiveness in the formation of thought and conscience of recipients. Which is an instrument of culture and knowledge , and a means of effective educational tools that aim to improve the community , also plays a prominent role in shaping society's values , and customs , and the arts , as well as used as a means of guiding , counseling and cultural enlightenment , cinema and TV gives the viewer the ability to move from one place to another by the watch and compare it to what it is , which raises the desire to improve the level , where nearly movie scenes in variou

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Publication Date
Tue Sep 15 2020
Journal Name
Identity Attributes and Strategies in Industrial Product Design: وليد محمد مهدي عيسى
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The research discussed the role of interrelationships between the product attributes and the individual identity of the brand and the user, starting from reviewing the identity concepts in the general design propositions and the identity from the industrial design perspective, and highlighting the role of the attributes in identifying the individual identity of the product, which would enable the user to adopt them to be representative of his identity, starting from identifying the importance of the identity being characterized by three major elements: innovating products in the user's viewpoint, viewing the user's environment, the methodology of the design language, and identifying the identity attributes in the industrial product start

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Publication Date
Tue Dec 15 2020
Journal Name
Sociology of Pioneers' Theatre Show and Experiences of the Contemporary Youths: سعدية نوري محمد
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The pioneers in the Iraqi theatre were of a great significance in the production of the theatre shows associated with social and political problems, which necessitated a kind of directing that contributed in installing the sociological pillar of the Iraqi theatre, where these shows were close to the traditional realistic shows some of which is soaked with simple symbolism. That could have given it some traits and characteristics which enabled these connotations to determine the type of the theatrical show and the forms of the direction advances according the adopted style by each theatre director, which forms a clear phenomenon in dealing with the ground of the Iraqi social reality and its reflection on the text and the show. The Iraqi t

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Publication Date
Wed Mar 02 2022
Journal Name
Journal Of Educational And Psychological Researches
A Suggested Conception to Employ Gamificatio in Teaching the General Education Curricula
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The study aimed to build a suggested conception for employing gamification in teaching the general education curricula. Using the analytical method of the previous analytical studies in Teaching, which agreed with the determinants of the analysis of 20 studies from 2014 to 2019, they come on order: points, badges, leaderboards, and then levels. The four most commonly used theories are the theory of self-determination, flow theory, the theory of planned behavior and social theory. In addition, the researcher identified the most commonly used models in gamification, respectively: the ARCS model and the user-based design model. Based on the results of the analysis and using the descriptive approach, the researcher presented a practical perc

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Publication Date
Sun Jan 24 2016
Journal Name
The effectiveness of pantomime in development of movement skills for Kindergarten: محمد إسماعيل الطائي
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In order to a chive the aim of the research the researcher chose the (Nebras kindergarten) to be the search sample .the member of the sampleFrom(males and fameless)and the researcher chose the class of(butterfly) as experimental group to do the pantomime consist of(15)males and fameless, and put(singles, senses ,double senses and communal senses)in the binging of the experiment the researcher applied the measurement of(AL Kaswany and other)as(pre_ test)which prepare to measure, the movement skills for kindergarten, the measurement have the validity and reliability to knowledge the difference between the two experiment. The experiment continue from(20/1/201to 20/2/2014)in the end of experiment the researcher applied the measurement of(AL

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Publication Date
Sun Apr 17 2016
Journal Name
Design trends of family dual-used in small spaces: محمد سعد الجميلي
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Comes interest in the subject matter in the selection of the Family industry globally as one of the important industries which have developed a clear and significant in recent years, to look at these products and designs to their functional importance have appeared in recent years, the phenomenon of the small spaces because of housing Population density showed the need to find a spare Furniture fit these small spaces On this basis, determine the objective of this research is to arrive at a design techniques for dual-family employee for small spaces research sample included a double family manufactured in laboratories industry Furniture in Baghdad and local research sample includes family double Decker.Research focused on the first four c

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Publication Date
Thu Oct 01 2015
Journal Name
Integrated in the industrial design system: نوال محسن علي، مصطفى محمد بركات
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Although the majority of trends confirm the design aspects of the performance, functional and aesthetic design of the product. However, the attention was more focused on the nature of the plastic for those results, it is through the appearance of formal and guaranteed career such as designing Achieved adopt us the extent of the impact Relations Association between the elements and principles of design to achieve complementarity in the completed design of aesthetic and functional significance expressive and symbolic and in doing so has introduced a lot of new concepts for the arrangement and organization, coordination and functional classification of the unfinished design gave way to show diversity trends in the design of industrial produ

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Publication Date
Wed Oct 24 2018
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Factors Strategic Choice and Impact at Quality of Higher Education
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This research raised the strategic selection factors and dimensions of the quality of higher education and what the nature of their relationship and has been collecting a sample search from the technological University of president scientific departments and administrative and scientific associates and chiefs of branches This research aims at studying factors affecting the strategic selection effects these factors in the quality of higher education and the combination of these factors has been identified as a group of selected dimensions of quality of higher education and study link relationships and affecting factors and strategic selection of (risk, previous strategies, resources, time, considerations and internal trends) and d

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Publication Date
Thu Nov 01 2018
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
The Quality of University Education at the Middle Technical University in The Light of the Application of National Ranking project for the Quality of Iraqi Universities
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The research aims to identify ways of upgrading the quality level of university education at the Middle Technical University in light of its application for the National Ranking project for the quality of Iraqi universities in order to obtain advanced grades among the Iraqi universities , Which is qualified to enter the Ranking of universities worldwide, through displaying the mechanism of the Application of  National Ranking project for the quality of Iraqi universities in the Middle Technical University and its formations consisting of (5) technical colleges and (11) technical institute.

        The results of the application showed several observations: The most

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