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The Aesthetic of the Textual Interferences in the Poetry of the Ghawani's" A Miracle Nice of your Imagination as a symbol"
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     إنّ التّأمّل في الدّراسات الأدبيّة النّقديّة الحديثة الّتي تنظر إلى النّصّ أنّه لوحة تتشكّل من مجموعة تداخلات نصّيّة سابقة للنصّ المُنتج أو مُعاصرة له، تدفع القارئ إلى الغوص في أعماق النّصوص وتحليلها والكشف عن الآليّات والإجراءات الّتي اعتمدت في إنتاجه، وإظهار الجماليّات الفنّيّة التي شكلت في مُجملها كائنا حيّا يُعبّر عن حالات إنسانيّة مُستمرة الحدوث رغم تقادم الأزمان.

فالبحث هذا يعمد إلى نصّ غزليّ لأحد أعمدة شعر غزل العصر العباسي – مسلم بن الوليد- محاولا قراءته وفق رؤية نقديّة حديثة تهدف إلى فكّ تداخل النّصوص الأدبيّة والدّينيّة التي تجمّعت بشكل مُباشر أو غير مُباشر، جلي أو خفي، بعد قبول ورفض، شدّ وجذب لولادة هذا النّصّ. وقد تبيّن بعد التّناول التّحليليّ الاستقصائيّ لنصّ– عجبا لطيف خيالك - أنّ الشّاعر قد امتصّ مجموعة من النّصوص القرآنيّة والشّعريّة وأذابها في قصيدته، بمستويات مُختلفة سواء في اللّفظ والمعنى أم الأسلوب والتّركيب، فوظّف قدراته اللّغويّة وبراعته الشّعريّة ليُنتج نصّا غنيّا بالمعاني والدّلالات التي تصف أحاسيس العشّاق وما يعانون من لوعة وحرمان وعذل وهجران.

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Publication Date
Mon Feb 04 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
The Impact of climatic fluctuations in the production of citrus in the province of Karbala
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The relationship between the elements of the climate and the productivity of citrus (kg
/ tree) in the province of Karbala has been determined through the use of simple correlation
coefficient of Pearson (rp) and (t) test. The result for each of oranges, limes and tangerine had
all shown moral and relevant statistical indications; except for relative humidity, which were
not linked to a moral relationship with productivity of tangerine, oranges and limes.As for the
relationship between climatic factors and yield of bitter orange were all not significant
statistically and very weak.
In order to determine the strength of the correlation between fluctuations in the
climatic elements and fluctuations in the productivi

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Publication Date
Thu Oct 01 2009
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Languages (jcl)
Schematic Coherence in Poetry
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Schemata are the underlying connections that allow new experience and information to be aligned with previous knowledge. When one reads a text he usually uses all his levels of schemata. Schemata enable us to make sense of what is perceived and experienced in the world.

In poetry, readers usually examine carefully and deeply what they are reading in comparison with other sorts of discourse. Coherence is achieved when a reader perceives connections among schemata. It is a connection between linguistic and textual features of the text, and reader's mental expectations as well as stored knowledge of the world. This paper discusses the role of schematic correlation in poetry, and the effect of different schematic background and diffe

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Publication Date
Mon Jan 01 2018
Journal Name
Al–bahith Al–a'alami
Using Social Media sites by the Iraqi women and the Achieved The Use of Iraqi Women of Social Networking Sites and the Satisfactions Generated from Them.: A Survey Study of the City of Baghdad
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The problem of this research lies in the fact that there is a lack of accurate scientific perceptions about the size of the use of Iraqi women’s social networking sites and the motives behind this use and the expectations generated by them.
The goals of the research are as follows:
1- Determine the extent of Iraqi women’s use of social networking sites (Facebook, YouTube, twitter, and Instagram).
2- Investigative the motives behind the use of social networking sites by Iraqi women.
3- Detecting the repercussions of Iraqi women’s use of social networking sites (Facebook, you tube, twitter, and Instagram).
The research is classified as a descriptive one. The researchers use the survey methodology. The research commu

