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Illiteracy and its Impact on the Reality of Iraqi Youth between Heritage and Contemporary

Illiteracy has spread in the last years, although it was eliminated in the 1980s. The return of illiteracy brings ignorance, illness, backwardness and regression among nations. It has taken many types, mainly alphabetical, scientific and computer illiteracy. Hence, the increasing nature of illiteracy has attracted the attention of governments and societies alike. This may touch the reality of societies starting with their youth unless those, who are in charge, will find workable solutions for the existing problems. The results of the study revealed that there is a real disaster awaiting the next generation after years of stray, and ignorance of the people in charge who are too engaged in getting their privileges to care about this problem, and they are leaving the young people to face their dark and unknown fate. Therefore, we have to participate together to get rid of this issue, or rather the disaster that is going to strike our grieving people. Islam urged on learning and reading which was obvious in the very first verses that were revealed upon our prophet Mohammad (Peace be upon Him). To eliminate illiteracy, we have to take many steps and give more efforts to upgrading the reality of the youth in Iraq nowadays.

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Publication Date
Wed Jun 03 2020
Journal Name
Political Sciences Journal
The world'srefugeesbetween the aggravation of the situation and the endeavors of international organizations

Human witnessed over the centuries many of the important issues faced by the international community was centered on human rights in general and the persecution of refugees, especially according to many forms may be directly or indirectly leaves behind economic crises, social and humanitarian push world countries to rethink the mechanisms and the feasibility of developing agreements and laws and the role of international and regional organizations to protect peoplerefugeestatus.

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Publication Date
Mon Jan 16 2023
Journal Name
Iraqi National Journal Of Nursing Specialties
Association between Enhancing Learning Needs and Demographic Characteristic of Patients with Myocardial Infarction: العلاقة بين تعزيز احتياجات التعلم والخصائص الديموغرافية لمرضى احتشاء عضلة القلب


Objectives: To find out the association between enhancing learning needs and demographic characteristic of (gender, education level and age).

Methods: This study was conducted on purposive sample was selected to obtain representative and accurate data consisting of (90) patients who are in a peroid of recovering from myocardial infarction at Missan Center for Cardiac Diseases and Surgery, (10) patients were excluded for the pilot study, Data were analyzed using descriptive statistical data analysis approach of frequency, percentage,  and analysis of variance (ANOVA).

Results: The study finding shows, there was sign

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Publication Date
Mon Sep 03 2018
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A new vision for the classic in contemporary fashion designResearch

        fashion designers who have benefited greatly from the mobilization of ancient aesthetic ideas in the heritage of the people and guaranteed in their productions so that there is no change In the aesthetic value created by the designers of the research in the ancient heritage to find new signs that reflect the connection of man to the present as the aesthetic value of all the man created by the designs of fabrics and fashion through the ages      The problem of research was determined in the absence of a precise understanding of the nature of classical thought in fashion and the absence of a clear perception of the sustainability of this thought in contemporary fashion. He

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Publication Date
Sun Aug 04 2024
Journal Name
International Journal Of Home Science
The phenomenon of drugs in Iraq and its international and national impacts

Abstract Drug addiction is considered a criminal behavior, which led the Iraqi legislator to prohibit and criminalize it, imposing penalties on those who use or even approach it. This aims to limit its presence in Iraq and reduce unethical behaviors, leveraging the divine prohibition to curb it. The legislator also encourages media organizations to raise awareness about the dangers of this substance, which has contributed to reducing the phenomenon of drugs in Iraq.

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Publication Date
Sun Feb 10 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
Cognitive motivation and its relationship to the concept of self on middle school students (female)

The preparatory phase since it corresponds to adolescence are the most important stages of life , where the individual 's personality to take shape at this stage and start asking questions about the same , trying to discover the positive and negative traits hehas in order to form distinctive character and also is being he have Love Poll For everything that goes on around him.
And attention to cognitive motivation is important for students because the student who owns a motive cognitively looking for self - knowledge with conviction, and learning then be meaningful and lasts long. The motive of knowledge are common in which cognitive components does not mean exclusive knowledge on academic books and research in the narrow borders but a

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Publication Date
Sun Apr 16 2017
Journal Name
Ibn Al-haitham Journal For Pure And Applied Sciences
Determination (IL-36γ) Levels And Study Of Its Relation With Other Cytokines In Iraqi Endometriotic Women

   Endometriosis, an autoimmune disease is among one of the most challenging of the 21 st century that affects women in reproductive age. The aim of the present study is to highlight the role of  IL-36γ, and its relationship with other cytokines (Ang-2 and TNF-α) in the pathogenesis of endometriosis . Seventy five (75) consecutive women patient of reproductive age (25-40) years were enrolled in this study , Patients were divided into three groups , group 1 (G1) included (25) newly diagnosed endometriotic patients , that were not given any treatment related to Gynecology or anti-inflammatory medications . Second group : group 2 (G2) consists of  (25) endometriotic  patient who were  treated with zoladex

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Publication Date
Fri Jan 15 2021
Journal Name
Int. J. Agricult. Stat. Sci.

An experiment was carried out in a field in Husayniyah sub-district of the Holy Karbala Governorate. The research included studying the impact of the plowing depth and soil moisture on some technical indicators when using the disc plow. The 80 hp New Holland tractor was used in this experiment. Two factors were studied, the first factor is the soil moisture (12- 9%), (16-13%) and (20-17%) and the second factor was the depth of tillage (10-13) cm, (15-18) cm and (20-23) cm, which represented the secondary blocks. Bulk density, percentage of slippage and drawing force were studied. The field trials was conducted according to Split blocks in a randomized complete block design in three replicate. Consequences showed (according to the conditions

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Publication Date
Wed Jan 01 2020
Journal Name
Annals Of Tropical Medicine And Public Health
The impact of JAK2V617F allelic burden on clinical and laboratory parameters in patients with myeloproliferative neoplasms

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Publication Date
Tue Oct 04 2022
Journal Name
The Impact of Angiotensin Converting Enzyme-2 (ACE-2) on Bone Remodeling Marker Osteoprotegerin (OPG) in Post-COVID-19 Iraqi Patients

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Publication Date
Sun Dec 27 2020
Journal Name
Journal Of Accounting And Financial Studies ( Jafs )
The role of International Monetary Fund in Planning monetary policy for Developing the Iraqi economy: An Applied Research for the Period (2004-2013)

The developing countries, like our country Iraq suffer from deep comprehensive structural crisis, manifestations and a clear imbalance between the demand and the supply sides. The overall imbalance in the external balance. As a consequence, this caused the accumulation of foreign debts or failure in the implementation of economic development programs. The countries which are forced to resort to the International Monitoring Funds, and the World Bank for assistance and to express an opinion on policies that include restrictions controls that belong to the monetary, and fiscal side group, imposed on the economies crisis, as a condition for returning to normal which called reform programs. The organize of the events of radical changes in the

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