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Ready-made clothes for students of the University of Baghdad between reality and ambition ( A field study )
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     تعد الملابس وسيلة هامة لكل مايقوم به الانسان في حياته العامة ، فهي الانطباع والكلمة الخارجية عن ذاته الداخلية فهي تعكس فكرة الفرد عن ذاته وعن شخصيته , كما تعد وسيلة تعبير جمالية وفنية , فهي تساعد على اخفاء عيوب الجسد وابراز محاسنه . ويتوقف اختيار الفرد لملابسه على مجموعة  عوامل منها احتياجه , قدراته المالية , سنه , مركزه الاجتماعي , طبيعة عمله ,الظروف الجوية التي يعيش فيها وعلى مايُؤمن به من قيم و معتقدات .

    والملابس خاصة الجاهزة منها تلعب اليوم دوراً هاماً في دولاب ملابس الافراد عامة والفتيات في المرحلة الجامعية خاصة لكثر توافرها في الاسواق وتعدد نماذجها وملحقاتها ( اكسسواراتها ) الجذابة , والتي اصبحت بكافة تفاصيلها جزء من حياتهن فهي تشغل وقتهن وتفكيرهن وينفقن جزء لابأس به من الميزانية لاقتنائها فضلا عن الجهد المبذول في البحث عما يناسبها من ملابس للظهور بأبهى صورة في مجتمعهن , لذا فلا بد من رؤية مستقبلية  لانتاج جيل جديد من الملابس الجاهزة التي تواكب متغيرات الموضة وتستجيب لمعايير تناسق الألوان والأشكال تكون مزودة بتكنولوجيا متطورة تحفظ صحة وسلامة مرتديها في ظل التكنولوجيا الهائلة في مجال الملابس , مثل تزويد الاقمشة المستخدمة في صناعة الملابس الجاهزة باسلاك واقراص مرنة قابلة للغسيل يتم تركيب موصلات إلكترونية ومجسات في الملابس حيث تقوم أجهزة القياس بتسجيل النبض وحرارة الجسم ورطوبته وغيرها من الوظائف التي تحمي وترضي الاشخاص .   

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Publication Date
Wed Apr 26 2023
Journal Name
Journal Of Contemporary Medical Sciences
A potential role of extracellular DNA in biofilm and ciprofloxacin resistance
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Objectives: This study aims to broaden our knowledge of the role of eDNA in bacterial biofilms and antibiotic-resistance gene transfer among isolates. Methods: Staphylococcus aureus, E. coli, and Pseudomonas aeruginosa were isolated from different non-repeated 170 specimens. The bacterial isolates were identified using morphological and molecular methods. Different concentrations of genomic DNA were tested for their potential role in biofilms formed by study isolates employing microtiter plate assay. Ciprofloxacin resistance was identified by detecting a mutation in gyrA and parC. Results: The biofilm intensity significantly decreased (P < 0.05) concerning S. aureus isolates and insignificantly (P > 0.05) concernin

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Publication Date
Thu Dec 05 2013
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Modeling, stability and walking pattern generators of biped robots: a review
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SUMMARY<p>Biped robots have gained much attention for decades. A variety of researches have been conducted to make them able to assist or even substitute for humans in performing special tasks. In addition, studying biped robots is important in order to understand human locomotion and to develop and improve control strategies for prosthetic and orthotic limbs. This paper discusses the main challenges encountered in the design of biped robots, such as modeling, stability and their walking patterns. The subject is difficult to deal with because the biped mechanism intervenes with mechanics, control, electronics and artificial intelligence. In this paper, we collect and introduce a systematic discussion of modelin</p> ... Show More
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Publication Date
Sat Oct 01 2022
Journal Name
Alexandria Engineering Journal
A review of free piston engine control literature—Taxonomy and techniques
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Publication Date
Sat Feb 01 2014
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Evaluation the performance efficiency of the Public Manufacturing Sector in Iraq for the Period (2000-2009)
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The industrial production sector has an important role in the national economy of the advanced countries as well as the developing ones to get higher levels for their economy . We in Iraq , just like most of the develpoing countries , our economy still suffers of great shortage in this active sector in spite of the repeated statements about the desire of activating the contribution of this sector in the national economy . The industrial sector in Iraq suffers in general of many problems , especially the public industrial sector (manufacturing) . These problems have been  existed because of the unnatural conditions that Iraq has passed during the previous decades especially in the political and security sides . which reflecte

