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Metadiscourse Markers in Linguistic Abstracts by American and Iraqi Students of English
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Metadiscourse markers are means for organizing a writer’s information and create a connection with her/his readers. When students write, they usually focus on one type of these markers that is the interactive markers and belittling the use of the other type which is the interactional markers. That is to say, they emphasize on presenting and organizing their information only. Therefore, this study is conducted to bridge this gap. The researchers have selected 18 thesis abstracts. Nine of them are written by Iraqi students of English and the rest by American students. The aims of the study are to examine the types and sub-types of metadiscourse markers used by American and Iraqi students; investigate comparatively the impact of the metadiscourse markers used in organizing the given information and engaging the readers. To accomplish these aims, Hyland’s model (2005) is adopted. The results show that both Iraqi and American students use the interactive markers more than the interactional ones and the American use of the interactional markers is higher than Iraqi students.

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Publication Date
Sat Feb 02 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
Linguistic and Grammatical Studies in Yemen in A.H.7th Century: Linguistic and Grammatical Studies in Yemen in A.H.7th Century
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The A. H. 7th century had witnessed an obvious development
in the Yemeni scientific process. The most important reason
being the establishment of the Resooliy State (A. H. 626-858)
which had achieved economic and scientific prosperity in
various fields of knowledge. Its sultans had participated in
building schools, purchasing books, summoning of scientists,
presenting gifts, and encouraging scientific journeys in and out
of Yemen. Therefore, studies had thrived and authorship
widened, and there appeared not a few number of scientists..

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Publication Date
Mon Jun 01 2015
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Languages (jcl)
El porqué de la confusión entre el pretérito indefinido y el imperfecto en la lengua española para alumnos de Irak The reason of confusion between past perfect and imperfect in Spanish for Iraqi students
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Las diferencias entre el pretérito perfecto simple y el imperfecto son uno de los temas más complejos de la lengua española, no sólo para el estudiante, sino para el profesor, puesto que sistematizar los casos y hacerlos fácilmente comprensibles al alumno es tarea difícil. Los profesores de lengua, cuyas investigaciones han dado lugar a una serie de teorías y de corrientes metodológicas y didácticas que permiten enfocar la enseñanza de una lengua extranjera de manera muy distinta a como se hacía tradicionalmente. Vamos a repasar muy brevemente cuáles son estas teorías.

En primer lugar es necesario señalar en qué consiste el aprendizaje de una segunda lengua:

"El aprendizaje de una segunda lengua (L2) es el

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Publication Date
Wed Sep 09 2020
Journal Name
Academic Journal Of Legal And Political Research
Unilateral Contracts - A Comparative Study Under the American System and Iraqi Civil Law
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At a time when the general rules in the different legal systems require the presence of two parties to the contract, one of which is issued the first expression of the will and is called the offer, and the other is issued from the other and is called the acceptance. A special type of contracts emerged in the beginning of the last century called the “unilateral contracts”. The side sparked a major jurisprudential dispute, as well as the issuance of several contradictory judicial rulings on it. Hence, this research came to highlight this special type of contract. Key words: the definition of a unilateral contract, its distinction from other legal situations, and its effects.

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Publication Date
Sun Jan 01 2017
Journal Name
The Iraqi Journal Of Agricultural Science 48 (5), 1197-1205‏
Sex identification of date palm by using dna molecular markers
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Publication Date
Sun Jun 20 2021
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Hypothyroidism and Leptin in Iraqi Patients with Chronic Kidney Disease
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The present study aims at assessing the effects of chronic kidney disease (CKD) on thyroid hormone and leptin by evaluating the level of: leptin hormone along with thyroid hormone in CKD patients. The study has been conducted on  70 subjects, 50 patients with an age range between 20-50 years (25  males and 25 females) who were diagnosed to have CKD stage-5, and 20 normal controls whose ages ranged between 20-48 years (10  males and 10 females), who attended  the Nephrology and Transplant Center in Medical City of Baghdad- Iraq from April  2018  to July  2018. The study showed a highly significant (P<0.01) increase in TSH level in CKD patients in comparison with controls. While T3 and T4 levels observed highly significant decrea

