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The Phenomenon of Phonological Follow in Al-Amali Abi Ali Al-Qali’s Book (seq.356 Hijri): A Phonological Study: هند فاضل عباس
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This research discusses the verbal follow phenomenon in Al-Amali Abi Al-Qali’s book (seq.356 Hijri). It aims to limit the examples of this phenomenon in the book, and  examine it phonologically. Accordingly, the researcher adopted the analaytical descriptive approach, taking into account Al-Rawi’s letter when ordering the verbal follow-based examples, and the order they took in the book in question. The purposes behind this phonological study of verbal follow in Al-Amali’s book are to: reach the sounds which Arabs prefer in the process of following, confirm different beautiful and desirable senses, have easy and speedy pronunciation, maintain harmony between adjacent sounds, count the sounds that occur at the beginning of the follower- a disputable phonological issue between the follower and following- and spot the phonological change that occurs to the follower. Accordingly, a caution is needed to maintain harmony and homogeneity between two pronunciations to achieve the process of following. Or, the structure of the word follower is changed to match its peer followed word.The study has shown that Al-Qali was the eldest in dealing with the formal aspect of the phenomenon. He pointed to the idea of merging the last letter in the subordinate and the follower, and compared it with a stylistic, artistic, and acoustic characteristic, which is included in the innate rhetoric, i.e., assonance. By that, he has determined the most important formal acoustic features of the rhythmic complex as represented by the endings of the sequences, which have a musical rhythm.

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Publication Date
Sat Dec 01 2012
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Comparison between the empirical bayes method with moments method to estimate the affiliation parameter in the clinical trials using simulation
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In this research the Empirical Bayes method is used to Estimate the affiliation parameter in the clinical trials and then we compare this with the Moment Estimates for this parameter using Monte Carlo stimulation , we assumed that the distribution of the observation is binomial distribution while the distribution with the unknown random parameters is beta distribution ,finally we conclude that the Empirical bayes method for the random affiliation parameter is efficient using Mean Squares Error (MSE) and for different Sample size .

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Publication Date
Wed May 10 2023
Journal Name
Journal Of Planner And Development
Analysis and evaluation of related factors affecting community Participation as a policy to upgrade residential slums area
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have suffered from deteriorating residential neighborhoods, poor economic, social and urban living conditions of the population and deteriorating the infrastructural and superior services. These problems were the secretions of these cities' rapid urbanization. Based on the principles of sustainable urban planning and in order to achieve adequate opportunities for the lives of the population and provide them with sustainable livelihoods, policies have emerged to upgrade along the lines of community participation and programmes to reform and develop those neighbourhoods, raise their efficiency and make them livable. Thus, the problem of research was identified "The absence of a comprehensive cognitive perception of the most prominent facto

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Publication Date
Sun Mar 17 2019
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Influence of Cold Atmospheric Plasma on Acinetobacter baumannii
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  1. baumannii is an aerobic gram negative coccobacilli, it is considered multidrug resistance pathogen (MDR) and causes several infections that are difficult to treat. This study is aims to employ physical methods in sterilization and inactivation of A. baumannii, as an alternative way to reduce the using of drugs and antibiotics.
  2.             Cold Atmospheric Plasma was generated by one electrode at 20KV, 4 power supply and distance between electrode and sample was fixed on 1mm. A. baumannii (ATCC 19704 and HHR1) were exposed to  Dielectric Barrier Discharge type of Cold Atmospheric Plasma (DBD-CAP) for several periods

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Scopus (7)
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Publication Date
Mon Oct 22 2018
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Electronic management and its role in streamlining work procedures at the University of Imam Mohamed Bin Saud Islamic University
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This study aims to identify the role of electronic management in simplifying the work procedures at Imam Muhammad bin Saud Islamic University. The study was based on the random sample of (366) individuals. The data were collected through interviews and questionnaire. The statistical tests were applied according to the data and the study hypotheses: Cronbach’s Alpha, mean, standard deviation, Z test, ANOVA. The study concluded numbers of results: Imam Muhammad bin Saud Islamic University applies electronic management in its administrative processes (planning, organizing, directing, controlling) to a very high level. There are substantial differences in the views of the sample me

