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The Aesthetic of the Textual Interferences in the Poetry of the Ghawani's" A Miracle Nice of your Imagination as a symbol"
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     إنّ التّأمّل في الدّراسات الأدبيّة النّقديّة الحديثة الّتي تنظر إلى النّصّ أنّه لوحة تتشكّل من مجموعة تداخلات نصّيّة سابقة للنصّ المُنتج أو مُعاصرة له، تدفع القارئ إلى الغوص في أعماق النّصوص وتحليلها والكشف عن الآليّات والإجراءات الّتي اعتمدت في إنتاجه، وإظهار الجماليّات الفنّيّة التي شكلت في مُجملها كائنا حيّا يُعبّر عن حالات إنسانيّة مُستمرة الحدوث رغم تقادم الأزمان.

فالبحث هذا يعمد إلى نصّ غزليّ لأحد أعمدة شعر غزل العصر العباسي – مسلم بن الوليد- محاولا قراءته وفق رؤية نقديّة حديثة تهدف إلى فكّ تداخل النّصوص الأدبيّة والدّينيّة التي تجمّعت بشكل مُباشر أو غير مُباشر، جلي أو خفي، بعد قبول ورفض، شدّ وجذب لولادة هذا النّصّ. وقد تبيّن بعد التّناول التّحليليّ الاستقصائيّ لنصّ– عجبا لطيف خيالك - أنّ الشّاعر قد امتصّ مجموعة من النّصوص القرآنيّة والشّعريّة وأذابها في قصيدته، بمستويات مُختلفة سواء في اللّفظ والمعنى أم الأسلوب والتّركيب، فوظّف قدراته اللّغويّة وبراعته الشّعريّة ليُنتج نصّا غنيّا بالمعاني والدّلالات التي تصف أحاسيس العشّاق وما يعانون من لوعة وحرمان وعذل وهجران.

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Publication Date
Sun Jan 01 2012
Journal Name
Diyala Agricultural Sciences Journal (dasj)
(OLIGO-X) the effect of salinity of irrigation water and magnetisation and soaking Alalascorbek acid and extracted sea Your protected agriculture. DALIA in germination and growth of seedlings seeds of hybrid option
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Publication Date
Wed Jan 01 2014
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Languages (jcl)
Documentation et imagination dans les vols de Saint-Exupéry
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The writings of famous French novelist Antoine de Saint- Exupery being describes his life and his career as a pilot. That's where aviation and modern means of transport at the beginning of the twentieth century. It is also through his writings that tainted documentary chronicled the history of occupied France by the Germans in World War II. Has contributed to the publication of documents and real events and attended by military missions. However, before he died, wrote us a novel immortal  "The Little Prince ", which is quite different from previous writings in terms of dependence entirely on the imagination. And are almost close to science fiction to fact that the hero falls to the ground in a vague, of a small asteroid. We are tryi

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Publication Date
Wed Oct 18 2023
Journal Name
Iraqi National Journal Of Nursing Specialties
The Effect of a Training Program on the Diabetic Patients Utilizing Skills of Insulin Injection Technique
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Objectives: The study aims to evaluate patients’ performance toward insulin injection after training program to
identify the variation in skill of patients in insulin injection technique with regard to some variable (i.e.
educational level and duration of insulin injection.
Methodology: A quasi experimental study has been conducted on diabetic patients.
An observational checklist had been prepared which consisted of 4 main areas with 37 sub-items, which are
syringe preparation for injection, insulin drawing; skin preparation for injection and insulin injection. Each of the
sub-items has 2 options yes or no. One score for positive answer and zero for no.
The sample of the study consisted of (n =30) males and females

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Publication Date
Mon Jun 05 2023
Journal Name
Al-khwarizmi Engineering Journal
A Review of the Stereo lithography 3D Printing Process and the Effect of Parameters on Quality
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Stereo lithography (SLA) three-dimensional (3D) printing process is a type of additive manufacturing techniques that uses digital models from computer-aided design to automatically produce customized 3D objects. Around 30 years, it has been widely utilized in the manufacturing, design, engineering, industrial sectors and its applications in dentistry for manufacturing prosthodontics are very important. The stereo lithography technology is highly regarded because it can produce items with excellent precision especially when selecting the best process parameters. This review article offers a useful and scientific summary of SLA three-dimensional printing technology and its brief history. The specific type of 3D printers which is SLA type b