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Publication Date
Sun Jan 13 2019
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Physics
A Study of the effect of adding antimony oxide to the coating surfaces of steel and cast Iron by glass
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The study included adding antimony oxide to mixtures of coating metal surfaces (Enameling), after it was selected ceramic materials used in the coating metal pieces of the type of steel and cast iron in two layers. The first is called a ground coat and the second is a cover coat.
Ceramic materials layer for ground coat have been melted down in
platinum crucible at a temperature of 1200oC to prepare the glass
mixture (Frit). It was coated on metals at a temperature of 780oC for
two minutes, while the second layer was prepared glass mixture
(Frit) at a temperature of 1200oC, but was coated at a temperature of
760oC for two minutes.
Underwent tests crystalline state of powders (Frits) and enameled samples using X-ray di

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Publication Date
Fri Jan 20 2023
Journal Name
Ibn Al-haitham Journal For Pure And Applied Sciences
A Study of the Effectiveness of Tin on the Thermal Conductivity Coefficient and Electrical Resistance of Se60Te40-xSnx Chalcogenide Glass
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     This research calculated the effect of partial replacement of Trillium with tin by weight ratios x=0, 5, 10, 15, and 20 of the weight of manufactured samples on the thermal conductivity coefficient of Se60Te40-xSnx chalcogenide glasses. The thermal conductivity coefficient of the samples was calculated using a disk- Lee. The results showed that increasing the concentration of tin improves the thermal insulation ability by decreasing the thermal conductivity value and then determining the optimal weight ratios at which a large thermal insulation is obtained.

 The electrical resistivity as a function of temperature was studied. The electrical resistivity (rd.c) was calculated as a function of temperature for all

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Crossref (6)
Publication Date
Sun Jul 02 2006
Journal Name
Journal Of The Faculty Of Medicine Baghdad
a placebo control study of the effect of nigella sativa fixed oil on the healing rate of recurrent aphthous ulceration
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Publication Date
Tue Feb 04 2025
Journal Name
Microbes And Infectious Diseases
A preclinical evaluation of the response of repairing the DNA of MCF7 breast cancer cells after exposure to probiotic bacteria
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Publication Date
Sat Mar 30 2013
Journal Name
College Of Islamic Sciences
هامات The contributions of the Kurdish scholars in the science of the Qur’an in the seventh and eighth Hijri centuries
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This research sheds light on the contributions of a group of scientific Kurdish scholars in the seventh and eighth Hijri centuries, who devoted themselves to serving science with the bad political and economic conditions at the time, and the research pointed to the flowering of science and how students travel in order to provide them with science, obtain a scientific certificate, then take up The research efforts of the scholars in the two Hijri century mentioned in the science of the Qur’an, whether in the field of recitations, intonation or interpretation, and the research ends with a conclusion in which I mentioned the most important conclusions reached in this research.

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Publication Date
Fri Mar 01 2024
Journal Name
Medicine Advances
Quality of life, adherence and knowledge of epileptic patients and the impact of a pharmacist‐led educational intervention: A review
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Around 65 million individuals suffer from epilepsy worldwide, and when it is not properly treated, it is linked to higher rates of physical harm and mortality. Due to the requirement for long‐term therapy and the side effects of many medications, medication compliance is a significant issue. The purpose of this review was to summarize the findings of previous studies examining the quality of life (QOL), adherence, patient education, and medication knowledge, as well as the impact of a pharmacist‐led educational intervention. Additionally, to find out if these studies benefit epileptic patients, to find the appropriate method used to help them in all aspects of their lives, and to use these in future studies. A systematic and comprehensi

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Crossref (1)
Publication Date
Fri Aug 19 2022
Journal Name
International Journal Of Health Sciences
A study of the mechanical and electrical activities of the heart and their relationship to the phosphagenic and lactic energy systems of young basketball players
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It was found that there was a significant correlation between all tests of the mechanical and electrical activity of the heart (systolic force FC, stroke volume SV, end-diastolic volume, EF volume, and left ventricular volume during diastole LVDD) with the test of the oxygen-phosphating energy system (Markaria). - As safe (Margaria-Kalamen( It was found that there is a significant correlation between all tests of the mechanical and electrical activity of the heart (myocardial systolic force FC, stroke volume SV, end-diastolic volume EDV, and the percentage of heart pumpingEF blood, and left ventricular volume during diastole (LVDD) with the Lactational Oxygen Energy System Test (Wingate Test 30 Second(

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