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John Tyler and his Role in the America Domestic and Foreign Policy (1841-1845)
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The current paper highlights an important character represented by the American president John Tyler 1841 – 1845, who is considered the tenth American president. The importance of this paper lies in identifying his personality in terms of his upbringing and the political activities he practiced before assuming the presidency and his most significant internal achievements, which showed his decisions as a president. He was fully prepared to support national policies since they do not exceed the authorities of the states. With his achievements in the foreign policy, he was capable to draw and define the features of the American foreign relations that were in harmony with the general situation in the United States of America at that time. John Tyler came to power after the death of President Henry William Harrison in 1841, without elections. Being vice-President resulted an opposition from his political opponents, as well as his opposition to some of the previous laws of president Andrew Jackson, which consequently led to the resignation of whole Ministers (except the Minister of Foreign affairs), however, he has appointed new Ministers. After that he had been expelled from Whig Party, so he remained without any partisan support, because John Tylers’ achievements were not at the required level, except for some legislation issues, that including the agricultural distribution law of the land for the settlers in 1841, then as trying to cover his failure within external directions especially with Britain in 1842 and China in 1844, in order to strengthen trade relations and resolve border issues, John Tyler had achieved some matters by joining Texas to the United States, after its secession from Mexico in 1844.

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Publication Date
Tue Feb 26 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of Accounting And Financial Studies ( Jafs )
The Role of External Oversight in The Organization of Policy Import: A model of Supreme Audit
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  The construction of development is required to develop various economic sectors with the necessity to meet the various requirement of both individuals and institutions , or through the import process , which must be commensurate with the needs of the market and the economy and development. But in fact , we found that the process of import in Iraq after 2003 took a turn dangerous excesses on limits of philosophy and objectives of the import , which  reflected  the level of national production as well as the policy of dumping and given to the lack of matching a lot of goods and materials imported for Standards and Measures of quality and stands behind it causes many of them exposure to the market and weak sectors with an o

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Publication Date
Mon Feb 04 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of Accounting And Financial Studies ( Jafs )
The Role of External Oversight in The Organization of Policy Import: A model of Supreme Audit
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The construction of development is required to develop various economic sectors with the necessity to meet the various requirement of both individuals and institutions , or through the import process , which must be commensurate with the needs of the market and the economy and development. But in fact , we find that the process of import in Iraq after 2003 took a turn dangerous excesses on limits of philosophy and objectives of the import , which is reflected at the level of national production as well as the policy of dumping and given and the lack of matching a lot of goods and materials imported for Standards and Measures of quality and stands behind it causes many of them exposure to the market and weak sectors with an overlap betwee

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Publication Date
Thu Dec 26 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of Accounting And Financial Studies ( Jafs )
The Role of the Financing Policy for Sustainable Social Development in Iraq for the Period (2014-2016)
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The development of a future mechanism for sustainable development in Iraq to meet the current and future challenges requires an analysis of the indicators of sustainable development. This research aims at presenting and analyzing the social care aspect and highlighting the important role of taxes with a focus on social sustainable development to determine the extent and direction of changes. Level of progress, the researcher concludes the weakness of the financial allocations to the Ministry of Labor and Social Affairs and in line with the large number of people who apply the conditions and controls, and recommends the researcher the necessity of participation of all segments of society between the public and private sector In terms of o

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Publication Date
Thu Dec 31 2020
Journal Name
Political Sciences Journal
Public Policy Education in Iraq / Reality Challenges and Proposed
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The policy issue in all countries of the world is concerned with government and research because it has the ability to reveal many of the problems facing the state and its organizational and scientific capabilities in the development of solutions and appropriate treatments that go beyond random and improvisational reactions, As a result of this interest, many studies have attempted to conceptualize and academicism it. The concept of public policy has been linked to various aspects of social life such as social, economic, educational, agricultural or other aspects. Public policy, regardless of its meaning or its relation to aspects of life, refers to the systematic thinking that directs the behavior and actions of the state, organization

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Publication Date
Sat Feb 01 2020
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
The role of monetary policy in achieving financial stability of Iraqi banks for the period (2009 - 2017)
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The responsibility of the Central Bank through the implementation of its monetary policy to maintain the integrity and stability of the financial system and the economic system, because any shock, whether internal or external, may endanger the financial system and instability, so the research sheds light on the effectiveness of monetary policy in maintaining financial stability, The most important conclusion is that there is an increase in capital, which gives banks the possibility to face the risks to which they are exposed, as well as a rise in the total bad debts, which weakens its financial position, which constitutes a decline in the financial stability of these banks.

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Publication Date
Thu Apr 30 2020
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
The role of monetary policy in achieving financial stability of Iraqi banks for the period (2009 - 2017)
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The responsibility of the Central Bank through the implementation of its monetary policy to maintain the integrity and stability of the financial system and the economic system, because any shock, whether internal or external, may endanger the financial system and instability, so the research sheds light on the effectiveness of monetary policy in maintaining financial stability, The most important conclusion is that there is an increase in capital, which gives banks the possibility to face the risks to which they are exposed, as well as a rise in the total bad debts, which weakens its financial position, which constitutes a decline in the financial stability of these banks.

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Publication Date
Wed Dec 11 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
Turkish Policy Towards Africa in the Era of the Justice and Development Party
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Turkish policy towards Africa witnessed important developments over time that began before the Ottoman era and then developed during the Ottoman era when the Ottoman state played an important role in maintaining security by confronting Portuguese interventions in North Africa and sending military aid. Thus, the Ottoman state was able to develop its policy towards Africa for important considerations based mainly on the employment of the religious factor and the spread of Islam for the African acceptance of the Ottomans in the African territories and thus, achieve economic, strategic and political motives. Later, these relations declined in the Republican era due to the weak political and economic potential of Turkey on the one hand and th

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Publication Date
Thu Jan 01 2015
Journal Name
Political Sciences Journal
Rectifier technology and its impact on US policy
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كان لنهاية الحرب الباردة وعولمة العالم على وفق رؤية كونية تتجاوز حدود ومفاهيم السيادة الوطنية والقومية الاثر الواضح في ترتيب العلاقات الدولية , واصبحت تلك العلاقات تدور حول محورين الاول .. هو الاعتماد المتبادل بين الدول من اجل الوصول الى خطوط مشتركة للمصالح المختلفة بين هذه الدول . والآخر.. هو تبعية الدول الضعيفة للدول القوية لافتقار الاولى توفير الحاجيات الى مواطنيها . هذا يشير الى نشأة علا

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Publication Date
Wed Jan 04 2023
Journal Name
College Of Islamic Sciences
Regulations of changes in Sharia policy
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Regulations of changes in Sharia policy

Variables include jurisprudential rulings that may be subject to change, alteration and interpretation, depending on the mujtahid’s view of the ruling, or changing it and switching to another view, and the variables are the crucial issues that befell the nation of Islam. It was not neglected by Islamic legislation, but rather the setting of controls that took into account in every incident the norms, interests and purposes.

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Publication Date
Sun Feb 28 2021
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
The role of monetary policy in reducing inflation in Iraq through monetary sterilization mechanism. post-2003
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The main objective of the central bank is to achieve price stability and target in fractionates. Therefore, the bank sought to use modern tools and policies in order to reduce the negative effects of the accumulation of foreign reserves represented by monetary sterilization, similar to developed and developing countries alike, but with different available tools that are possible and imposed by the local financial and monetary environments, such as the window for buying and selling foreign currency, open market operations and deposit facilities. And lending existing. Because any in crease in the monetary base resulting from the accumulation of foreign reserves will affect price stability directly due to the consumer nature of the

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