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Crossref (6)
Publication Date
Mon Jun 05 2023
Journal Name
Al-khwarizmi Engineering Journal
A Review of the Stereo lithography 3D Printing Process and the Effect of Parameters on Quality
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Stereo lithography (SLA) three-dimensional (3D) printing process is a type of additive manufacturing techniques that uses digital models from computer-aided design to automatically produce customized 3D objects. Around 30 years, it has been widely utilized in the manufacturing, design, engineering, industrial sectors and its applications in dentistry for manufacturing prosthodontics are very important. The stereo lithography technology is highly regarded because it can produce items with excellent precision especially when selecting the best process parameters. This review article offers a useful and scientific summary of SLA three-dimensional printing technology and its brief history. The specific type of 3D printers which is SLA t

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Crossref (6)
Publication Date
Sun Jun 30 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
Qualities of Life Partner from the Perspective of a Sample of University Students
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The study aims at identifying the morphological and psycho-socio-economic qualities wished to be in a life partner among a sample of Palestinian youth. The total sample was (231) and consisted of  (83) male and (148) female students. Each student presented a detailed report on the qualities he/she wished to be in life partner. The study used the descriptive approach and content analysis method. The validity and stability of the analysis were calculated. The results showed eight qualities in both groups: physical, psychological, emotional, social, intellectual, familial, economic and academic. Female students were found to have more variations than male students in terms of the qualities preferable in the life partner. Male students

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Publication Date
Wed Nov 01 2023
Journal Name
Journal Of Modern Project Management
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In today’s competitive environment, organizational efficiency and sustained growth are crucial for survival. The performance of an organization is intricately connected to strategic planning, prompting firms to gather and leverage competitive information for a competitive advantage. Senior managers, recognizing this, initiate actions accordingly. This study aims to investigate the relationship between foresight, vision, strategic partnerships, motivation, system thinking, and organizational performance. Data, gathered through a self-administered questionnaire from various textile units, were analysed using structural equation modelling (SEM). The findings indicate that sub-constructs of strategic intelligence positively impact organizatio

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Publication Date
Mon Mar 08 2021
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
The micronucleated erythrocytes in speeies of Iraqi fish as indieator of dilution
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The micronucleated erythrocytes in fish was used to detect water pollution by genotoxic agents. Fish belonging to different species were collected from three regions from Baghdad during three months (December/2000,January and February/2001 ).The micronucleated erythrocytes was observed in all the specimens. It was concluded that the genotoxic activity' in one region was less than in die other two regions.?

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Publication Date
Sat Mar 15 2025
Journal Name
Alustath Journal For Human And Social Sciences
Musical relational in Andalusian poetry (Ibn al-Abar (d. 595 AH - 658 AH) as an example)
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The voice had a special place in the writting of the Andalusian poet (Ibn al-Abar ) , which aroused my attention because of the sonic capacity of the lettering inside the poetic at Ibn al-Abar poems . So Istudied the qualities of the lettering , structures and their exits . Scientists have not been able to determine the musical from the nonmusical sound , but we find the innate ability of Ibn al-Abar , which was able to determine this by using the lettering the right places and to revival the life to reflect the moments of his life , therefore came votes to express his purposes of praise and pride Etc. The poet Ibn al-Abar could exploit the lettering features in the effect of bilateral – static and moving and its ability to e

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Publication Date
Wed Jun 07 2023
Journal Name
Journal Of Educational And Psychological Researches
The Effectiveness of a Program in Developing Awareness of the Criteria for Judging Electronic Educational Materials Among Students of Teaching Diploma at Dhofar University
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The study aims to develop the awareness of the criteria for judging electronic educational materials among students of educational qualification at Dhofar University over spreading the Corona pandemic through a program based on mini-educational units. The study was applied to (18) students studying Teaching diploma at Dhofar University for the academic year 2020-2021, and their number. They were chosen intentionally. The study resulted in reaching a list of criteria for judging electronic educational materials, roughly (18) criteria in the selection themes and (15) criteria in the use theme. The level of awareness of the sample members with the criteria for selecting and using electronic educational materials and the effectiveness of the

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