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Publication Date
Tue Jul 01 2008
Journal Name
Journal Of Educational And Psychological Researches
جرائم الاحداث بعد الاحتلال دراسة ميدانية (في دار الملاحظة في حي السلام)
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قال احد المربين ( أعطوني طفولة سعيدة ممتلئة وخذوا شباباً ناضجاً سليماً) ويعني بالطفولة السعيدة تلك الطفولة المشبعة بالحب والحنان وتلبية الحاجات المهمة للطفل حيث يتعلم الطفل من احضان العائلة بعض النواهي والاوامر حتى اذا اتسعت دائرة معارفه شملت الرفقة والعصبة حيث يبدأ الطفل بالتحرر شيئاً فشيئأ من الضوابط العائلية وينتقل مركز ولائه واخلاصه من العائلة الى العصبية وكلما تتوسع علاقات الطفل تزداد خبراته وت

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Publication Date
Sun Dec 02 2018
Journal Name
Arab Science Heritage Journal
التذكير التذكير و التأنيث في العامية العراقية وعلاقتها بالفصحى دراسة في الموروث
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The phenomenon of Masculine and feminine is one of the important grammatical studies because of their influence on the sentence structure, words come either masculine and feminine type when using one of them in place of the other , this displacement might cause distribution in the sentence itself because,

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Publication Date
Fri Jun 02 2017
Journal Name
المجلة السياسية والدولية
مكانة القوة في المدرك الاستراتيجي الامريكي : دراسة في التأصيل النظري والتوظيف الاستراتيجي
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يعد الربط بين جدلية ما هو كائن وما يجب أن يكون فيما يتعلق بمكانة القوة في المدرك الاستراتيجي الأمريكي وإشكالية توظيفها، من المتلازمات الذهنية الراسخة في التفكير الاستراتيجي الأمريكي، لاسيما بعد أحداث 11 أيلول 2001 وحربي أفغانستان والعراق، والتي كانت من المحفزات الأساسية للبحث عن توظيف بدائل أو وسائل فاعلة تعزز مخرجات الأداء الاستراتيجي الأمريكي بما يصب في المحصلة النهائية في جانب تكتيل القدرات الاستراتيجية

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Publication Date
Fri Feb 18 2022
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering And Sustainable Development
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Steady conjugate natural convection heat transfers in a two-dimensional enclosure filled with fluid saturated porous medium is studied numerically. The two vertical boundaries of the enclosure are kept isothermally at same temperature, the horizontal upper wall is adiabatic, and the horizontal lower wall is partially heated. The Darcy extended Brinkman Forcheimer model is used as the momentum equation and Ansys Fluent software is utilized to solve the governing equations. Rayleigh number (1.38 ≤ Ra ≤ 2.32), Darcy number (3.9 * 10-8), the ratio of conjugate wall thickness to its height (0.025 ≤ W ≤ 0.1), heater length to the bottom wall ratio (1/4 ≤  ≤ 3/4) and inclination angle (0°, 30° and 60°) are the main consid

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Scopus Crossref
Publication Date
Sun Nov 01 2015
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
A Spike Neural Controller for Traffic Load Parameter with Priority-Based Rate in Wireless Multimedia Sensor Networks
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Wireless Multimedia Sensor Networks (WMSNs) are a type of sensor network that contains sensor nodes equipped with cameras, microphones; therefore the WMSNS are able to   produce multimedia data such as video and audio streams, still images, and scalar data from the surrounding environment. Most multimedia applications typically produce huge volumes of data, this leads to congestion. To address this challenge, This paper proposes Modify Spike Neural Network control for Traffic Load Parameter with Exponential Weight of Priority Based Rate Control algorithm (MSNTLP with EWBPRC). The Modify Spike Neural Network controller (MSNC) can calculate the appropriate traffi

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Publication Date
Sat Jan 01 2011
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
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The numerical investigation has been performed to study the radiation affected steady state laminar mixed convection induced by a hot inner varied positions circular core in a horizontal rectangular channel for a fully developed flow. To examine the effects of thermal radiation on thermo fluid dynamics behavior in the eccentric geometry channel, the generalized body fitted co-ordinate system is introduced while the finite difference method is used for solving the radiative transport equation. The governing equations which used are continuity, momentum and energy equations. These equations are normalized and solved using the Vorticity-Stream function. After validating numerical results for the case without radiation, the detailed rad

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