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Publication Date
Wed Jul 20 2022
Journal Name
Ibn Al-haitham Journal For Pure And Applied Sciences
The Change in the Land Cover of Mahmudiyah City in Iraq for the Last Three Decades
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The land cover of Mahmudiyah city, located south of the capital, Baghdad - Iraq, was studied for the period from 1986 to 2021 with five years between every two successive scenes, where Landsat scenes were used downloaded from the US Geological Survey (USGS ) website with low cloud cover for sensors TM and OLI. The land cover of the study area was classified. The total accuracy of the classification was calculated, as well as the analysis of the user accuracy and the classifier accuracy (maximum likelihood) and its impact on the overall classification accuracy. The lowest accuracy value in 2009 was (85.101% (and the highest accuracy value in 1995) was 95.654%). The constancy percentage of the class for the adopted years was calculated and

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Publication Date
Sun Jun 01 2014
Journal Name
Journal Of Accounting And Financial Studies ( Jafs )
The role of tax policy in the development of the Iraqi economy: (Applied Research for the period from 1995 to 2010)
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The tax policy is an important tool of fiscal policy tools which is usedasits multiple tools the State seeks to achieve objectives, such as theachievement of economic development.The importance of the research comes from the importance ofeconomic development resulting from economic policies and prudent fiscaland appropriate to the economic situation of Iraq at the moment is the mostimportant tax policy that taxes one of the most important financial instruments.The research aims to clarify the role of tax policy in developing of theIraqi economy.In an effort to achieve the goals researchers tried to prove thehypothesis ((The tax policy and through multiple tools that seeks to contributeto the achievement of economic development in Iraq)).

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Publication Date
Thu Sep 30 2021
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
The Reflection of the Adoption of IFRS 17 “Insurance Contracts” on the Procedures for Auditing Insurance Contracts in the Iraqi Environment
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          IFRS 17 aims to provide a unified basis for accounting for all types of insurance contracts, including reinsurance contracts, in a manner that benefits both investors and insurance companies and enhances the ability of the financial statements of insurance companies for comparison between companies listed in financial markets around the world. According to this standard, insurance contracts are accounted for on the basis of the Asset-Liability Approach and the use of fair values that the standard requires updating regularly in order to provide more useful information to the users of financial statements, as a result of the failure of reporting requirements for insurance contr

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Publication Date
Sun Sep 01 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of Accounting And Financial Studies ( Jafs )
The effect of accounting disclosure in the efficient performance of the tax authority: Applied research in the General Commission for Taxes
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               Starting with a problem of the weakness of accounting disclosure in some companies administration when preparing and presenting the financial reports which are submitted to the Tax authority. This problem impacts on Tax authority performance (The effect on the quality of the performance of the tax authority), because of the lack of conviction for the information contained in those reports, and the  failure to achieve accurate results in tax authority performance that leads to a negative impact on determining taxable income and affect tax revenue, as well as negative impact on  determining taxable income and affect tax revenue, as well as negati

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Publication Date
Thu Jun 01 2017
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Controller work specificity and their impact on performance (Applied Study in the financial oversight bodies)
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The research aims to a statement of specificity of the Controller of (academic achievement, specialty, job title, length of service, Gender) and its impact on performance, Through a proposed appraisal form includes three main axes and each axis including several specialized elements in the supervisory work in form (check list). as is the importance of research to enable officials of oversight bodies financial identify and diagnose performance Controller through what has this observer of the process of scientific properties when performing supervisory work. Be summarized problem of the research that the lack of regulatory institution with the Controller interesting in terms of the necessary characteristics and requirements and inv

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Publication Date
Sat Apr 30 2022
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Science
Algal study in the springs and streams from Shaqlawa district, Erbil Province, Iraq II- Zygnematales
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Zygnematales an order of green algae in Shaqlawa District Erbil, Kurdistan Region, Iraq, has been studied in eighteen sites, distributed between twelve springs and six along the streams within Shaqlawa district from September2019 to August2020. A total of 116 species belonging to 9 genera were identified. The most dominant genera included Spirogyra and Cosmarium (31, 30) taxa respectively. Out of them, 30 species were recorded for the first time in Iraq. Newly found genera included one species each for Cylindrocystis, Debarya, Hallasia and Staurastrum, nine species belonged to Mougeotia

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