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Publication Date
Tue Jun 01 2021
Journal Name
Arab Researcher
Civil Liability of Hotels towards Victims of Sex Trafficking - A Study in Light of Iraqi and American Laws
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In view of the large profits made by the sex trade on the one hand, and the minor penalties imposed on the traffickers (brokers) compared with the severe penalties imposed on the drug trade and illegal weapons, on the other hand, this trade has become popular and spread in most countries of the world, and the cornerstones of this trade and A safe haven for them is hotels, especially luxury ones with international brands where their guests are rich and some may look for sex for money. Given the great physical and psychological damage to the victims, this research highlights the civil liability of hotels towards these victims in US and Iraqi law.In order not to limit the

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Publication Date
Thu Dec 15 2022
Journal Name
Arab World English Journal
Investigating Teachers of English Knowledge and Awareness of Dyslexia: A case study in Primary Iraqi Schools
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Dyslexia is a learning disability in which people face difficulty reading though they are intelligent and have motivation for reading. Therefore; it impacts the portion of the brain responsible for processing language. Such a condition compromises the learning efficiency of the affected person, which generally gets unnoticed. Even affected children are unaware of their state. The study investigates the knowledge and awareness of dyslexia among teachers of English in Iraqi primary schools. this study has three objectives: (i) To investigate the amount of awareness and knowledge among the primary school teachers of English in Baghdad City about dyslexia.; (ii) To examine how English teachers’ awareness of dyslexia is affected by the

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Clarivate Crossref
Publication Date
Thu Jun 01 2023
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Comparison Study between Adipsin Levels in Sera of Iraqi Patients with Diabetes and Neuropathy
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The current study was designed to compare some of the vital markers in the sera of diabetic and neuropathy patients via estimating Adipsin, Fasting blood Glucose(FBG), Glycated(HbA1c) hemoglobin, Homeostasis Model Assessment Index (Homa IR ), Cholesterol, High density lipoprotein (HDL), Triglycerides (T.G), Low-density, and lipoprotein (LDL), Very Low Density Lipoprotein (VLDL), in sera of Iraqi patients with diabetes and neuropathy. A total  of ninety  subjects  were divided into three groups: group I (30 diabetic with neuropathy males) and group II (30 diabetic males without neuropathy), and 30 healthy sujects were employed as control group. The results showed a significant decline in Adipsin levels (p>0.05) in neuropathy, T2DM g

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Publication Date
Tue Jan 02 2018
Journal Name
Journal Of The Faculty Of Medicine Baghdad
Serological markers “CEA test &amp; sAPRIL test” in Iraqi patients with colon cancer
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Background: Colonic cancer is a very common disease world-wide being fourth most common cancer characterized by abnormal proliferation of the inner wall of colon then taking full colon wall thickness then spreading to surrounding lymph nodes and tissues and finally distant metastasis. It is one of most complicated diseases with debilitating symptoms which becomes more sever , prominent and specific with advancing stage with high percent of fatality and relatively short survival if diagnosed late or if left untreated.Objective: To evaluate the efficacy of serum CEA & sAPRIL levels in the diagnosis and screening of colon cancer and their validity for this.Patients and methods: This study was applied on 35 patients with colonic can

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Publication Date
Fri Nov 25 2022
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Evaluation of Some Antioxidants and Oxidative Stress Tests in Iraqi Lung Cancer Patients
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Vitamin K-dependent protein (VKDP) contributes to the development of lung cancer. The purpose of this research was to better understanding of the role of blood matrix Gla protein (MGP), VKDPs, Malondialdehyde (MDA), Superoxide dismutase (SOD) and Vitamin K (Vit K) in Iraqi patients with lung cancer before and after the first cycle of chemotherapy. Blood samples were collected from Al amal National Hospital for cancer treatment from October 2021 to May 2022, and a total of 80 samples were collected, divided into two groups (40 patient before taking a chemotherapy and 40 patients after taking chemotherapy), ranging in age from 20 to 45 years old. The results showed that although there were highly statistically significant differences in MD

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